ORANGE COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE Middletown, New York COURSE OUTLINE/SYLLABUS 1. Heading: Semester: Summer 1 Year: 2006 Department: Biology Instructors: Mr. Alford, Mr. Kahl, Mr. Vacura 2. Catalog Description: 31-121 � Introduction to Biology 2 Lecture, 3 Lab, 3 Credits An introductory course covering the scientific method, basic chemistry, cell biology, structure and function of the vertebrate body, biochemical pathways, cellular division, genetics, diversity and biological systems. Prerequisite: This course is designed for students with little or no academic background in biological sciences. 3. Relationship to Programs and Degrees: This course may be used to satisfy the science requirement for all associate degrees at OCCC. It is an introductory course in biology, and is ideal for students wishing to strengthen their academic backgrounds in biology. This is NOT the correct course for biology majors. Allied health students prior to taking Anatomy and Physiology I may also use this course. 4. Course Objectives: The successful student will be able to: A) List the steps involved when using the scientific method. State the differences between a hypothesis and a theory. B) Be able to state how living and nonliving things differ and the similarities and differences among the five major groups of living organisms. C) Describe the basic structure of atoms. D) List the differences and similarities as well as the roles in cellular and organismal functioning between carbohydrates, lipids, nucleic acids, and proteins. Be able to state how the respective monomers and polymers are formed and the processes that break them apart. E) List the major structural components of the cell and their functions. Be able to describe at an introductory level the basic cellular processes including energy transformations, protein synthesis, mitosis and meiosis. F) Describe the terms of genotype and phenotype and be able to apply knowledge obtained on how certain traits are inherited in basic Mendelian genetics. G) Describe the basic anatomy and physiology of the systems of the body that include the: circulatory, integument, respiratory, digestive, excretory, endocrine, nervous, reproductive, muscular, and skeletal systems. H) Identify the common characteristics to most plants and recognize the basic differing characteristics of the major plant groups. 5. Chronology of Study: NOTE: This schedule is tentative � Sequence of topics, as well as topics themselves (lab or lecture) may change at the discretion of the instructor. Week Day Lecture Topic (Chapter) Lab Topic (Manual Chapter) 1 1 View of Life (1); Atoms, Scientific Method, & Molecules (2) Metric System (1) 2 Bonds, Ions, & pH (2) Atoms, Bonds, and Reactions (2) 3 Organic Molecules of Life (3) Organic Molecules (4), Enzymes (5) Enzymes (handout) 2 4 Cell Structure & Function; Microscope (5); Prokaryotes & Eukaryotes (4) Cells (6) 5 Cell Cycle, Mitosis (8) Mitosis (11); Cell Transport (5) Diffusion & Osmosis (3) 6 LECTURE EXAM #1 LAB EXAM #1 Urinary & Digestive Systems (24) 3 7 Respiratory (24) & Circulatory Anatomy of Digestive (42), Systems (23) Urinary (48), Respiratory (43), & Circulatory Systems (44); Frog Dissection (28) 8 Nervous System, Anatomy of Nervous System, & Endocrine System (27) Endocrine Systems (14); Sensory Abilities (17) 9 Muscular System, Integumentary Anatomy of Integumentary, & Skeletal Systems (28) Skeletal, & Muscular Systems (13) 4 10 Muscular System, Integumentary Anatomy of Integumentary, & Skeletal Systems (28) Skeletal, & Muscular Systems (13) 11 LECTURE EXAM #2 LAB EXAM #2 12 Cellular Respiration (7) DNA & RNA (10) DNA & RNA (11) FRIDAY - LAST DAY FOR STUDENT WITHDRAWL 5 13 Meiosis (9); Reproductive Anatomy of Reproductive System; System & Embryology (29) Meiosis (12), Embryology (13) 14 Genetics (10) Genetics (14) 15 Plant Anatomy and Growth (20) Plant Life Cycles (24) Land Environment: Plants (18) Plant Structure & Function (25) 6 16 Photosynthesis (6) LAB EXAM #3 17 LECTURE EXAM #3 Review for final exam 18 *FINAL EXAM* 6. Grading System: Your numerical grade will be This will be converted to a letter determined as follows: grade as follows: Lecture Exams (3) 40% 90-100% A Lab Exams (3) 40% 80-89% B + Lab Quizzes 70-79% C Final Exam 20% 60-69% D 0-59% F 7. Types of Exams: Ask your lecture instructor about his/her policy. Exams may be subjective, objective, or both. 8. Instructional Materials: Text: Essentials of Biology, 1st edition, Sylvia S. Mader, McGraw-Hill, 2007 Laboratory Manual: Introduction to Biology, 31-121; Orange County Community College, Custom Publishing, McGraw-Hill, 2005 *Study Guide Accompaniment (Optional)* *Clay Adams Dissection Kit (Optional)* 9. Attendance Policy: Attendance is mandatory. Attendance in lecture and laboratory will be noted. Any student with excessive (>2) or unexplained absences may be penalized on their final grade or withdrawn from the course at the discretion of the instructor. If an absence is unavoidable you should notify your instructor as soon as possible so they can inform you of your academic situation. Please see your instructor if you have any special considerations that could interfere with this policy. Laboratory work is an essential part of this course. A student who misses even one laboratory session for any reason should consider this a serious threat to his/her academic standing. The responsibility for making up missed work rests entirely with the student. The student must plan to make up any missed work. In the laboratory, there will be daily quizzes. There may not be any make-ups for scheduled lecture or laboratory exams. A student missing an exam must be prepared to receive a zero, at the discretion of the instructor. A cumulative final exam is given in this course. 10. Instructor Withdrawal Policy: Students CANNOT withdraw from the course, except for extenuating circumstances, after the date for withdrawals (June 23rd). The instructor does NOT withdraw students beyond the student initiated withdrawal date without a specific request. 11. Support Services: There are many opportunities to receive help with this course outside the classroom: 1. Instructor office hours will be announced by each instructor. 2. BATCAVERN BT 155 (see Ms. Penny Gullette or Mr. David Logan) 3. Individual tutoring: Applications can be found at the Learning Resource Center in the library or the BATCAVERN. 4. Students with any learning difficulty or a documented disability who anticipate needing accommodations in the course, please contact the Office of Disability Services (341-4100) located on the 3rd floor of the Commons Building. Please request that the Advocate for Services to Students with Disabilities send a letter verifying your disability. 12. Conduction in Class: You are expected to come to class ready to learn. Distracting conversations will not be tolerated and you will be asked to leave if you are engaging in such activity. You are expected to remain in class for the entire class period, or until completion of the laboratory; coming in and out of class is distracting. Please see me if you have special considerations that could interfere with this policy. Academic Integrity- You are expected to do your own work any violation of this could result in a failing grade for the class. Please have the courtesy to turn off your cell phone during class. The active use of any device classified as a "telecommunications device," including but not limited to pagers, cellular phones, PDA's, and messaging devices, is prohibited in classrooms, as well as in other areas where a classroom atmosphere is assumed (e.g. libraries, labs, theaters, administrative offices), except by special permission of the instructor. Passive use, including silent and vibrate mode, may be used, provided it does not compromise the educational process or promote an unethical situation. Instructors reserve the right to regulate the monitoring of such devices as necessary. 13. Office Location, Hours, Telephone: Your instructor is available to you for help with course material, for academic career advising and to help you use the resources of the College. Each instructor in this course will post office hours and a telephone contact or e-mail address if different from the following. Instructor: Telephone E-mail Address Mr. Alford 341-4124 Mr. Kahl 562-2454 Mr. Vacura 341-4281