MINUTES OF THE ORANGE COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING MONDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2013, 4 pm Music Room, Morrison Hall, Middletown Campus Present: Chair J. Wolfe, Vice Chair H. Ullrich, Secretary M. Murphy, A. Anthonisen, G. Mokotoff, R. Krahulik T. Hunter, J. Westbrook Absent: Stephen O�Donnell I. CALL TO ORDER - Chair Joan Wolfe called the meeting to order at 4 PM. Chair Wolfe issued the Oath of Office to newly appointed student trustee, Jason Westbrook II. CONSENT AGENDA Chair Wolfe requested a motion to approve the Consent Agenda: A. Approval of regular minutes from January 14, 2013 B. Approval of Petty Cash Reimbursements and Financial Statements for January 2013 C. Approval of Faculty Appointments Faculty: Name Discipline Effective Linda Werner Instructor, Full-time, temporary Spring 2013 Nursing (Emergency Basis) Kristina Thompson Instructor, Full-time, tenure track Spring 2013 Nursing Moved from temporary status to full-time tenure track Kathleen Thaler Instructor, Full-time, tenure track Spring 2013 Nursing Moved from temporary status to full-time tenure track D. Approval of Retirement Management Confidential Discipline Effective Mindy Ross* Vice President Newburgh Campus 6/30/13 *At the same time, the board approved the status of Professor Emeritus for her 30 years of dedicated service to the College and the students throughout her career. *In addition, the board approved early retirement incentive. Chair Wolfe wished VP Ross well in her retirement and commended her for her many achievements, especially with her leadership at the Newburgh Campus for the past several years. A motion was made to accept consent agenda for approval. Krahulik/Ullrich Unanimous Board Minutes � February 11, 2013 � Page 2 III. President�s Report: > The Steel Topping Ceremony for the Center for Science and Engineering will be held on Wednesday, February 13th at 10 AM and all are welcome to attend and sign their names to the last beam before it is hoisted into place. A brief celebration of the occasion will be held in the Gilman Center directly after the ceremony. > Substantial completion for the Center for Science and Engineering is about one year away and the College is very excited about the progress. > A SOARS (SUNY Orange Achievement in Research and Scholarship) conference will be held on Saturday, March 9th. There is a breakfast at 8:30 AM in the Music Room, followed by 6 posters and 21 research papers which will be presented by students in the Gilman Center. > The Phi Theta Kappa Induction Ceremony will take place on Friday, April 12th at 6 PM in the Shepard Student Center. > The College is finalizing contracts with JMZ for the design of the first floor of the Maple building and the updated Facilities Master plan. > President Richards expressed the gratitude of the College and himself for the work that Mindy Ross has accomplished over the years. The Newburgh campus organization and design was facilitated by VP Ross and she is the principal writer of the application which gave us Branch Campus status. He thanked her for all of the leadership positions she has held at the College, as both a faculty member and administrator. IV. REPORT OF THE COLLEGE GOVERNANCE SYSTEM � Michelle Tubbs > Most committees have held their first meeting and have begun their work for the spring semester. Each committee chair provided a brief report at Assembly summarizing what they accomplished in the fall semester and what they have plans to work on during the spring semester. > A Nominating Committee has been formed to oversee the nominations & elections for the four governance positions that have terms expiring (Governance President, Governance Vice-President, FCCC Delegate & FCCC Alternate Delegate). Nominations for these positions were opened and elections should be completed by the end of March/beginning of April . > VP Newburgh Campus has responded favorably to Executive Committee�s recommendations pertaining to the Cultural Affairs programming at the college. Newburgh Cultural Affairs will work�with the current advisory board, which will be broadened to include Newburgh faculty and staff representation, and this advisory board and the Cultural Affairs coordinators will work to seek more grant support for cultural programs.