MINUTES OF THE ORANGE COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING HELD ON WEDNESDAY, MAY 9, 2012, AT 8:30 AM IN THE MUSIC ROOM, MORRISON HALL, MIDDLETOWN CAMPUS Present: Chair J. Wolfe, Vice Chair H. Ullrich, A. Anthonisen (via Skype), R. Krahulik, T. Hunter Secretary M. Murphy, S. O�Donnell Absent: E. Cruz, G. Mokotoff I. CALL TO ORDER - Chair Joan Wolfe called the meeting to order at 8:30 am. II. CONSENT AGENDA Chair Wolfe noted that in order to have a vote by a trustee who is physically absent, it is permissible to utilize technology and Skype that person into the meeting. Trustee Anthonisen could not be present however he was present for the votes via Skype. Chair Wolfe requested a motion to approve the Consent Agenda and move �New Business� up for review after Consent Agenda: A. Approval of regular minutes from March 14, 2012 B. Approval of Petty Cash Reimbursements and Financial Statements for March � April 2012 C. Approved Staff/Chair Appointments Name Discipline Effective Mary Roth Alumni Relations & Special Events Coordinator March 26, 2012 Ullrich/Anthonisen Unanimous VII. NEW BUSINESS 1. A motion was made to approve Resolution No. 11 � Tuition Increase Effective Fall 2012 Krahulik/Ullrich Unanimous 2. A motion was made to approve Resolution No. 12 � Approval of Fee changes for 2012-2013 Krahulik/Murphy Unanimous 3. A motion was made to approve Resolution No. 13 � Approval of 2011-2012 Student Trustee Scholarship Ullrich/Hunter Unanimous 4. A motion was made to approve BP 6.15 � Approval for Posthumous Award of Degree or Certificate Anthonisen/Krahulik Unanimous 5. A motion was made to approve 4 Resolutions as follows: Note: The first 3 resolutions were exactly the same, therefore only read once for vote. Resolution 14 � Commendation for Safety and Security Officer: Ismail Hernandez Resolution 15 � Commendation for Safety and Security Officer: Roberto Ortiz Resolution 16 � Commendation for Safety and Security Officer: Marcos R. Regueiro O�Donnell/Anthonisen Unanimous Resolution 17 � Commendation for Safety and Security Officer: Rich A. Tarr Murphy/O�Donnell Unanimous Note: Chair Wolfe thanked the above Security Officers for taking good care of all of us at SUNY Orange and expressed appreciation for their dedication. 6. Chair Wolfe congratulated student, Britney Schoonmaker, for receiving the All-USA Community College Academic Team Phi Theta Kappa Award for 2012 and presented her with her award certificate. At this time, Trustee Ullrich and Trustee Anthonisen requested to be excused from the remainder of the meeting. III. President�s Report: > At trustee places is a current copy of the current bylaws of the Board of Trustees. Chair Wolfe, Trustee Anthonisen, President Richards and Carol Murray will edit and update the Bylaws and they will be at the June meeting for review. > At trustee places are edited Committee Charters which have been reviewed and edited by Board of Trustees and Vice Presidents at their committee meetings. These should be reviewed and brought back to the June meeting for review and discussion. > At trustee places is the first copy of the �Share Our Excellence� quarterly update for the trustees and foundation directors. This came out of November and March discussions when the two boards met to discuss the future of resource development at the College. This will be reviewed in June. > At trustee places is a copy of the Beacon Conference Schedule of presentations. The conference will be held at Westchester Community College this year and several of our students are presenting. The College is very proud of the students as they put in a tremendous amount of work. We hosted this conference in 2010 and look forward to hosting again in the future. > At trustee places is a copy of the Auditor�s Report. > Included in trustee packets is a copy of the Board of Trustees schedule for 2012-2013. The September meeting is at the Newburgh Campus. > Included in trustee packets is the Committee of the Whole topics for 2012-2013 for some of the meetings. There are some spaces left to be filled. > A brief update on the construction projects was done as follows: o The Lab School is 85% done and substantial completion is June 15, 2012. The search is being finalized for the Executive Director of the Lab School who will supervise both of the campuses. We are hiring teachers as well, to prepare for the students at both campuses in August. o Construction of the parking structure on Wawayanda Avenue has begun and is due for completion in early December and ready for occupancy in January of 2013. o All faculty and staff currently in Sarah Wells will be moving to the Christine Morrison House and the library. Sometime after commencement, the Sarah Wells building will be fenced off and it will be demolished in June and July. Thereafter, a large construction fence will be around the area for the start of construction in the