MINUTES OF THE ORANGE COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE BOARD OF TRUSTEES� MEETING Tuesday, November 12, 2013 Board Room, Tower Building Newburgh Campus Present: Chair J. Wolfe, Vice Chair H. Ullrich, Secretary M. Murphy, G. Mokotoff, T. Hunter, A. De La Rosa, S. O�Donnell, R. Krahulik Absent: I. CALL TO ORDER - Chair Wolfe called the meeting to order at 5:00 PM Chair Wolfe welcomed all and Dr. Richards introduced the following presentations which were moved to the start of the meeting. * Honors Program Update (Professor Elaine Torda) * SOARS �SUNY Orange Achievements in Research and Scholarship� (Dr. Michele Iannuzzi-Sucich) * Faculty Council Update on Fall Plenary Hosted by SUNY Orange (Dr. Tom Giorgianni) Dr. Richards also announced that Professor Torda was recently elected as a fellow to the National Collegiate Honors Council (NCHC). She is one of six faculty nationwide elected as a fellow this year and the only professor from a community college. Congratulations were extended by both Dr. Richards and Chair Wolfe. Honors Program Update: Professor Torda gave the following update: 2012-13 AY: � Began with 77 total students: 17% increase � Course offerings: 25% increase � 9 graduated with full designation: 50% increase � 8 others graduated from the Honors Program (stable) 2013-14 AY: � Began with 98 students: 27% increase � Course offerings: 9% increase Newburgh: 2012-13 AY: � Recruited 15 students � Offered 1st courses: (4 regular three-credit, 2 one-credit, 2 three-credit ITV, 4 one-credit ITV) 2013-14 AY: � Recruited 12 students � Expanded course offerings: 4 three-credit (2), 3 one-credit, 1 three-credit ITV (2), � 2 one-credit ITV (2) (X) = planned for spring � Added lounge/study area (TWR 400) Honors Advisory Board: � Increased student reps to three (2012-13) � Will add Newburgh rep (2013-14) � Increased alumni reps � Added student rep to Scholarship sub-committee (2013-14) Campus Leaders: � Student Ambassadors (Admissions) � PTK Members/Leaders � Student Senate and BOA Members/Presidents � Student Trustee: Alex de la Rosa Board Minutes � November 12, 2013 � Page 2 Honors Student Peer Mentors: � Increased in Middletown � Added four for Newburgh Spring 2013 Northeast Regional Honors Council Conference: � 7 students presented (100% proposal acceptance rate): 4 sophomores and 3 freshmen � Presented in three categories: panel, individual paper, interactive workshop � 2 faculty attended � Financed by student fundraising & Foundation Board Beacon Conference 2013: � Submitted ten papers (2 Freshmen for 1st time) � Eight accepted (5 presentations, 3 posters) � 1 winner: Jackie Parsons Fundraisers: � 1 for program, 1 for conference, 1 for outside organization � 2 planned: 1 for program and 1 for conference Fun-raisers: � Orientation (annually August) � Breakfast with President (annually May) � Tea Party (2012-13) � Pizza/Food Parties (monthly) � Holiday Party (annually) � Board Games (2013-14) � Movie Nights (Fall 2013) SUNY Orange Achievements in Research and Scholarship Conference (SOARS) Dr. Michele Iannuzzi-Sucich gave the following update: > March 2012 � SUNY Orange team attended Conference on Undergraduate Research at the Community College > April 2012 � VPAA convened the Undergraduate Research Task Force > August 2012 � SOARS Web Site launched > March 2013 � First Annual SOARS Conference SOARS Conference Goals: To promote and highlight research accomplishments and scholarly achievements of SUNY Orange students under the mentorship of SUNY Orange faculty SOARS Promotion: Faculty: � Announcement at August Assembly meeting � Task Force members have promoted conference to faculty at department meetings � Grapevine announcements Students: � Student Task Force representative promoting conference to student clubs & organizations � Promotional materials in Advising Office Board Minutes � November 12, 2013 � Page 3 Presentation Categories: � Research Paper � Creative Research Project � Research Poster 2014 SOARS Conference Timeline: � December 15, 2013 � SOARS submission deadline � December 15, 2013 - February 7, 2014 � Faculty readers comment � February 15, 2014 � Feedback returned to students � March 1, 2014 � Submissions due to regional Beacon conference � March 15, 2014 (Saturday) � Second Annual SOARS Conference � Publication: SUNY Orange was invited to submit a chapter on the SOARS Conference for publication in a monograph being compiled by the National Council of Instructional Administrators (NCIA) & Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR) Faculty Council Community Colleges Update: Dr. Tom Giorgianni, Professor and FCCC delegate gave an update as follows: � Each community college elects a delegate and alternate as a representative. � The FCCC is the faculty voice into the SUNY system. � The FCCC President sits ex-officio to the SUNY Board of Trustees. � The FCCC has discussed the concerns surrounding Open SUNY (Our Students, Academic Integrity, Academic Freedom, and Our Mission) � Discussed several resolutions FCCC crafted surrounding Open SUNY and