MINUTES OF THE ORANGE COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING HELD ON WEDNESDAY, MAY 12, 2010, AT 8:30 AM IN MUSIC ROOM, MORRISON HALL Present: Chair J. Wolfe, Vice Chair S. O�Donnell, Secretary M. Murphy, A. Anthonisen, R. Calderin, R. Krahulik, G. Mokotoff, C. Stoker, H. Ullrich Absent: B. Hodge I. CALL TO ORDER - Chairman Joan Wolfe called the meeting to order at 8:30 am. II. CONSENT AGENDA A motion was made to approve Consent Agenda Ullrich/Stoker items A �F. Unanimous A. Approved the regular Meeting Minutes dated 4/14/10. B. Approved Petty Cash report for April 2010 in the amount of $2.67. C. Approved Faculty Appointments Name Title Effective Carl Ponesse Instructor, Year 2, Department of Psychology/ Sociology, full-time, tenure track AY 2010-2011 Christopher Rigby Instructor, Year 1, Department of Applied Technologies, full-time, tenure-track AY 2010-2011 Eric Wortman Instructor, Year 1, Department of Mathematics, full-time, tenure-track AY 2010-2011 Dr. Mei Xig Instructor, Year 1, Department of Mathematics, full-time, tenure-track AY 2010-2011 Timothy Zeszutek Instructor, Year 2, Department of Criminal Justice, full-time, tenure-track AY 2010-2011 D. Approved Staff and Chair Appointment Name Title Effective Anthony Jacklitsch Evening Safety and Security, Coordinator for Middletown, Grade I 4/19/10 Dawn Lowe Financial Aid Technical Assistant, Grade I 5/10/10 Christine McGraw Assistant Director of Financial Aid, Grade II 4/12/10 Joseph White Evening Safety and Security, Coordinator for Newburgh, Grade I 4/19/10 E. Approved Faculty Retirement Years of Name Discipline Service Effective Helen Marie Boyle Professor, Department of Nursing 35 years 7/1/10 At the same time, the Board approved the status of Professor Emeritus to Professor Helen Marie Boyle for her 35 years of dedicated service to the College and the students. F. Approved Faculty Resignation Years of Name Discipline Service Effective Linda Werner Instructor, Department of Nursing 1 year 5/22/10 III. PRESIDENT�S REPORT- William Richards > Two SUNY Orange students, Nilda Oyola and Tony Kalish, were chosen by the National Community College Aerospace Scholars program to participate in a three-day, all-expenses paid event on 5/20-22 at the space agency�s Johnson Space Center in Houston. The students will design robotic rovers to explore other worlds. The students will visit a future Board meeting to report on their experience. > Professor Tom Stack, last year�s SUNY Chancellor�s Award winner, has recently been recognized by Association of Collegiate Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP). He will attend the annual conference in Los Angeles, CA, and receive the academic medal. > On 6/4 the Beacon Conference will be held on campus. Seven SUNY Orange students� papers were submitted. Six were selected for presentation and one was chosen for a poster session. For more information about the conference visit: www.beaconconference.org > Sustainability Initiative � In an effort to reduce the College�s environmental impact, a carpooling initiative was initiated among students, faculty and staff. The College signed onto Metropool/NuRide. The College enrolled eighteen new folks in the NuRide program. Apparently this was the highest amount of new enrollments during the 2010 Earth Day Commuter Challenge competition in the Hudson Valley. > Kirsten Gabrielsen will be appointed as the College�s Sustainability Coordinator during the next two years. She has been a leader in the College�s sustainability effort and will be invited to a Board meeting. > Employees� fundraising efforts resulted in the following totals: United Way - $9,277 and American Heart Walk - $6,200. > The College�s 2010 SUNY Chancellor�s Awards recipients are Lucinda Fleming and Monty Vacura. Lucinda Fleming agreed to be the faculty commencement speaker. > On 5/19, the Emergency Response drill will take place on campus from 9 - 11 am The next test will take place during the fall semester when classes are in session. IV. REPORT OF THE COLLEGE GOVERNANCE SYSTEM - Diane Bliss, President 1. Executive Committee (EC) met with the Vice Presidents (VPs) on 4/28/10 to gather their input regarding governance processes and standing committee agenda items for the coming year. * VP Cazzetta reported the new timelines for the Scholarship & Financial Assistance Committee�s review of applications worked well this year. He will work with the committee and departments to clarify processes for input on department-specific or department-recommended awards. * VP Heppner will work closely with the Academic Policy Committee to update the Academic Policy manual as a whole and check all corresponding publications for accuracy. His office will handle the updates, once approved. * President Richards brought up items for PBIE in relation to gifts or other cabinet priority items so that PBIE is aware of these needs, specifically the greenhouse, Newburgh, and security. The meetings with the VPs have proven effective for increasing communications with and focus for committees. Their input does not preclude items or input that comes from the College Community to governance for consideration. 2. The Retirement Reception, organized by the Social Committee, was cancelled at the request of the retiree that agreed to be honored. EC and the Social Committee are exploring alternatives to honor our retirees and perhaps recognize others for their service while rebuilding a sense of community among college employees. 3. On 5/18 at 9 am, the last Assembly meeting is scheduled in HA111. As well as the usual business, agenda items include a vote on Academic Policy changes, Student Senate awards to faculty, and the passing of the gavel to the incoming Governance President. REPORT OF THE COLLEGE GOVERNANCE SYSTEM (cont�d) 4. EC will hold its Spring Retreat on 5/17/10 to orient the incoming president and to discuss governance goals for the coming academic year. 5. The 2009-2010 College Governance System Final Report will be provided to Board at the June retreat. A final report of the EC�s activities will also be provided at the retreat. Of the six goals for AY 2009-10 identified at last spring�s EC Retreat, five have been accomplished or advanced significantly. 