fall of the Center for Science and Engineering. The Center for Science and Engineering will be ready for the fall of 2014 Academic Year. o This year, we inducted 91 students into our chapter of Phi Theta Kappa and we have approximately 200 students involved. President Richards commended Linda Fedrizzi and Dena Whipple who have done a marvelous job as sponsors of PTK. o The College will award a Posthumous degree to Kevin Sumstaad, who passed away earlier in the semester. His father is making every effort to be here to accept the degree. o For the first time, we will award a Franklin University Bachelor�s degree to Beth Wagner. She is approximately our 9th Franklin gradate in our partnership and she requested that she receive her degree at SUNY Orange. o Congratulations to our students: Britney Schoonmaker and Erica Cruz for receiving the Chancellor�s Award for Student Excellence. They will be recognized at the Convocation ceremony next week. o Congratulations to Theresa D�Amore, who has been awarded a three month paid internship in Germany with Siemans. o Student Trustee, Erica Cruz, has been accepted to RPI and has been awarded $29,000 in scholarship funds. o Congratulation to student, Marilyn Vorth, who has been awarded the Chancellor�s Award for Student Athlete/Excellence. o Congratulations to John Wolbeck, Chair of Science and Engineering, who has received an international award for his contributions to a research paper on the relationships between climate and carbon exchange of land-based ecosystems to predict future levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide by the World Meteorological Organization. He will receive this prestigious award in Switzerland this July. IV. REPORT OF THE COLLEGE GOVERNANCE SYSTEM � Michelle Tubbs > VP Ross and Ms. Tubbs held a conference call with the Education Advisory Board in mid-April to discuss the details of the research project on shared governance structure at multi-campus community colleges that they will be completing for us. Work has officially begun and the College should have their findings in mid-June. > Executive Committee was unable to conduct the vote on the reduction of the Assembly Quorum at the April 16th Assembly meeting because a quorum was not present. The vote will be attempted again at the Assembly meeting on May 15th. > The Social Committee and Human Resources are hosting a college-wide retirement recognition ceremony at the Middletown Campus on Tuesday, May 15th after the Assembly meeting at 11 AM in the Orange Hall Gallery. > The Information Technology Committee has officially been renamed the Academic Technology Committee. The charge and membership of that committee has been revised to re-focus the work of the committee on academic technology. > Work has begun on revision to the charge of the Committee on Institutional Diversity & Equity in order to clarify its purpose and work and how the committee works with Human Resources and the Diversity Coordinator. > At the request of President Richards, the Academic Policy Committee reviewed and provided feedback regarding the awarding of posthumous degrees. > The Academic Policy Committee worked collaboratively with VP Perfetti to revise the Student Academic Grievance Procedure. They will be presenting the results of their work at the May 15th Assembly meeting. > The Developmental Education Committee has forwarded a revised recommendation to the VPAA for the creation of Instructor Training and Permitted List Trial. > The Curriculum Committee has been asked to revise its charge and procedures to reflect its total curricular involvement, including the development, modification and deactivation/discontinuance of all academic programs and courses. > Work continues on the connection of the Newburgh and Middletown campuses for Assembly meetings. Another trial run will be held at the May 15th Assembly meeting and the goal is to offer this option of Assembly participation to faculty & staff in Newburgh for the fall semester. > Executive Committee has reviewed the responses to the Governance Committee Survey. It was determined that 9 committees are in good standing and functioning effectively and 5 committees are in need of Executive Committee attention to some degree. EC will keep an eye on and work with these committees regarding some issues next AY. There were also a number of general themes that came out of the survey responses and EC will be taking steps in the next year or so to address these. > EC is continuing its work on a Procedures Manual. Work on this will continue next AY. > Executive Committee is holding its retreat on May 15th from 1-4 PM. President Richards noted that over the past few years, the Faculty Council of Community College group has been discussing how healthy shared governance is at each of their colleges. SUNY Orange is one of two or three that are very active and produce many good results to