MINUTES OF THE ORANGE COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING HELD ON WEDNESDAY, JUNE 9, 2010, AT 8:30 AM AT THE ORANGE COUNTY CITIZENS FOUNDATION, SUGAR LOAF, NY Present: Chair J. Wolfe, Vice Chair S. O�Donnell, A. Anthonisen, R. Calderin, R. Krahulik G. Mokotoff Absent: B. Hodge, M. Murphy, C. Stoker, H. Ullrich I. CALL TO ORDER - Chairman Joan Wolfe called the meeting to order at 8:30 am. II. CONSENT AGENDA A motion was made to approve Consent Agenda Krahulik/Anthonisen Items A �I. Unanimous A. Approved the regular Meeting Minutes dated May 12, 2010 as presented. B. Approved Petty Cash report for May 2010 in the amount of $10.74. C. Approved Faculty Appointments Name Title Effective Andrea Laurencell Instructor, Year 1, Department AY 2010-2011 of English, full-time, temporary Edward Leonard Instructor, Year 1, full-time, tenure-track Academic Coordinator of Clinical Education of the Physical Therapist Assistant Program Department of Physical Therapist Assistant AY 2010-2011 Shawn Nickens Instructor, Year 1, Academic Advisor/Retention Specialist 6/14/10 � 8/31/10 Robert Schwartz Instructor, Year 1, Department of Psychology AY 2010-2011 and Sociology, full-time, temporary D. Approved Faculty Tenure Faculty Department Michele Iannuzzi-Sucich Biology Cory Harris Global Studies Heidi Weber Global Studies Michael McCoy Global Studies Robert Cacciatore Criminal Justice Anthony Cruz English Kristen Katzin-Nystrom English Deborah Chedister English Patricia Cal Nursing Alan McGlynn Nursing Pamela Rice-Woytowick* Science, Engineering and Architecture *Pamela Rice-Woytowick must complete her Masters before the effective date of her tenure. E. Approved Faculty Resignations Years of Name Discipline Service Effective Thomas Dyer Science, Engineering & Architecture Department 1 8/24/10 Anouk Verheyden-Gillikin Biology Department 4 8/24/10 F. Approved Faculty/Staff Promotions AY 2010-2011 FACULTY Name Discipline Associate Professor to Professor Josephina Vondras Business Department Jean Halpern Nursing Department Assistant Professor to Associate Professor Jennifer Merriam Biology Department Abdel Farah Global Studies Department Joseph Litow Arts and Communication Department STAFF AND CHAIR Name Discipline Associate Professor to Professor Jennifer Lehtinen Arts and Communication Department Assistant Professor to Associate Professor Kathleen Zurilla Nursing Department Elaine Torda English Department G. Approved Staff and Chair Appointment Name Title Effective Talia Llosa Assistant Director of Advising and Counseling, Staff and Chair, Grade II 6/14/10 H. Approved 2010 Merit Stipends Name Title/Department Recommendation STAFF Michael Albright Director of Communications One-time $1000.00 merit award William Ansley IT Support Specialist II One-time $500.00 merit award Giuseppe Baez IT Support Specialist II One-time $1000.00 merit award Patricia Cregar Technical Assistant, Institutional Advancement One-time $500.00 merit award Gerry Gatto Assistant Custodial Manager One-time $1000.00 merit award Rob Larkin Coordinator Drinking/Driver Program One-time $1000.00 merit award Elaine McClung Coordinator Health Services One-time $1000.00 merit award John Parsons Facilities Manager One-time $1000.00 merit award FACULTY Melissa Browne Instructor, English Department One-time $1000.00 merit award Janet Stonick Assistant Professor, Mathematics One-time $1000.00 merit award I. Approved Proposed New Facilities Use Fee Schedule III. PRESIDENT�S REPORT- William Richards > A SUNY Orange Visual Communications� student, Lorraine McGinnnes, won best in show in the SUNY spring art competition for Broadway Bound, a multimedia project. More than 200 pieces were submitted for this competition. The work is exhibited at SUNY Plaza. > English Department faculty member Tony Cruz was selected to attend the National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Scholar program �Along the Shore: Changing and Preserving the Landmarks of Brooklyn�s Industrial Waterfront.� > Another student, Gabrielle Odom, was a national winner of the Library of Congress� Community College Poetry Contest for her poem entitled �Ancient Kingdoms in My Kitchen.