Seamless Transfer o Open SUNY - Principles of Academic Freedom and Faculty Control of Curriculum G2 2012-2013 o 64 Credit Limit Resolution ASA1 2012-2013 o FCCC has significant concerns and fears that this 64-credit cap may also cause option limitations for our students by pigeon-holing them into degree work, thereby reducing student�s ability to experience, explore, and experiment because of degree-related restriction of specific courses. o Rational Funding Resolution � Resolution G1: 2013-2014 passed. � Resolution Supporting �Rational Revenue Plan� for the Community Colleges Plan is to increase the State�s share of operating costs to its statutory obligation of 33.3% by 2016�2017 o Seamless Transfer Resolution o The FCCC takes issue with the seemingly top down delivery of academic direction. o The FCCC does not believe SUNY System has considered the academic impacts to the students nor the community colleges. o De Facto Core Curriculum o Resolution ASA2: 2013-2014 passed unanimously on October 19, 2013. o Requesting suspending further implementation of seamless transfer. o Opposed de facto core curriculum as the pathways did not have appropriate review by community college shared governance procedures. o The UFS Resolution �Failure of Consultation and Shared Governance Regarding SUNY Educator Preparation Programs and the New NY Education Reform Commission� o The NYCCAP Resolution �Requests that the policy pertaining to any credit cap for the A.A.S. or A.O.S. degrees be postponed until such time as the issues are resolved between the Student Mobility Steering Committee and the SUNY Provosts office� Board Minutes � November 12, 2013 � Page 4 These resolutions from UFS and NYCCAP in conjunction with the FCCC Resolutions lead FCCC to a perception that there is a decline at the SUNY level in utilizing the shared governance processes. At 5:40 PM, a break was taken prior to continuing with the regular board business. At 5:50 PM, the regular board meeting commenced. II. CONSENT AGENDA Chair Wolfe requested a motion to approve the Consent Agenda: A. Approval of regular minutes from September 10, 2013 B. Approval of Petty Cash Reimbursements and Financial Statements for September 2013 C. Approval of Appointments Staff/Chair: Name Discipline Effective Eileen Burke Director of Academic Support and Testing 9/1/13 Academic Affairs (Promotion) Grade III (Revised) Colleen Mecca Information Commons Assistant 11/11/13 Academic Affairs Pro-rated Grade I 11/11/13 � 8/31/14 Showkat Choudry Director of Information Services and Network 11/11/13 Infrastructure Pro-rated Information Services 11/11/13 � 8/31/14 Deborah Dorwitt Technical Assistant 10/21/13 Biology Pro-rated Grade II 10/21/13 � 8/31/14 D. Approval of Retirement Faculty Discipline Years of Service Effective Abdelaziz Farah Associate Professor of Economics 12 May 2014 Global Studies Department A motion was made to accept consent agenda for approval. Murphy/O�Donnell Unanimous III. President�s Report: > Two P-Tech grants approved with Newburgh School District and updates will be given in the future. > The SUNY project centering around advanced manufacturing, which will be located at the Newburgh Armory, will provide a great boost for the private sector organizations in the lower Hudson Valley. > The One-Stop Center project at the Middletown Campus is proceeding with good progress. Board Minutes � November 12, 2013 � Page 5 > The Voice-Over IP project at the Middletown Campus is going well and the Shepard Student Center is now utilizing VOIP phones. All buildings at Middletown will be updated and the savings are significant. Jose Bernier has provided good leadership in this effort. > The Port Jervis shuttle used by the County Department of Social Services has been offered to our students free, thanks to Legislator Dennis Simmons and others. > The Lab School enrollment at Middletown is slightly over 90% capacity and Newburgh numbers are currently being reviewed. A request by the AHRC for rental of space at the Newburgh Lab School is being reviewed. > Honors Student, Joanna Dykman, is now a member of the SUNY Orange Foundation Board. > Andrea Coleman received the Wyatt Scholarship this year and she will bring her bronze to a board meeting in the spring. > Two new degrees will be offered next fall: � Public Health � New Media > Enrollment is down college-wide approximately 1.5% however part-time student enrollment is up and enrollment at Newburgh is also up. > For the second year in a row, the College has been named �Military Friendly� due to the wonderful service we provide to veterans. Our new Veterans Club continues to grow in membership and the College has approximately 300 Veterans enrolled. > The OTA Department recently had their accreditation visit and the department received many kudos from the Accreditation Team. They did a great job and congratulations are in order! > The Sugar Loaf Performing Arts Center is now governed by a 501 C3 board of directors that is investigating what to do with the property. The group met with Dr. Richards to discuss a