keep the College healthy. President Richards commended Michelle Tubbs for her leadership along with the Executive Committee and all committee chairs. In addition, President Richards noted that the Community College President�s group initiated a discussion regarding how active shared governance systems are at each of the colleges and whether there is a formal or informal relationship between shared governance, the administrative leadership of the college, and the Board of Trustees. Our College is one of the few who have an ongoing, active relationship at all between shared governance, administration and trustees. V. REPORT OF THE STUDENT TRUSTEE � Erica Cruz On behalf of Student Trustee Cruz, who was unable to attend, Chair Wolfe read the following report of the Student Trustee: > The Student Senate has hosted several events in the last few weeks to help make students aware of the Student Senate and the rights of students. This was a result of changes being made in the grievance policy for final grades. The changes posed a concern for the Student Senate as it was quickly realized that many students were unaware that they had a right to appeal their grade if necessary. > Elections for Student Senate positions were recently held. For the first time in four years, there were more applicants then positions. It is expected that all positions in both Middletown and Newburgh Senate will be filled for the upcoming school year. VI OLD BUSINESS � None VII. NEW BUSINESS � Moved above VIII. BOARD CHAIR COMMENTS � Joan Wolfe > The last Trustee Webinar series will be held on Thursday, May 10th and thanks to Dena Whipple, Maureen Larsen and Mike Albright for their hard work on this project. It has been a success and a wonderful experience. The intent is to send this to all the County Executives and the Governor so that when they look at their perspective trustees, they can share the information so that the trustee will know the responsibility of a trustee before they come on board. She thanked everyone that has been involved with meetings and committees. > The agenda for the June Board retreat is a review of the November and March Resource Development planning sessions. There will be a review of the strategic plan and the emphasis will be on Resource Development. An executive session will be held for a discussion of the BOT Self Evaluations and the Evaluation of the President. This will be very important for the coming year as it will guide the board on needs and direction of the President. > Events will be held as follows: o Congressman Gilman�s 90th Birthday Celebration � May 17th at 4 PM o Health Profession�s Recognition Ceremony � May 17th at 5 PM � 6 PM o Commencement Breakfast � May 19th at 8 AM � Gilman Center o Robing for Commencement � May 19th at 9:15 � Emeriti Room IX. COMMITTEE REPORTS AND/OR RECOMMENDATIONS X. COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC > Dr. Frank Traeger pointed out that the Staff/Chair Association co-sponsored the Staff Appreciation Breakfast in April, recognizing the people who are working behind the scenes that do so much of the College work day by day. The Staff/Chair Association will also support the Retirement Reception following the last Assembly. Several members of the Staff/Chair Association are retiring this year as follows: Judith Schwartz, Chairman of the Math Department; Fern Steane, Chairman of the Applied Technologies Department; Pat Cregar, Institutional Advancement and Grace Gloekler of the Biology Department. > Chairman Wolfe congratulated Russell Hammond on receiving his doctorate degree recently. > Steve Coccia, Faculty Association, noted that negotiations have begun with the College. The Faculty Association hopes that the process will be swift and positive for both parties. > Steve Coccia announced that on Friday, May 11th, the faculty and staff of Sarah Wells will have a party for faculty, staff, Kinder College employees, and retired faculty to celebrate Sarah Wells from 12 PM � 3 PM. > Trustee Murphy noted that at the last meeting of Academic and Student Services it was especially heartening to hear about the Newburgh Campus and the progress of the student clubs at Newburgh. She recalled how difficult it was in the beginning stages to have students included in clubs and it is evidence of the great growth in Newburgh. > President Richards reminded everyone that next summer the second greenhouse will be restored. At the same time, the grounds around the greenhouses will be beautified and all should be completed before the Center for Science and Engineering. XI. BOARD DISCUSSION XII. EXECUTIVE SESSION XIII. BOARD ADJOURNMENT At 9:15 am a motion was made (Hunter/Murphy) to adjourn the meeting. Respectfully submitted, Carol A. Murray Secretary to the Board NEXT BOARD MEETING BOARD RETREAT Wednesday, June 13, 2012 8:30 AM � 11:30 AM Winding Hills Golf Club May 9, 2012 - Board Minutes - 6