� �� > Executive Committee is in the process of receiving feedback from the individual committees regarding their perspective on the need for Newburgh representation on their committees. Executive Committee will be using the feedback to determine their response to the recommendations contained in the Ad Hoc Committee�s Report. > Executive Committee will soon be proposing revisions to the definitions and first three articles contained in its Constitution & By-Laws. These revisions pertain to the Purpose & Objectives of our College Governance System and the Membership of Assembly & Right to Vote at Assembly. EC will finalize the language and vote at their next meeting. It will then be circulated two weeks prior, discussed at the March 11th Assembly meeting, and then voted on at the April 15th Assembly meeting. V. REPORT OF THE STUDENT TRUSTEE � Jason Westbrook > Collaboration between Campuses: The Board of Activities and Senates of both campuses met at the YMCA in Greenkill for a weekend retreat from January 11th thru 13th. They participated in team building activities and went over themes for semi-formal. The event was a huge success and has increased collaboration amongst all 4 organizations. > Newburgh Student Senate Elections:The Newburgh Student Senate held elections between Board Minutes � February 11, 2013 � Page 3 > January 29-31 for the three vacant senator seats. Zuri Beadle, Steven Forester and Matt Romano were elected as new senators. Congrats to them for their dedication to student life. > Student Senate Membership: > The Middletown Senate members are: President, Brittney Flaherty, Vice President, Jake Kalish, Treasurer, Yemissi Kifouly, and Secretary, Diana Parisi. The remaining Senators are Sandy Aulet, Michael Rohan, Luis Espana, Joseph Credendino, Kyle Dieterle and Jonathan Pearson. Middletown Senate also has three Senator At-Large positions filled: George Panzoni, Monica Weinrich, Saritza St. Thomas. > The Newburgh Senate consists of: President Jason Westbrook, Vice President Jimmy Mera, Treasurer Adam Harrision, and Secretary Danny Torres. The remaining Senators are Amanda Quintana, Tara Giampaolo, Alex De La Rosa, Zuri Beadle, Steven Forester and Matt Romano. > Student Senate Scholarships: The Senates are both currently forming criteria to award a $500 scholarship to a returning student for outstanding leadership contributions in supporting campus and college efforts within clubs and organizations. The Newburgh Student Senate has invited President Richards, VP Ross, VP Perfetti, and VP Broadie to their next meeting on February 14th to discuss the library hours and availability of services on the two campuses. The Newburgh Student Senate has also formed the Inter-Club Council to promote and facilitate interaction, communication and collaboration among the Newburgh Campus clubs. > Board Of Activities: The Board of Activities on both campuses continue to host amazing events for all students. > Campus Activities: Student Trustee Westbrook emailed the clubs on the Middletown Campus to introduce himself and provide any assistance that he can. He has encouraged them to let him know when and where they are hosting events so he can try to attend and show support. He has done the same for the Newburgh Campus Clubs and introduced himself to the Inter Club Council. The Newburgh Business Club is currently hosting a lecture series co-sponsored by the Orange County Chamber of Commerce on how to start your own business. The events run on Wednesday evenings, 2/13/13, 2/27/13, 3/6/13, and 3/13/13. > SUNY Student Assembly Conference: The Student Assembly is scheduled for the weekend of April 12th in Albany New York. Senators from both Campuses will be in attendance, final names and numbers will be determined in the near future. > Student Awareness: Students have addressed a safety concern regarding the new parking garage in Middletown. They are suggesting that Mirrors be put up to view around blind corners to see what is coming. Many Students have brought concerns over the differences in library hours between the two campuses. > COLT Night: This is an event hosted by the Senate every semester for the clubs. It is known as Campus Organization and Leadership Training Night. Daniel Caron will be the guest speaker for this event, which takes place on March 1st on the Middletown Campus. VI OLD BUSINESS � N/A VII. NEW BUSINESS A motion was made to approve BP 3.17: Reporting/Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse After discussion regarding the language of the resolution the board approved the resolution with one change to the first sentence of the policy. The first sentence shall read �SUNY Orange employees who witness or have reasonable cause to suspect any sexual abuse of a child occurring on SUNY Orange property�or occurring off-campus during official College business or College-sponsored