6. Diane Bliss noted that she felt honored to report to the trustees each month. She respects the responsibility the Board shoulders to the benefit of the students, the College, and the community.�She hopes that. in turn,�the Board has gained some insight into the College Governance System, its tradition of seeking broad input and its value in collegial,�shared decision-making. Diane also noted that she hopes this�positive relationship continues with incoming Governance President Bob Misiak. V. REPORT OF THE STUDENT TRUSTEE Corrina Stoker indicated that she was honored to serve as a Board member this year. New Student Trustee Brian Slevin was introduced. He has been a fantastic senator and worked closely with Trustee Stoker on many projects. Student Senate Elections will be held in the Fall since additional senators are required to have a quorum. Laurie Raskin was elected as the summer Interim President of Student Senate. The Student Constitution has been revised and approved by the student body. Senior Gift to the College - The Student Senate allocated money for the senior gift to Kindercollege. Due to the recent flood damage suffered by Kindercollege, the Student Senate donated funds to pay for a new indoor learning play set and learning toys. Kindercollege Block Grant - Kindercollege was notified that they will not receive the block grant to subsidize next semester�s student tuition for students� children in this program. This issue will have to be addressed so that the students who use this service do not suffer. Student Haitian Relief Effort - The donation bottle containing $150 was recently stolen from the cafeteria. This incident may have hampered the students� spirits, but to date the Student Senate donated almost $1500 dollars to the Red Cross for Haitian Relief. Newburgh Student Government Plan was drafted by the Student Senate and will be presented at the next cabinet meeting. This plan has been a senate goal for more than ten years and the members are proud to have finally completed this project. Board of Activities (BOA) revised their constitution. Due to the increased student participation, BOA will form committees to get more students involved in the sporting events on campus as well as the promotion of all student events and life. Convocation Awards will be held on 5/19 at 7 pm. VI. OLD BUSINESS - None VII. NEW BUSINESS 1. Auditors Financial Statements and Report VP Roz Smith introduced Dan Bezire from UHY LLP, Certified Public Accountants, who updated the Trustees with regard to the Audited Financial Statements for the years ended 8/31/09 and 2008. Mr. Bezire explained in detail the process and provided an overview of the College�s financial statements. The report was unqualified, which means that the statements have been prepared in accordance with accounting principles. Some adjustments were suggested and have been made by the College. A vote to accept the above-mentioned financial statements will be placed on the June Board agenda. 2. A motion was made to approve a $1000.00 award from the Elizabeth Parkhurst Scholarship to Student Trustee Anthonisen/Ullrich Corrina Stoker. Unanimous VIII. BOARD CHAIR COMMENTS - Joan Wolfe > Chair Wolfe thanked Trustees Calderin and Ullrich for serving breakfast at the College�s Employee Appreciation Breakfast on 4/21 > Trustee Wolfe represented all the Trustees at the Appreciation Awards on 4/14. > President Richards, Chair Wolfe, Trustee Emeritus Jack McMahon, Trustee Anthonisen and Maryann Raab attended the Orange County Citizens Foundation Awards event where Trustee Emeritus Roberta Glinton received the prestigious Ottaway Medal for her dedicated service to the community. IX. COMMITTEE REPORTS AND/OR RECOMMENDATIONS Academic and Student Services Committee -Trustee Calderin reported that the committee met on 5/6 with VP Broadie and his staff. They provided a comprehensive overview of CTEA, TRIO, transfers from two to four year institutions, scholarships and resources on line, financial aid, PELL grants, the direct loan program, advising and counseling, veterans services, on-line job banking and the new Start program that will help connect students. Many inroads have been made for students, and the committee is pleased with the work the Student Services area is doing. Audit and Finance Committee - Trustee Krahulik announced that the committee will meet after the Board meeting and a report will be provided at the June Board meeting. Governance and Nominating Committee - Trustee Murphy noted that the committee will meet during the month and a slate of officers will be selected at the Board meeting. President�s Performance Trustee Anthonisen None Review & Compensation X. COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC > President of the Faculty Association asked Maryann Raab to report on the NYSUT representative�s budget update. The Governor�s budget proposed a $285 cut to base aid. The NYS legislators are opposed to this cut. The funding that was taken away last year will not be restored. This year�s budget probably will not be settled until June. XI. BOARD DISCUSSION > Vice Chair Stephen O�Donnell introduced his son who just returned from a four-year commitment to the US Marines. > Vice Chair O�Donnell referred to the auditor�s report on page 8, which suggests that the College operate in a conservative fashion. The economic storm is not over. Vice Chair O�Donnell noted that the Federal and State governments are not providing sufficient funding and reaching out to philanthropy is very important > Trustee Margaret Murphy thanked both Chair Wolfe and Vice Chair O�Donnell for their excellent service to the Board. > Chair Wolfe reminded that Board next month�s meeting will begin at 8 am at the OC Citizens Foundation. XIII. BOARD ADJOURNMENT At 9:25 am a motion was made (Anthonisen/Krahulik) to adjourn the meeting. Respectfully submitted, Maryann Raab Executive Assistant to the President NEXT BOARD MEETING JUNE 9, 2010 8 AM � 8:30 AM ORANGE COUNTY CITIZENS FOUNDATION BOARD RETREAT 8:30 AM � 12:00 PM May 12, 2010 - Board Minutes - 5