possible gift to the College of the property. Chair Wolfe and Foundation Board President Rich Rowley will meet with them to discuss the proposal; however there are certain conditions that would have to be met. An update will be provided in the future. > The Middle States preliminary visit by Dr. Hoy went very well and he gave very good feedback on the Self-Study draft that is being finalized. The recommendations and suggestions are the focus now in preparation for the final draft at the end of November. VP Perfetti and Ms. Work continue to provide incredible leadership for this project. > Dr. Richards announced that the College is in complete compliance with the 4 areas of compliance required by Middle States to satisfy accreditation related federal regulations. They are as follows: o Student identity verification in distance and correspondence education o Transfer of credit policies and articulation agreements o Title IV program responsibilities o Assignment of credit hours > American Community College Trustee Award for Faculty has been added to the list of awards/recognitions that the shared governance committee reviews each year. For the next cycle, there will be a faculty member recognized by the ACCT. That faculty member will attend the meeting to accept their award. > With Chair Wolfe�s permission, the review of the Mission and Strategic Priorities of the College has been moved back and will now be completed by January 2015, rather than June 2013. IV. REPORT OF THE COLLEGE GOVERNANCE SYSTEM � Michelle Tubbs (Read by Chair Wolfe on behalf of Ms. Tubbs) > The institution�s first formal �Program Deactivation & Discontinuance Procedure� has been finalized and approved. It is now an official procedure of the institution (to be followed by academic departments, the Curriculum Committee & administration.) > A discussion forum on student housing at SUNY Orange, led by Nicholas Gabel from Brailsford-Dunlavey, took place at the Oct 21st Assembly meeting. Faculty and staff shared their thoughts and perspectives about student housing with the consulting firm conducting the feasibility study. In addition, following this discussion forum, a summary of the discussion along with follow-up comments and comments from those who were unable to attend were sent to Nicholas Gabel and are currently available to anyone for review. Many faculty and staff are concerned with the timing of such a Board Minutes � November 12, 2013 � Page 6 project, particularly the financial impact of another major capital project and the staffing and services demands that would accompany student housing, as well as the impact it would have on the current student body. > SUNY Orange hosted a very successful Faculty Council of Community Colleges (FCCC) Fall Plenary meeting Oct. 17-19. Kudos to Tom Giorgianni (FCCC Delegate) who worked hard with the FCCC staff to coordinate the event. Dr. Giorgianni and Professor Diane Bliss will be providing a report of the Plenary at the Nov. 18th Assembly. > The College�s FCCC Delegate is now officially an ex-officio member of Executive Committee. The addition of the FCCC Delegate to the Executive committee membership will help to keep Executive Committee abreast of the issues at the SUNY and State level that community colleges are facing and how shared governance is expected to contribute to the work of the FCCC. The hope is that this will allow SUNY Orange to be more proactive, instead of reactive, with respect to the issues that affect the institution and community colleges in general. > Executive Committee is currently working to gather information regarding professional development at SUNY Orange. They are seeking information from both the administration and the College community. In the end, the hope is for the College community to have a better understanding of what SUNY Orange defines professional development to be, what professional development opportunities there are and what financial support is provided and available for professional development. V. REPORT OF THE STUDENT TRUSTEE � Alex De La Rosa > Collaboration between Campuses: � Both BOAs got together for last month�s bonding night. The purpose of this event is for the students to meet each other and encourage collaboration between the organizations. � Middletown will host their bonding night November 18th. � After several discussions, both BOAs agreed to leave the constitutions separate. � In October, Student Trustee De La Rosa met with representatives from Middletown�s Student Senate to review the bylaws of the Newburgh ICC to generate ideas for a Middletown ICC. ICC of Middletown should be fully functional by the spring semester. � COLT Night was held on Friday October 4th and it was a very informative, successful event. � Both Student Senates and BOAs are selling wrist bands to raise money for breast cancer awareness month. The proceeds will be donated at the annual breast cancer awareness walk in Monroe. The members of both organizations are also encouraging students to participate in the walk and form a SUNY Orange team. > Student