events�shall have an affirmative obligation to report such conduct to SUNY Orange Safety and Security or any relevant local police department immediately�. Krahulik/Ullrich Unanimous Board Minutes � February 11, 2013 � Page 4 A motion was made to approve Resolution No 5: Resolution to approve Board of Trustees� Scholarship Ullrich/Hunter Unanimous A motion was made to award a posthumous degree to John Behler, who passed away in a tragic car accident. John was in good academic standing and would have received his degree in May. The Board of Trustees reviewed BP 6.15 which considers the awarding of a posthumous degree and a motion was made to approve the awarding of a posthumous degree to John Behler�s family. Anthonisen/Murphy Unanimous VIII. BOARD CHAIR COMMENTS � Joan Wolfe > Information regarding Chargebacks was distributed and Trustee Wolfe noted that she and Trustee Anthonisen attended a conference at Rockland Community College in which discussion of Chargebacks took place. The report is very informational. > SUNY Orange student, Amber Corrigan, earned 14th and 15th wins on the season in pitching and SUNY Orange Colts won the Region XV crown. > Chair Wolfe was asked by President Richards to address a change in board meeting day each month. The board will review their schedules and advise on their availability. The March meeting will remain as is, until calendars have been reviewed. President Richards added that there are several meetings held on the 2nd Monday of each month at the College, such as Assembly, Division and Department meetings and therefore, it is difficult for members of the College Governance and Association leaders to attend the Board meetings. > Chair Wolfe inquired about adding a working meeting each month, in addition to the board meetings. The meetings would take place the Monday before the board meetings at 4 PM, for the next three months. The purpose of the meetings would be to review budget, programs, and housing. Trustee Krahulik suggested the meeting take place the hour before the board meeting, noting that the Audit and Finance Committee will be discussing finances. Trustee Wolfe invited anyone who would like to attend the March meeting of the Audit and Finance Committee to do so. IX. COMMITTEE REPORTS AND/OR RECOMMENDATIONS Audit and Finance Committee: > The proposed increase in student fees will result in an additional $600,000 of income. > There are signs that New York State will provide an additional $750,000 through tuition reimbursement. This is not a guarantee, but the College is hopeful. > There have been two scenarios developed by VP Smith. The first is a proposed tuition increase of $200 per year, which still leaves a deficit of 1.5 Million dollars. This would require the county to provide an additional 4% above and beyond what they provided last year. The other scenario is based on a $300 per year increase in tuition, resulting in a $960,000 deficit which would only require a 2% increase in the County�s contribution. These factors are yet unknown, but are achievable and realistic which could result in a more modest tuition increase. Trustee Krahulik requested an Executive Session for the purpose of discussing personnel issues involving the trustees� budget. Board Minutes � February 11, 2013 � Page 5 Committee of the Whole: Sustainability Update: Kirsten Gabrielsen, Sustainability Coordinator Ms. Gabrielsen thanked the board for adopting the Sustainability policy a few months ago. She then presented an update on sustainability efforts at the College, as follows:. Faculty and Staff Opinion Survey: > Out of 417 respondents, 77% agree that the College is committed to Sustainability. > The College community commented that while sustainability efforts are in process, it may not be seen enough in daily practice. Follow-Up to Board Retreat discussion in June, 2012: > Composting: There are now 5 composters on Campus > Social Media is being used more often: Face Book and Campus Grapevine. There are two Facebook pages: a SUNY Orange page and an additional page specifically related to SUNY Orange Sustainability. > Annual Reports are available on the �P� Drive regarding sustainability efforts. > Sustainability is now included in new employee orientations. > Purchasing local food on campus was discussed with Bob Glohs and he makes every effort to use local vendors, depending on seasonal needs. > CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) is being researched as a possibility for a workplace CSA. Partnering with local farms to have shares brought to campus would allow employees and students to