MINUTES OF THE ORANGE COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING HELD ON MONDAY, MARCH 15, 2010, AT 5:15 PM IN THE GILMAN CENTER, LIBRARY, MIDDLETOWN, NY Present: Chair J. Wolfe, Secretary M. Murphy, A. Anthonisen, R. Calderin, R. Krahulik, G. Mokotoff, C. Stoker, H. Ullrich Absent: B. Hodge, S. O�Donnell I. CALL TO ORDER - Chairman Joan Wolfe called the meeting to order at 5:15 pm. II. CONSENT AGENDA A motion was made to approve Consent Agenda Murphy/Calderin items A � D. Unanimous A. Approved the regular Meeting Minutes dated 2/11/10. B. Approved Petty Cash report for February 2010 in the amount of $0.00. C. Approved Staff and Chair Title Change Former New Name Title Title Effective Melanie Bukovsky Advocate for Services to Students with Disabilities Disability Specialist 2/15/10 D. Approved Spring 2010 Adjunct Payroll III. PRESIDENT�S REPORT- William Richards > Middle States visit will take place during the spring 2014. Work and preparation will be completed by 2013, one year prior to the visit. Work has begun on the self-study report. Periodic updates will be provided to the Trustees. > On 3/5/10 a luncheon will be held in the Music Room for the Orange County Legislators. Trustees Calderin, Krahulik and Mokotoff will attend. > Two new policies will be presented for approval under �New Business� pertaining to sustainability and capital projects. > A legislative request for $1.8 million for the Newburgh project will be brought to the Orange County Legislatures� Education and Economic Committee and the Ways and Means Committee in the next few weeks. > The Orange-Ulster BOCES and College collaboration for the purchase of the Arden Hill property will not move forward. The College considered moving the health professions programs to that location. The health accrediting agencies did not look favorably upon moving students away from the college environment. Also, the BOCES programs would not be a good match to our health programs. > The original proposed broadband project at Newburgh presented by Frontier Communications will not continue since St. Luke�s Hospital and the City of Newburgh dropped out. Mt. St. Mary College, Newburgh City Schools and the College will pursue the proposal on a smaller broadband ring. Updates will be provided. PRESIDENT�S REPORT (cont�d) > Department Chair Patricia Guallini presented an overview of the Human Service A.S. Degree. The program has experienced a steady increase in student enrollment from 2007 � 2009. The degree prepares graduates to transfer and complete a bachelor�s degree in human services, psychology or sociology. The students are placed in one of the 25+ field internships throughout the Hudson Valley. > A public health degree and a possible collaboration with the University of Albany were discussed. The College could be a host site for this program through the consortium. IV. REPORT OF THE COLLEGE GOVERNANCE SYSTEM Elaine Torda, Governance Vice President reported for Diane Bliss 1. At today�s Assembly, candidates for Governance President, Vice President and Faculty Council of Community Colleges (FCCC) representative were introduced. Governance President Candidates: o Assistant Professor Bob Misiak of the Diagnostic Imaging Department o Assistant Professor Chris Slichta of the English Department. Vice President Candidate - our current Vice President Elaine Torda. Max Schaefer - our current FCCC representative Ballots will be distributed this week and elections will be concluded at the beginning of April. The elected Governance Officers will take office at the start of the next academic year. 2. Also at Assembly, the Executive Committee announced the membership of the new ad hoc Committee on Governance. This committee will review the College�s governance system, By-laws, processes, and structure as well as explore other system models with an eye towards assessing our current system for the next Middle States accreditation and, more importantly, for possible improvements to strengthen college governance effectiveness. Among the issues it will be addressing and making recommendations on is the issue of effective participation in college governance by both the Middletown and Newburgh campuses. 3. Progress continues towards establishing our STARS baseline and obtaining STARS rating for college-wide sustainability efforts, thanks to our Sustainability Committee. 4. The Social Committee, working with Human Resources, has set the College�s Appreciation Awards event for 4/14. 5. Executive Committee retreat on is set for May 17 to review this year�s accomplishments, set goals for next year, and orient the newly elected Governance President. 