MINUTES OF THE ORANGE COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE BOARD OF TRUSTEES� MEETING Tuesday, December 10, 2013 Music Room, Morrison Hall Middletown Campus Present: Chair J. Wolfe, Secretary M. Murphy, G. Mokotoff, T. Hunter, A. De La Rosa, S. O�Donnell, R. Krahulik Absent: Vice Chair H. Ullrich I. CALL TO ORDER - Chair Wolfe called the meeting to order at 5:00 PM Chair Wolfe welcomed all and moved directly to the Committee of the Whole presentation on Student Housing Feasibility Study by representatives from Brailsford and Dunlavey. VP Cazzetta introduced Jeff Turner, Project Executive; Nicholas Gabel, Project Coordinator and Brandon Kelley, Assistant Project Manager. A comprehensive presentation was given by the team, noting conversations, studies and surveys done with Faculty, Staff and students in the past several months. The following items were reviewed and an open discussion ensued between trustees and several members of the Foundation Board who were in attendance. * Goals and Objectives * Visioning Session Review * Market Analysis Demographic Analysis o Focus Group Findings o Stakeholder interviews o College Assembly Summary o Off-Campus Market Analysis o Survey Analysis * Benchmark Analysis * Demand Analysis * Considerations * Next Steps Phase II of the project, should Administration go forward, is a financial analysis. Trustees determined that they would like to visit some of our sister colleges who currently have student housing and these visits will be planned for spring. The presentation in its entirety will be posted on the �P� drive in the President�s folder for the college community to review. II. CONSENT AGENDA Chair Wolfe requested a motion to approve the Consent Agenda: A. Approval of regular minutes from November 12, 2013 B. Approval of Petty Cash Reimbursements and Financial Statements for November 2013 C. Approval of Appointments Board Minutes � December 10, 2013 � Page 2 Faculty: Name Discipline Effective Cecilia Dos Santos Assistant Professor 11/6/13 English Department Pro-rated for Fall 2013 Emergency Hire Staff/Chair: Name Discipline Effective Juan Carlos Pineiro Coordinator of Student Engagement 12/2/13 and Student Activities, Newburgh Campus Pro-rated for 12/2/13 � 8/31/14 Grade II Student Engagement and Completion Natalie McKinstrie Coordinator Resource Development 12/2/13 Grade II Pro-rated for 12/2/13 � 8/31/14 Institutional Advancement Laura Morcone Associate Director of Admissions 12/2/13 Grade II Pro-rated for 12/2/13 � 8/31/14 Admissions Artur Charukhchyan Assistant Director of Information Systems 11/18/13 Grade II Pro-rated for Information Services and Network Infrastructure 11/18/13 � 8/31/14 Management/Confidential: Name Discipline Effective Linda Williams Interim Associate Vice President Liberal Arts Pro-rated for Spring 2014 Academic Affairs Promotion D. Approval of Tenure for AY 2012-2013 Faculty Department Christopher Rigby Applied Technologies Damon Ely Biology Katherine Sinsabaugh Education Alexandra Kay English Andrea Laurencell-Sheridan English Eric Wortman Mathematics Suzanne Montgomery* Nursing Cheryl Whalen Nursing Edward Leonard Physical Therapist Assistant Megumi Kinoshita Science, Engineering & Architecture William Stillman Science, Engineering & Architecture A motion was made to accept consent agenda for approval. Murphy/O�Donnell Unanimous Board Minutes � December 10, 2013 � Page 3 III. President�s Report: > A list of upcoming events was distributed: o BOT & OCCF Holiday Party - Thursday, December 12 o Holiday Open House - 12/7, 12/8, 12/14, 12/15 o Nursing Pinning Ceremony � Wednesday, December 18 > President Richards� term as a board member with Orange County Citizens Foundation has ended and Jo Ann Hamburg, Comptroller will represent SUNY Orange going forward. > A summary of the Affordable Care Act Plan was distributed noting changes that pertain to part-time employees of the College who may not work over 29 hours total per week. > The Newburgh Campus Rain Garden is complete and pictures will be shared at the next board meeting. > At the January board meeting, trustees will approve the final Self-Study document which will be forwarded to the Middle States review team. At his preliminary visit Dr. Hoy comments were quite positive with regard to our preparation. > A proposal for the County to purchase 3 buildings in Newburgh is in process and the County legislature will meet and vote. If approved, the College would be instrumental in creating a tax-free zone in one of the buildings which will attract new business to the city and to our campus. > Three SUNY Orange students have been chosen to attend the �Women of Physics� conference and their names will be given at the next board meeting. > The Pediatric Wellness Conference coordinated by Kathy Zurillo, Nursing Faculty, was a great success. > Five faculty members have been asked to present papers at the Tri-State Best Practices Conference: Collaborations and Connections. They are Dena Whipple, Michele Paradies, Michelle Iannuzzi-Sucich, Elaine Torda & Geoffrey Platt (with Student Presenters.) > President Richards will provide a summary of the Student Housing internal comments at the January board meeting. > The College will host the Swearing-In ceremony for the new County Executive, Steve Neuhaus; District Attorney, Dave Hoovler; and County Clerk, Annie Rabbitt on January 1st in the Gymnasium. IV. REPORT OF THE COLLEGE GOVERNANCE SYSTEM � Michelle Tubbs > Executive Committee has approved a revised charge for the Athletic Advisory Committee that specifies the committee follows the Title IX Guidelines and NJCAA Region XV and Mid-Hudson Conference regulations when developing policies & procedures for the college�s athletic program. > The Scholarship Committee is working to finalize the details of some changes in practice that will include Foundation members being a bit more involved in the review of scholarship applicants and selection of scholarship recipients in order to continue satisfying its fiduciary responsibility of being one of the most compliant 501 c-3 organizations. > The