participate and purchase local produce. > Recycling overhaul was done and there are now 33 recycle centers and the College should expect an outcome of an additional 1600 pounds of recyclable materials collected in a year. > Transportation is our largest footprint on emissions and efforts continue to get more people to ride share and working with the Department of Transportation to set up portals for students and employees, not the entire community. > STARS (Sustainability Tracking and Reporting System) report is due in January 2014. Three years ago we received a bronze rating therefore we hope to do even better in 2014. > A Climate Action plan is required through our affiliation with the President�s Climate Commitment. > Greenhouse Gas Emissions reporting is continual every year. > A Garden Workshop series has been planned in the Devitt Center consisting of 3 workshops and information was distributed. Bookmarks were distributed containing pertinent information regarding sustainability and where to find information on the website such as STARS and Greenhouse Gas Emission reports. Trustee Krahulik suggested that the College talk with Mayor De Stefano regarding extending the Heritage Trail into Middletown which might assist in the transportation efforts. President Richards commended Ms. Gabrielsen for her professional and dedicated leadership efforts and the Sustainability Committee for all of their efforts. Institutional Effectiveness Plan: Heather Perfetti, Vice President for Academic Affairs Christine Work, Inst. Planning, Assessment and Research Officer > VP Perfetti & Ms. Work updated the Board on the Institutional Effectiveness Plan noting that the plan will be ready for their review in March. The following is an overview of points discussed: Board Minutes � February 11, 2013 � Page 6 > Our Institutional Effectiveness plan will measure the College�s performance against its mission and this will be done on a continuous basis to provide continuous improvement of the planning and assessment process. > The College�s goal for the Institutional Effectiveness is to guide the College in developing institutional assessment activities to best measure the effectiveness of the College in meeting its goals. It will also provide assistance in identifying areas that need improvement. Lastly, it will be a guide for analysis, decision making and allocation of resources. > The steps taken in developing the Institutional Effectiveness Plan were reviewed beginning with the review of the College�s goals in Fall of 2012 followed by ongoing modifications to the Planning and Prioritization System (PIP), Annual reports documenting goals for all VP areas, collection and analysis of institutional data, presentations to Cabinet and the College Assembly, Consultation with Linda Suskie, and focus groups conducted for all staff and faculty. > Institutional Effectiveness measures will be finalized in AY 2012-2013 and benchmarks will be finalized and reviewed by Cabinet. > In March, the final Institutional Effectiveness Plan will be presented to the Board of Trustees for formal review and then disseminated College-Wide > In June, Annual reports will capture Institutional Effectiveness measures and Cabinet will review progress and set priorities. President Richards noted that we have submitted our request for Chair of the Middle States Review committee and a logistics team has been formed to coordinate the visit for 2014. X. COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC: N/A XI. BOARD DISCUSSION President Richards announced that at the March Board meeting there will be a joint dinner with the leaders of the SUNY Orange Foundation and the Board of Trustees. The board meeting will take place in the Board Room of the Tower Building, followed by the dinner in the cafeteria of the Tower Building at 5:30 PM. President Richards will be providing a presentation on the future of higher education. In April, VP Perfetti and VP Broadie will discuss specifically what SUNY Orange will be reviewing for future programs and services to maintain the health of the College. XII. EXECUTIVE SESSION: At 5:40 PM, a motion was made (Krahulik/Ullrich) to adjourn the meeting and enter into Executive Session. XIII. BOARD ADJOURNMENT: Chair Wolfe noted that the board meeting was adjourned at 6:15 PM. Respectfully submitted, Carol A. Murray Secretary to the Board NEXT BOARD MEETING Monday, March 11, 2013 4 PM � 5:30 PM Board Room, Tower Building, Newburgh Campus Joint Dinner Meeting with Board of Trustees and Foundation Board 5:30 PM Cafeteria, Tower Building, Newburgh Campus