MINUTES OF THE ORANGE COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING MONDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 2012, 4 pm Board Room, Tower Building, Newburgh Campus Present: Chair J. Wolfe, A. Anthonisen, Secretary M. Murphy, G. Mokotoff, J. Lewis, R. Krahulik, T. Hunter Absent: Vice Chair H. Ullrich, S. O�Donnell I. CALL TO ORDER - Chair Joan Wolfe called the meeting to order at 4:05 PM. Chair Wolfe asked for a moment of silence for the victims of Hurricane Sandy and for Evelyn Morrison and her family. Chair Wolfe welcomed Foundation Board President, Rich Rowley and Foundation Board member Kathy Frommer. II. CONSENT AGENDA Chair Wolfe requested a motion to approve the Consent Agenda: A. Approval of regular minutes from October 9, 2012 B. Approval of Petty Cash Reimbursements and Financial Statements for October 2012 C. Approval of Appointments as follows: Staff: Name Discipline Effective Giuseppe Baez Director of Academic Technology Pro-Rated for Information Technology 11/5/12 � 8/31/13 Dena O-Hare Whipple Director of the Center for Teaching 10/15/12 and Learning Academic Affairs D. Approval of Retirements as follows: Faculty: Name Discipline Years of Service Effective Cheryl Ward-Simons* Nursing 24 12/31/12 *At the same time, the board approved the status of Professor Emeritus Sandra Wardell* Nursing 27 12/31/12 *At the same time, the board approved the status of Professor Emeritus Mokotoff/Hunter Unanimous Board Minutes � November 12, 2012 � Page 2 III. President�s Report: > The office of Continuing Education (CAPE) has formed a new partnership with �Pearson Vue� to offer additional tests in our testing center for the community and this will significantly advance the College. > The �Sharing Our Excellence� presentations, sponsored by the Board of Trustees and Foundation Board, have been very well-received throughout the County. The presentations will continue to be done every three years or so to update the community on the economic, social and cultural impact of the College in the community we serve. > The first meeting with local sister colleges to discuss shared service possibilities went well and another meeting is scheduled for the near future. Cost-saving measures are being explored by the presidents along with input from all vice presidents in the areas of academics, administrative and finance, and information technology. > The College is very fortunate that both campuses suffered no damages from the recent hurricane and state of emergency. > The SUNY Orange Community Orchestra will receive the Arts Organization Award at the upcoming Orange County Arts Council�s Annual Arts Award event. The event will honor and celebrate those individuals and organizations that have made an outstanding contribution to the arts in Orange County. > For the first time, the College inducted 8 former students and 2 coaches into the newly formed SUNY Orange Colt Athletic Hall of Fame and the event was very well-attended and enjoyed by many. > Photos of the current construction at the Middletown Campus were distributed and the president noted that the parking garage will be complete by mid-December and ready for the start of Spring semester. The net gain will be 430 parking spaces. > The College community was saddened by the loss of a beloved colleague, David Logan, who passed away suddenly while walking on the college campus. David worked in the Biology lab which is known to all as the �Bat Cavern.� He was well-liked by students, faculty and staff alike and will be missed. > The Lab School at the Newburgh Campus is now open. IV. REPORT OF THE COLLEGE GOVERNANCE SYSTEM > Diane Bliss, SUNY Orange�s FCCC Alternate Delegate, attended the FCCC Fall Plenary at Monroe Community College from October 18th through October 20th. At the October 22nd Assembly meeting, the Campus endorsed an FCCC Resolution supporting the �Rational State Aid and Tuition Plan� for community colleges, which has been proposed by SUNY and the New York Community College Association of Presidents (NYCCAP) to bring the State closer to its statutory funding obligation. At the November 19th Assembly meeting, Diane will provide a report sharing what she learned from the presentations and discussions at the plenary. > The Committee on Institutional Diversity & Equity and the Curriculum Committee have proposed revisions to their committee�s charge and/or membership to Executive Committee. The College community will have the chance to comment on these proposed changes at the November 19th Assembly meeting before the Executive Committee votes to approve. > President Richards met with Governance President Michelle Tubbs and Governance Vice-President Elaine Torda to present the draft of a Board Resolution to establish designated Campus locations where tobacco use is permitted and to discuss his intention to reach out to the Campus Safety & Security Committee and the Student Senate to request their support of a resolution and give all the opportunity to review the resolution draft. For some time, the Executive Committee has been discussing and contemplating the current structure of our governance system. Throughout the research, networking and many discussions there has been nothing that convinced the Executive Committee that an alternative structure would greatly benefit us as a multi-campus institution. The Executive Committee concluded that Board Minutes � November 12, 2012 � Page 3 there is not enough evidence, compelling rationale, or college sentiment to lead them to pursue an alternative governance structure for SUNY Orange. The committee feels that they should focus their efforts on improving the functionality of governance under our current structure to better serve the college community as a multi-campus institution. Although this decision does not require a vote of Assembly, at the October 22nd Assembly meeting, the Executive Committee requested a sense of the house about convening a task force to formally research alternate governance structures. The Assembly sense