MINUTES OF THE ORANGE COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING HELD ON WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 8, 2010, AT 8:30 AM IN MUSIC ROOM, MORRISON HALL Present: Chair A. Anthonisen, Vice Chair G. Mokotoff, Secretary M. Murphy, V. Boucher-Parisella T. Hunter, R. Krahulik, S. O�Donnell, J. Wolfe Absent: R. Calderin, H. Ullrich I. CALL TO ORDER - Chairman Arthur Anthonisen called the meeting to order at 8:30 am. OATH OF OFFICE - Chairman Anthonisen administered the Oath of Office to Trustee Thomas H. Hunter. Trustee Hunter informed the Board that he is honored to serve since education is an important part of his family history. His uncle and brother are Trustee Emeriti. II. CONSENT AGENDA A motion was made to approve Consent Agenda Krahulik/Wolfe items A �E. Unanimous A. Approved the regular Meeting Minutes dated November 10, 2010. B. Approved Petty Cash report for November 2010 in the amount of $0.00. C. Approved Staff and Chair Appointments Name Title Effective Alexander Bolorin Student Support Initiatives Specialist, Grade I 1/3/11 Stephen A. Hedderton, Jr. Assistant Director of Communications For Publications, Grade II 11/15/10 Kelly Fox Assistant Registrar, Grade II 1/3/11 Dolores Jones Technical Assistant for Student Support Initiatives, Grade I 1/3/11 Madeline Torres-Diaz Director of Student Support Initiatives, Grade III 1/3/11 D. Approved Faculty Appointment Name Title Effective Michele Farrell Communication Instructor, Arts and Communication Department, Spring 2011 Newburgh Campus, Year I Semester E. Approved Management Confidential/Faculty Retirements Years of Name Discipline Service Effective Faculty Mary Ann Van Benschoten Professor, Library Instruction and Archives Librarian 13 12/31/10 Roseanne Witkowski Instructor, Applied Technology Department 28 7/1/11 At the same time, the Board approved the Early Retirement Incentive (under the Faculty contract) and granted the status of Professor Emerita to Instructor Roseanne Witkowski for her 28 years of dedicated service to the College and the students. Management Confidential Maryann Raab Executive Assistant to the President 13 2/1/11 III. PRESIDENT�S REPORT- William Richards > Congratulations were extended to David Kohn, Director of Continuing and Professional Education, who has been named the President of Continuing Education Association of New York (CEANY). > As a result of the seamless transfer and partnership with Franklin University, two students Sandra D�Amico and Eric Roussos have become the third and fourth students to receive bachelors� degrees from Franklin University. > Holiday Event Reminders: Holiday Open House 12/11-12/12, 12/18 and 12/19 from 1 � 4 pm SUNY Orange/OC Citizens Foundation Holiday Reception on 12/16 from 5 � 7 pm Tour of Kaplan Hall � 12/9 at 4 pm � Parking reserved in the Maple Building garage > Phi Theta Kappa hosted a children�s book drive. Hundreds of books were collected and delivered to various organizations. > Adopt-a-Family - Forty of the college�s departments, clubs, student senate and individual employees adopted 57 families for a total of 222 people. Wrapped gifts were purchased and waiting to be picked up by the organizations that sponsored the families. > Veterans Fundraiser - Student Senator Erica Cruz spearheaded this notable effort to gather gifts for troops overseas. > Association of Community College Trustees (ACCT) National Legislative Conference will be held in Washington, DC from 2/13- 2/15. Chair Anthonisen and Trustees Calderin, Boucher-Parisella and Wolfe plan to attend. > Congresswoman Nan Hayworth�s local Oath of Office will be held in Orange Hall on 1/16/11. > The Board should have received the Capital Campaign�s Annual Fund information in the mail. Appreciation was extended to the Trustees� generosity so far, which has been significant. > At the 11/22 College Assembly meeting, a United Way presentation was provided. Collaboration on both campuses will be the main focus for this year�s United Way campaign. IV. REPORT OF THE COLLEGE GOVERNANCE SYSTEM � Robert Misiak, President > At the 11/22 College Assembly, the discussion items included: 1. United Way Presentation was made to the College Community. Detailed information will be sent to all college community employees. REPORT OF THE COLLEGE GOVERNANCE SYSTEM (cont�d) 2. The Ad Hoc Committee on Governance report was provided. 3. Sustainability Report - Kirsten Gabrielsen conducted a presentation highlighting the wonderful sustainable projects that are taking place on campus. 4. Academic Policy Committee Report � Assistant Professor Patricia Sculley. The following items were presented and will be voted on at the January 2011 Assembly meeting. * Recommendation for Change in Commencement Policy * Recommendation for Clarification of Policy 28 (developmental courses �three strikes� policy) proposed by the Developmental Education Standing Committee). 