Senate: � Student elections have taken place and both campuses have started with regular meetings. � Middletown Senate elected officers and the results are as followed: o President- Chris Sutton o Vice President- Will Schurman o Treasurer- George Panzoni o Secretary- Sandy Aulet � Newburgh Student Senate elected officers and the results are as followed: o President- Danny Torres o Vice President- Dylan Simpson o Treasurer- Jasmin Flashman o Secretary- Angie Cardona Board Minutes � November 12, 2013 � Page 7 � Newburgh Senate is working on a resolution for the cafeteria that was shut down in the Tower building. They are also working on a resolution to extend the library hours so they are identical to Middletown�s. � Both Senates reviewed club budget request forms. > Board of Activities (BOA): � Newburgh BOA has elected officers and the results are as follows: o President- Amanda Quinntana o Vice President- Jasmin Flashman o Secretary- Fiona Barrett o Community Chair- Matt Romano o Promotions Chair- Cynthia Lown � Both BOAs will adopt a family for the holiday season. They will donate gifts to the families they choose to adopt. > Events that occurred the last two months were: Trinidad Tripoli Steel Band, The College Drive-In Movie (Middletown), BOA Bingo (Middletown) and Matt Beilis (both campuses), Hypnotist (both campuses) and psychic fair (Middletown). > Update from Conferences: � NYCCT � Trustee De La Rosa enjoyed the conference and recommends for all new trustees. There was no special session for new student trustees and Trustee De La Rosa provided his feedback about this to the President of NYCCT. This was discussed at the Student Assembly and for next year, he is hopeful that accommodations will be made for a separate new �student trustee� session. � Student Assembly VI OLD BUSINESS: N/A VII NEW BUSINESS A. 1. Approval of President�s Contract Vice-Chair Ullrich reported that the President�s Performance and Compensation Committee met and reviewed the President performance and subsequently met with President Richards to negotiate a contract. The committee and the President came to an agreement on a three-year contract between the President and the College with no increase in salary during the course of the contract. Trustee Krahulik created an amended contract commencing on September 1, 2013 and terminating on August 31, 2016. A motion was made to approve the three-year contract for President Richards Ullrich/Murphy Unanimous 2. A motion was made to approve Resolution 1: Approval of Capital Projects 2013-14 Ullrich/Mokotoff Unanimous Board Minutes � November 12, 2013 � Page 8 3. A motion was made to approve Resolution 2 : Approval of New Employee Titles 2013-2014 Ullrich/De La Rosa Unanimous 4. A motion was made to approve Resolution 3: Approval of Deactivation � Business Certificate Program Mokotoff/Ullrich Unanimous 5. A motion was made to approve Resolutions 4 through 26: Naming of Spaces* Ullrich/De La Rosa Unanimous *The following is the list of �Named Spaces�: Donor Donor Level Named Location 1. Rowley Family Transforming Center for Science & Engineering (CSE) 2. Gene & Jean Morrison Transforming Tutoring Center CSE 306 3. Alan & Sandra Gerry Empowering Forum � CSE 4. OC Trust Company Empowering Newburgh Kaplan Great Room 101 5. Frontier Communications Empowering Boardroom 509 � 5th floor Tower Building Newburgh 6. Chris Schmid Empowering Gymnasium/courts in PE building on Middletown campus 7. Dyson Foundation Empowering Newburgh Simulation Lab 303 8. James H. Ottaway, Jr. Empowering Center for Teaching (CTL) � CSE 008 9. Walden Savings Bank Synergizing Information Commons � Middletown Library 10. Pepsi (Tenney) Synergizing Fitness Center � Tower 134 Building Newburgh 11. Frommer � Spagnoli Families Synergizing First Floor Lecture Hall � CSE 110 12. TD Bank Altering Classroom 201 Kaplan Building � Newburgh 13. Fusco Engineering Motivating Physical Mechanical CSE 208 14. Orange & Rockland Motivating Physical Electrical CSE 204 15. Judelson, Giordano & Siegal. Motivating Conference Room CSE - 211 16. First Federal Savings of Middletown Motivating Classroom CSE - 308 17. JMZ Motivating Architecture Studio CSE 301 18. Key Bank Motivating 5th floor Tower 500 Building meeting room off elevator lobby 19. Kim Boylan Motivating Classroom 203 Kaplan Newburgh 20. Ralph E. Ogden Foundation Motivating Newburgh Oval Garden 21. Staff & Chair Association Motivating Classroom � 116 CSE 22. Faculty Association Motivating Classroom � 216 CSE 23. Williams Family Motivating Classroom 205 Kaplan Newburgh Board Minutes � November 12, 2013 � Page 9 B. 1. Commencement Proposal Awarding of Degrees � Chair Wolfe read and discussed the proposal for a change in awarding of degrees at the College. Preparations for Commencement have become complex, especially in the Registrar�s office, whose responsibility is to ensure the accuracy of each degree awarded. The proposal is for a pilot project for May of 2013, where the College would not award degrees at Commencement but mail them to graduates a short time after. Discussion