I. CALL TO ORDER II. OATH OF OFFICE III. CONSENT AGENDA (Items A through G) Note: Consent Agenda items held for discussion will be moved to Item H A. Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes of December 8, 2010 B. Approval of Petty Cash Reimbursements for December 2010 and January 2011 C. Approval of Staff and Chair Appointments D. Approval of Faculty Appointments E. Approval of Sabbatical Request F. Management Confidential Appointment G. Approval of Management Confidential Retirement IV. PRESIDENT�S REPORT � President William Richards V. REPORT OF THE COLLEGE GOVERNANCE SYSTEM � Robert Misiak VI. REPORT OF THE STUDENT TRUSTEE � Vicki Boucher- Parisella VII. OLD BUSINESS VIII. NEW BUSINESS IX . CHAIRMAN�S COMMENTS � Arthur Anthonisen X. COMMITTEE REPORTS AND/OR RECOMMENDATIONS Committee Chair Meeting Schedule Report Schedule Audit and Finance Trustee Krahulik November, May December, June Academic and Student Services Trustee Murphy October, April November, May Governance and Nominating Trustee Murphy September, May October, June President�s Performance Review and Compensation Trustee Krahulik June September XI. COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC XII. BOARD DISCUSSION XIII. EXECUTIVE SESSION XIV. BOARD ADJOURNMENT NEXT BOARD MEETING Wednesday, March 14, 2011 � 5:00 pm � Gilman Center 6:00 pm Dinner � Gilman Center