was not in favor of convening such a group. > The Executive Committee has begun to thoroughly review and discuss the recommendations contained in the Ad Hoc Committee on Governance�s final report. V. REPORT OF THE STUDENT TRUSTEE � Janise Lewis Student Senate Middletown Campus > Adopt a family: Senate is waiting on the list of people for adopt-a-family. As soon as the list is received they will split up into groups and do the shopping for those individuals. > The SUNY Steppers are in process of forming club on the Middletown campus. Newburgh Campus > Edmond Lugo has been in contact with the Red Cross, and K104 which are both currently filled to capacity for donations for Hurricane Sandy disaster relief. He is currently waiting for a response from the local fire department. The clubs and organizations are anxious to help those in need. > Two new clubs have been approved by NSS, Veterans Club and Communications In Action (C.I.A). > Since this is the first year primarily �Newburgh Campus� students will be graduating from the college, the students have formed a planning committee to begin working on a graduation ceremonial reception for the Newburgh graduates. Both Campuses > Student Activities would like to update the SUNY Orange website with information on the who their senators are and what events are happening on both campuses so that students will have the appropriate resources needed. > Both Senate Boards are working together collaborating on the BOA/Senate Retreat. This event will build team morale between boards and campuses. Senate Presidents Jason and Britney have met to further assist bridging the gaps in communication for each campus. Concerns of the Student Body > Newburgh Campus Game Room: There has been a big concern of students who feel it is unfair for the game room not to be available at more flexible hours. The goal of the Newburgh campus is to mirror the areas they can accommodate with the Middletown campus. Suggestions include: Volunteers, work study students, and student monitors (from student activities). The issue is currently being resolved. Trustee Lewis spoke with Edmond Lugo and plans for training game room volunteers are underway. The game room should be up and running, and fully functional by the Spring 2013 semester. Board Minutes � November 12, 2012 � Page 4 VI OLD BUSINESS � N/A VII. NEW BUSINESS A motion was made to approve Resolution No. 2: To Establish a Parking and Transportation Fee for Students Krahulik/Hunter Unanimous Trustee Krahulik noted that the Finance Committee reviewed and discussed the proposed Central Scheduling Fee Schedule and there was concern regarding fees being waived for community-based organizations who utilize College conference rooms. While this is a good gesture on behalf of the College, the College must then pay for such items as maintenance, security, and clean-up when these rooms are used. The committee proposed that the fee schedule be approved �as is� for January 2013; however, the schedule will be reviewed at a later date and a policy developed regarding use of College facilities by community-based organizations. The policy will also outline responsible party for any damages and the application should be co-signed by the organization and the College. Chair Wolfe suggested that the Board of Trustees have a special meeting in January, prior to the board meeting to discuss the future fee schedule. A motion was made to approve the Fee Schedule for Use of Facilities, effective January, 2013. Krahulik/Murphy Unanimous VIII. BOARD CHAIR COMMENTS � Joan Wolfe > Chair Wolfe asked Foundation Board Chair, Rich Rowley, to speak about Evelyn Morrison and she noted that Mrs. Morrison was a wonderful and generous person. Mr. Rowley shared that Mr. and Mrs. Morrison really enjoyed the dedication of the Morrison Lab School a few weeks prior to her death and that they were very pleased with the outcome. He discussed Mrs. Morrison�s many contributions to the College and others recognizing her educational and business background and stating that she was a brilliant woman who led a great life. The College is grateful to the Morrison family for all they have done. > SUNY New Paltz will recognize and honor Dr. Richards (SUNY Orange), Dr. Conklin (SUNY New Paltz) and Dr. Katt (SUNY Ulster) at a Gala event to be held on Sunday, November 18th. The event recognizes local civic, business and educational leaders for work related to the university.� > SUNY Orange will receive the Orange County Partnership�s �Spirit of Innovation� award on Tuesday, December 4th in recognition of the new Center for Science and Engineering now under construction at the Middletown Campus. > The Garden Club will again decorate the first floor of Morrison Hall and the open house will be held on December 8th and 9th and December 15 and 16th for all to enjoy > Chair Wolfe and Trustee Anthonisen attended the recent ACCT Conference and it was an extremely productive session based on student success. > The ACCT Legislative Summit will be held in Washington in February of 2013. This is an opportunity for trustees to lobby for the College and show their unity and one voice that focuses on the needs of the students and student success. Trustee Anthonisen mentioned a website that Board Minutes � November 12, 2012 � Page 5 other trustees might be interested in. It is a BBC broadcast and the podcast title is "The Innovator's Dilemma - 03 Nov 2012". �It involves comments by a Harvard Business Professor regarding education. He will forward the information to be shared with the trustees. > Updated SUNY Orange �Facts at a Glance� pamphlet was distributed to trustees and the Foundation Board will also be given copies. > Tenee Caccacio of JMZ Architects was recognized in an article in the Business Review as one of the 2012 �Women Who Mean Business� and the College congratulates her on this achievement. > Chair Wolfe thanked the trustees and foundation board members for their joint effort on the �Share Our Excellence� presentations and Dr. Richards for his