� Her work will appear in the Library�s poetry anthology, Poetry for the Mind�s Joy. The anthology is an initiative of United States Poet Laureate Kay Ryan. > Recent graduate Kathryn Miller capped her SUNY Orange academic career by securing the Best of Category award in British Literature at the 2010 Beacon Conference, which was held on campus on 6/4/10. The conference was a remarkably successful. Guest college attendees were very impressed with the campus and remained after the event to tour the buildings. > Kudos to Mary Ann Van Benschoten, Melissa Browne and Carol Murray for the many months of hard work spent organizing the Beacon Conference. > In July 2010, the Greenhouse restoration project will begin. A projected completion date for the first greenhouse is November 2010. This building will house a Biology/Botany lab and classes could begin in spring 2011. The second greenhouse should be finished by June 2011. This building will house the native species plants used in the curriculum. IV. REPORT OF THE COLLEGE GOVERNANCE SYSTEM - Diane Bliss, President 1. The Executive Committee report and the final committee reports of the College Governance System were distributed to the Board for review. 2. Professor Bob Misiak was introduced as the new College Governance President. Board Chair Joan Wolfe thanked Professor Bliss for all that she has done for the Board. V. REPORT OF THE STUDENT TRUSTEE � None VI. OLD BUSINESS 1. A motion was made to approve the Audited Financial Statements Years Ended 8/31/09 and 2008 prepared Krahulik/O�Donnell by UHY LLP, Certified Public Accountants. Unanimous VII. NEW BUSINESS 1. A motion was made to approve the 2010-2011 Calderin/Krahulik Proposed Budget as presented. Unanimous 2. A motion was made to approve Resolution No. 13 Anthonisen/Calderin Acknowledging Student Trustee Corrina Stoker Unanimous 3. A motion was made to approve Resolution No. 14 Anthonisen/Calderin Adopting the 2010 Retirement Incentive � Part B, Unanimous Chapter 45, 2010 Laws of the State of New York Chair Wolfe announced that two additional incentives were proposed. SUNY administration will review and a special meeting may be called to adopt the proposed incentives prior to 8/31/10. 4. A motion was made to approve Resolution No. 15 � Development of the Lab School and the Center Anthonisen/Calderin for Science, Engineering and Technology. Unanimous 5. A motion was made to approve Resolution No. 16 Mokotoff/Krahulik Student Trustee Scholarship Program Unanimous The criteria for the Student Trustee Scholarship Program will be distributed at the September Board meeting. VIII. BOARD CHAIR COMMENTS - None IX. COMMITTEE REPORTS AND/OR RECOMMENDATIONS Governance and Nominating Committee In Trustee Murphy�s absence, Chair Wolfe presented the proposed 2010-2011 Slate of Officers as follows: Trustee Arthur C. Anthonisen - Chairman Trustee Gertrude F. Mokotoff - Vice Chairman Trustee Margaret Murphy - Secretary A motion was made to approve the 2010-2011 O�Donnell/Krahulik Slate of Officers as proposed: 5 In Favor/ 1 Abstention Trustee Roberto Calderin asked that the Board Governance and Nominating Committee have a more transparent nominating process. Trustee Anthonisen will take the request under consideration. Since a quorum was not reached for this proposal, the 2010-2011 Slate of Officers will be tabled until the next Board meeting. Audit and Finance Committee Trustee Krahulik reported that at the last committee meeting, the financial statements were reviewed in detail. The reports are more favorable than they have been in past years. The auditors� statements are on track from a budgetary standpoint. The College will have to remain conservative in the future in light of the funding situation coming from the NYS budget. X. COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC > President of the Faculty Association Kathleen Malia was pleased to view the plans for the proposed Center for Science, Engineering and Technology on the Middletown campus. > She noted faculty complaints have been received about the air quality in the science labs. Maintenance has taken care of the complaints. Testing was conducted and two reports from OSHA declared the air quality in the labs safe. Copies of the reports are available from security upon request. A brief discussion continued on this topic. > Professor Malia provided a brief update on the NYS Budget. NYSUT projects that no additional cuts will be made to college funding. She plans to attend a NYSUT meeting on 6/14. > Professor Malia asked to have details of the NYS Retirement Incentive shared with the faculty. Many questions have come from faculty about the retirement incentive. XI. EXECUTIVE SESSION At 9:00 am a motion was made (Krahulik/Calderin) to move into Executive Session to discuss security and safety issues according to Section 105 of Article 7 of the Public Officer Law, and no action was taken. At 9:15 am by unanimous acclamation, the Trustees re-entered regular session. XII. BOARD ADJOURNMENT At 9:20 am a motion was made (Calderin/Krahulik) to adjourn the board meeting. Respectfully submitted, Maryann Raab Executive Assistant to the President NEXT BOARD MEETING SEPTEMBER 8, 2010 8:30 AM COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING 9:15 AM MUSIC ROOM, MORRISON HALL June 9, 2010 - Board Minutes - 5