6. President Diane Bliss will attend the FCCC Spring Plenary in Buffalo at the end of Spring Break. The FCCC invites governance leaders to attend, and this year Max Schaefer, our FCCC representative, arranged for a session among governance leaders of multi-campus community colleges so that they can talk about experiences and challenges of multi-campus governance. President Bliss will provide a report upon her return. V. REPORT OF THE STUDENT TRUSTEE � Corrina Stoker SUNY Student Assembly Senate members will attend the conference on 4/16 � 4/18 in Saratoga Springs, NY. The conference is an asset to all of the SUNY schools and helps to promote communication with each other. Students vote on important issues facing the SUNY system. At this conference the Student Assembly will vote on a new executive board. Student Leader Posters are displayed around campus to reach out to students interested in becoming a Student Trustee or Student Senator. A student Leadership class will be held on 3/31 at 3 in the Morrison Hall dining room. Club Liaison Position has been filled by Kaitlyn Dougherty. She has begun attending meetings and is further opening the channels of communication between the clubs on campus and the Student Senate. Bi-annual Officers Club meeting was held on 3/3 with a great success. Congratulations were extended to Chairperson Laurie Raskin, who performed a fabulous job getting the majority of our clubs on campus to attend and to experience leadership training with Collegiate Empowerment. Prom Dress Collection Student � The senate voted to support the community effort of prom dress collection for under privileged girls in our area. Students are anticipating midterm tests this week and looking forward to a much deserved spring break next week. VI. OLD BUSINESS VII. NEW BUSINESS 1. Approved - Policy BP2.31 � Sustainable Anthonisen/Murphy Capital Construction Unanimous 2. Approved � Policy BP4.13 - Energy Efficient Calderin/Stoker Purchasing Standards Unanimous VIII. BOARD CHAIR COMMENTS - Joan Wolfe > NYCCT Conference 3/11 � 3/13/2010 Trustees Wolfe, Anthonisen, Murphy, Calderin and Stoker attended. When Chair Wolfe attended her first NYCCT Conference, she felt that the College needed many improvements. While she attended a workshop at this conference, she came away feeling that the College is ahead of the curve. At the workshop, suggestions were made to align with high schools to provide courses that meet college requirements. Our College initiated a similar pilot program at Minisink Valley last year, and the project will be expanded to all Orange County high schools next year. > Trustee Calderin recommended that all Trustees take advantage of the NYCCT Conference, which is invigorating and offers great opportunities to network with trustees from other New York colleges. > Trustee Anthonisen concurred that the College continues to leap frog ahead of other institutions. > Trustee Murphy noted that SUNY Orange is very well thought of throughout New York State. > College Events 60th Founder�s Davy Anniversary � Barbeque � 6/9/10 from 5:30 � 7:30 pm Employee Appreciation Breakfast � 4/21/10 � 8am � 10am, Cafeteria, Shepard Center Appreciation Awards � 4/14/10 3 pm � Fireplace Lounge, Shepard Center American Heart Walk, 5/2/10 � 8 am � Sebago Beach, Harriman State Park. IX. COMMITTEE REPORTS AND/OR RECOMMENDATIONS Academic and Student Services Committee Trustee Mokotoff None Audit and Finance Trustee Krahulik None Governance and Nominating Trustee Murphy None President�s Performance Trustee Anthonisen None Review & Compensation X. COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC > Maryann Raab reported for Kathleen Malia, President of the Faculty Association. Professor Malia, Robert Cacciatore, Tony Cruz and Mike McCoy lobbied in Albany last week with NYSUT. All Hudson Valley legislators were visited. However, this year�s negotiations are not very promising. This year�s lobby experience was very chaotic and most difficult. Updates will be provided. XI. BOARD DISCUSSION > Trustee Calderin thanked Dorothy Szefc for keeping the trustees informed about cultural events, especially a recent Jazz concert. > Trustee Calderin congratulated VP Broadie and all those involved with the Sojourner Truth Awards ceremony for doing an excellent job. > Trustee Calderin also thanked Angela Elia for her assistance with computer training. > Trustee Mokotoff�s son, Charles, a classical guitarist, will perform at the College on 4/18/10 at 3 pm. The next morning, he will conduct an informal class on the Newburgh campus. > Trustee Krahulik requested an explanation on the fiscal report with regard to a 2% increase in revenues in comparison to higher enrollment reports. President Richards will provide a response at the next board meeting. XII. BOARD ADJOURNMENT At 6:00 pm a motion was made (Stoker/Anthonisen) to adjourn the meeting. Respectfully submitted, Maryann Raab Executive Assistant to the President NEXT MEETING � APRIL 14, 2010 5TH FLOOR BOARD ROOM, TOWER BUILDING, NEWBURGH CAMPUS 8:30 AM BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING 9:00 AM COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING March 15, 2010 - Board Minutes - 4