masterful presentations of the information. IX. COMMITTEE REPORTS AND/OR RECOMMENDATIONS N/A Academic and Student Services: Trustee Murphy reported that the Academic and Student Services committee met in October and the committee has been very pro-active: > Two new programs are being explored: Public Health and AS degree in Business for the Newburgh Campus. The Public Health program will be a new program for the College and will go through the curriculum approval process. The AS degree in Business has been approved by the College and the Board but needs SUNY/NYSED approval to be delivered at Newburgh. > The SUNY Innovative Instruction Technology grant was received over the summer. > The Wellness Center at the College has been broadened and the Office of Accessibility Services has been separated from the Wellness Center and the name changed from Disability Services to Accessibility Services. > SUNY is moving toward supporting the notation of student disciplinary actions on academic transcripts. Community Colleges are exploring this but are not required to comply. VP Broadie noted that only two expulsions have occurred since his hire,116 informal hearings have been held, and there is an increasing trend in classroom disruption. VP Broadie and VP Perfetti have sponsored professional development workshops to address this and online webinars are available through the Center for Teaching and Learning for faculty and staff. Audit and Finance: Trustee Krahulik reported that the committee met with the College�s newly hired auditors, O�Connor Davies, LLP and discussed concerns of the committee. Tuition revenue is 1.6% less than last year, which is substantially less than this year�s budget and the College is doing the best that it can considering the circumstances. The committee will have a better sense of enrollment numbers at the next meeting. Chair Wolfe thanked both committees for their work and the time devoted to the College committees. Committee of the Whole: Accessibility Services Office (Madeline Torres-Diaz, Director) Ms. Torres-Diaz gave a very informative presentation on the services offered by the Accessibility Services office: > 400 students identified themselves as requiring services this year, compared with 428 last year. The goal of the Office for Accessibility Services is to make students comfortable using the services to assist them. > The name of this office was changed from Disability Services to Accessibility Services after Board Minutes � November 12, 2012 � Page 6 marketing the name for several months and noting that most colleges have also changed to reflect �accessibility� rather than �disability.� > More students are having emotional issues and 29 students have been identified with Asperger�s syndrome of Autism. These students are passing in class; however they may have some social issues. A grant is being investigated to gain support for working with these students. > The CTEA grant allowed for the purchase of security cameras in all exam rooms and the Office for Accessibility Services has a new space at the Middletown Campus which is spacious and contains new computers and software. > A survey completed in 2012 found that 87% of students were satisfied with the services they received. 82% of students noted that the accommodations helped them and 85% were successful and comfortable with talking to Faculty and Staff. > Disability or Accessibility Awareness month and Autism awareness will be held in April, 2013 at the College. President Richards noted that Ms. Torres-Diaz is positive leader at the College and added that all students must be self-declared in order to receive services. Spotlight Presentation: Criminal Justice Department (Dennis O�Loughlin, Chair) Mr. O�Loughlin gave an overview of the department of Criminal Justice discussing the programs offered by the Criminal Justice Department: > Two career tracks are available in Criminal Justice: AS in Criminal Justice and AAS in Criminal Justice: Police > Representatives from the Academy of Criminal Justice Science visited the College and made several suggestions for future development such as in the area of Corrections, Probation and Parole, as possible additions to the AS degree. > Students are involved in internship programs with 80 hours done off-campus in the field of Criminal Justice working with the Middletown Police Department, Newburgh Police Department and the Orange County Department of Probation/Parole. > Distance Learning has been incorporated into the program with 8 courses being fully online. > There are 6 students in the program who are now enrolled in the Honors program at the College. > The Criminal Justice club has involved students in community service and outreach and the instructors who act as advisor to the club are Robert Cacciatore (Middletown Campus) and Tim Zeszutek (Newburgh Campus.) > Students work on a project titled �Mock Criminal Court� where they role-play to gain an understanding of the court system. > Two students in the Criminal Justice program won the SUNY Chancellor�s Award. X. COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC: N/A XI. BOARD DISCUSSION Trustee Krahulik reported that he attended his first College Association meeting and that he hopes to bring about more formality to the group. Currently, there is some confusion as to the policies for College Association employees for reporting and supervision. There is work to be done, but the College Association acknowledges the need for more structure. XII. EXECUTIVE SESSION A motion was made for the board to enter into Executive Session at which time the regular board meeting was adjourned and the trustees remained. Board Minutes � November 12, 2012 � Page 7 XIII. BOARD ADJOURNMENT At 5:15 PM, a motion was made (Murphy/Krahulik) to adjourn the meeting and enter into Executive Session for a discussion of board matters. Respectfully submitted, Carol A. Murray Secretary to the Board NEXT BOARD MEETING Monday, December 10, 2012 4 PM � 5:45 PM Music Room, Morrison Hall, Middletown Campus