administration is currently working to modify the PBIE (Planning & Budgeting for Institutional Effectiveness) Committee�s role and participation in institutional planning, resource allocation & assessment, and hence determine how its activities and practices will change. This committee is also expected to participate in the review of the Strategic Plan/Priorities and the College�s Vision/Mission for the development of the 2015-2020 Strategic Plan. > At their 11/18 meeting, the Assembly body endorsed both the FCCC Rational Funding Resolution (which asks the state to provide appropriate financial support to community colleges) and the FCCC De Facto Core Curriculum Resolution (which urges SUNY to cease its attempt to standardize the curriculum in the manner they have been with Seamless Transfer). Board Minutes � December 10, 2013 � Page 4 > As instructed in a memo dated 11/19 from the SUNY Provost & Vice-Chancellor, Stacey Moegenburg (our Seamless Transfer administrative lead) and I (our governance leader) have been working collaboratively to identify faculty members to serve on review groups for each of the SUNY transfer paths (33 in all). Each transfer path review group will include a faculty member from each state-op and community college and work virtually to review the transfer path. The deadline for this review and each group to report to SUNY is 3/14/14. > Other major projects Executive Committee is currently working on and hoping to have completed by the end of the academic year are: o A comprehensive review & revision of the Governance Constitution & By-Laws. o Development of an assessment tool and process for governance committees. V. REPORT OF THE STUDENT TRUSTEE � Alex De La Rosa Collaboration between Campuses: > The BOA � Senate Retreat will be on January 10th, 11th, and 12th. The purpose of this event is for the students from each organization to meet each other and encourage collaboration between the organizations. The details for the annual Semi- Formal will be discussed and finalized. All organization will review constitutions and bi-laws and make amendments as necessary. It will be held at the YMCA in Pine Bush. > All four organizations participated in Adopt-A-Family this holiday season. Each organization fundraised money to purchase gifts for families in need. Student Senate: > Middletown Senate is working on updating appliances for the Middletown Campus. They have approved the purchase of three new microwaves that will be placed throughout the campus. > Newburgh Senate is working on a resolution for the cafeteria that was shut down in the Tower building. They are also working on a resolution to extend the library hours so they are identical to Middletown�s. > At the retreat both senates will discuss introducing a �feeder program� for the Student Trustee position. The purpose of this program would be to take a few interested students and prepare them to the positions. The experience will introduce them to the professional environment they will be working in and also generate a greater interest in Student Government. Board of Activities (BOA): > Middletown BOA held a �Holy Jolly Holiday Party�. This event was held for SUNY Orange students and their families and featured a dinner, arts and crafts, and gifts for children. The holiday party was a great success and will most likely become an annual event. > Newburgh BOA volunteered at Safe Harbors of The Hudson�s annual Thanksgiving Dinner. The dinner provides a meal for those less fortunate and provides a family-like atmosphere for people who typically wouldn�t experience it. > The Newburgh Campus is grateful for their new additions to their campus, Pete Socia and Juan Carlos. Both are making tremendous efforts to revitalizes student life on campus and BOA and Senate are excited to work with them. VI OLD BUSINESS: N/A VII NEW BUSINESS: N/A Board Minutes � December 10, 2013 � Page 5 VIII. BOARD CHAIR COMMENTS � Joan Wolfe > Chair Wolfe expressed appreciation and thanks to the Middletown Garden Lovers Club for the work they did once again this year on the Holiday Open House at Morrison Hall. This year, the children of the Lab School created decorations for one of the trees and as always, the rooms were decorated beautifully.. > Two names have been approved by the Education Committee of the County Legislature and they will be sent forward for the entire legislature to vote. > Chair Wolfe wished all a very happy holiday season. IX. COMMITTEE REPORTS AND/OR RECOMMENDATIONS: N/A X. COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC: > Foundation Board member, Nick Illobre, noted that the Capital Campaign closing event went very well. The organizations and individuals who were honored with rooms named after them were very pleased. > Student Trustee De La Rosa announced that the Board of Activities hosted a Holly Jolly Party for the holiday season. > Chair Wolfe asked President Richards to consider how to include the County in the discussions regarding Student Housing and let the board know. > Chair Wolfe suggested that a meeting with the Athletic Department leaders may be beneficial since many athletes typically utilize student housing options at other Colleges. > Trustee O�Donnell expressed concern with discipline when student housing is located on campus and asked the board to consider liabilities and disciplinary issues for student behavioral issues. > Chair Wolfe suggested again that visiting sister colleges to gain a better understanding of student housing and visits will be scheduled for trustees at two or three colleges. > Chair Wolfe announced that the February 11th board meeting has been moved to Tuesday, February 18th as three board members are attending the National Legislative Summit in Washington on February 11th. XI. BOARD DISCUSSION: N/A XII. EXECUTIVE SESSION: N/A XIII. BOARD ADJOURNMENT At 6:45 PM, a motion was made (Hunter/De La Rosa) to adjourn the meeting. Respectfully submitted, Carol A. Murray Secretary to the Board NEXT BOARD MEETING Tuesday, January 14, 2014 Board Room, Tower Building, Newburgh, NY 5 PM