5. Associate Professor Thomas Giorgianni attended the NYS Faculty Council of Community Colleges Fall Plenary session. Topics discussed centered on lobbying the State for budget increases and increased enrollment at community colleges. V. REPORT OF THE STUDENT TRUSTEE � Vicki Boucher-Parisella Student Senate > A Student Senate event was held in Newburgh on 11/30 from 11 am � 2 pm to discuss governance and entertainment at the Newburgh campus. Nine students expressed interest in joining the Newburgh Student Senate. > Veterans � Care Packages Project for Soldiers - This effort produced the following outcome: On 12/7/10 five boxes were mailed. Four boxes were sent to the Marines and Army, filled with food, clothing, hygiene items and writing supplies. One box of clothing was mailed to an organization in Virginia catering to injured soldiers. Board of Activities > Pet Supply Drive will be conducted through 12/17. Donation boxes are located in the Shepard Center at the Information Desk and in the main lobby at the Newburgh Campus, Tower Building. VI. OLD BUSINESS - None VII. NEW BUSINESS - None VIII. BOARD CHAIR COMMENTS � Arthur Anthonisen > President Richards circulated a letter from Janet Stonick thanking the board for a merit stipend she received in June 2010. > Discussion continued regarding a letter sent to New York Community College Trustees (NYCCT) from Cliff Wood, President of the New York Community College Association of Presidents with regard to the SUNY Chancellor�s request to review the performance of the SUNY Community College Presidents. The consensus among community college boards is that their presidents� performance reviews rests with the individual college�s board of trustees. > NYCCT is considering re-establishing a Community College Day. > Chair Anthonisen attended the Annual Holiday Client Appreciation Dinner hosted by Trustee Stephen O�Donnell in Port Jervis. > Trustee Roberto Calderin was appointed as an Alternate Member of the ACCT Diversity Committee and will attend the committee meeting at the National Legislative Conference. IX. COMMITTEE REPORTS AND/OR RECOMMENDATIONS Academic and Student Services Committee - None Audit and Finance Committee - Trustee Krahulik reported: > At the 11/10 meeting, the committee reviewed and adopted the audit, which was positive, completed at the end of the summer. The committee focused on revenue and expenditures while contemplating further reductions in future State aid. Preliminary enrollment figures indicated that the headcount is up ten percent and FTEs increased almost seven percent. Governance and Nominating Committee - None President�s Performance Review & Compensation - None X. COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC > President of the Faculty Association Kathleen Malia announced that the Faculty Association contract is in its fourth year of a five-year contract. The association is focusing on inclusion of new faculty members who will be bringing forth new issues and proposals. > President Richards will discuss with County Executive Edward Diana the possibility of commencing contract negotiations as early as 8/31/11. > Past Student Trustee Corrina Stoker visited President Richards yesterday. Due to a scheduling glitch at Marist, Ms. Stoker will attend SUNY Orange for a botany course this semester. She will also utilize Kindercollege for her son while attending. > Vice President Richard Heppner received a report stating that SUNY Orange transfer persistence tops the list of the 30 New York community colleges by a wide margin. XI. BOARD DISCUSSION > Trustee Margaret Murphy acknowledged Associate Professor Sheila Donnelly for organizing a joint Holocaust presentation for SUNY Orange Newburgh and Mt. St. Mary students. More than 300 people attended the event. SUNY Orange�s hospitality was exceptional. > Trustee Joan Wolfe attended the most recent College Association meeting where their association�s audit report was approved. Revenues from the bookstore are up. The Association is looking at options for food services and the bookstore, e.g. considering students� needs both in Middletown and Newburgh for operating both services during evening hours. > Trustee Wolfe sits on the Steering Committee for the new Lab School. A partnership is being worked on with the Middletown Enlarged City School District for their participation with Lab School. > On 3/14 a joint dinner will be held for the Board of Trustees and the SUNY Orange Foundation members. Trustees Krahulik and Ullrich presently serve on the Foundation board. XII. BOARD ADJOURNMENT At 9:15 am a motion was made (Wolfe/Krahulik) to adjourn the meeting. Respectfully submitted, Maryann Raab Executive Assistant to the President NEXT BOARD MEETING JANUARY 12, 2010 8:30 AM MUSIC ROOM, MORRISON HALL December 8, 2010 - Board Minutes - 5