ensued and since all were in agreement to go forward with the pilot in May of 2014, Chair Wolfe asked for a motion. A motion was made to accept the proposal to award degrees after Commencement as a pilot project for May of 2014. Murphy/Ullrich Unanimous VIII. BOARD CHAIR COMMENTS � Joan Wolfe > Chair Wolfe noted that County Executive Diana received a resignation from Dr. Arthur Anthonisen, effective November 1st. Dr. Anthonisen is not living in the area and cannot continue as a trustee of the College. A letter of thanks will be sent to him for his many years of service to the College and we hope to celebrate his service to the College in the near future. > Congratulations to Trustee O�Donnell who was awarded 1st place in the 2013 Student Art Competition at SUNY Empire. > Congratulations to the Nursing Department and Chair Pat Slesinski for their remarkable passing rates for graduates of 2013. Graduation rates were 100% in December, 2012; 100% in May, 2013 and evening was 100%; and May day-students� rate was 96.3%. The state passing rate is 76% and the national is 80% so kudos to the Nursing Department and the students that represent the college when they graduate. > Chair Wolfe thanked the trustees that were able to meet with Dr. Hoy noting that the experience was very positive. Dr. Hoy noted that the College was one of the most prepared he has been to. The dates for the Middle States visit in April are April 7-9 and trustees will have the opportunity to meet with the team. > Chair Wolfe attended the SUNY Scholarship Awards and commended the Foundation Board for all their hard work in raising money for scholarships. This year, $252,000 was awarded in scholarships and the College is very fortunate to have such an active Foundation board. > Chair Wolfe attended the Alumni Induction Ceremony where there were 6 new inductees. It was a very positive experience and the alumni are thrilled with all that is happening at the College. IX. COMMITTEE REPORTS AND/OR RECOMMENDATIONS Academic and Student Services Committee: Trustee Murphy reported: > The committee discussed SUNY Seamless Transfer and Trustee Murphy noted that the concept is excellent however it is important to hear from all constituents regarding concerns. One of the issues is the 64-credit hour limit which would affect us locally because of our physical education requirement of 2 credits. The College presently has a 1 credit Wellness requirement and 2 half-credit activity courses. If mandated the 2 credit course would be eliminated as a graduation requirement. It is not an academic policy and could be included in another form possibly in general education curriculum but the conversation is ongoing. Board Minutes � November 12, 2013 � Page 10 > Trustee Ullrich noted a concern with the way in which the SUNY Seamless Transfer initiative is being presented by SUNY and stressed the need for community colleges to make sure that they have a say in how this will work. She noted that it is Orange County, Orange County tax payers, and our students who provide the bulk of the financial support for this school. > Chair Wolfe thanked the committee and those who serve for bringing back information to the trustees and providing their input in these types of initiatives. Audit and Finance Committee: > The committee did not meet in October, but the College continues to do a very good job of controlling expenses. Revenue is fairly good compared to what was budgeted. The good news for last year is that the College only consumed half of the reserved (appropriated) fund as compared to what was anticipated. This year, the College is proceeding on the presumption that there will be a balanced budget and will not have to consume any of the reserved funds. The College is doing much better now than in the last two or three years. X. COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC: > Trustee Krahulik thanked Chair Wolfe and President Richards for attending his father�s wake and thanked the entire board for the contribution made to a scholarship fund on his behalf. > Chair Wolfe read a statement from Kathy Malia, President of the Faculty Association, as follows: �If I were able to attend today�s board meeting, I simply would have stated that the Faculty Association is concerned about our inability to negotiate a contract in spite of the fact that our proposals have been reasonable from the onset of negotiations. Our contract expired in August of 2012 and our progress has been very slow. Our next negotiating meeting is February 10, 2014.� Chair Wolfe expressed that hopefully now that elections are over, the contract can be settled. > Chair Wolfe noted that the National Legislative Summit will be held in February and it is important for trustees to lobby at this conference. It was decided that Chair Wolfe, Trustee Ullrich and Student Trustee De La Rosa will attend. XI. BOARD DISCUSSION: N/A XII. EXECUTIVE SESSION: N/A XIII. BOARD ADJOURNMENT At 6:40 PM, a motion was made (Hunter/O�Donnell) to adjourn the meeting. Respectfully submitted, Carol A. Murray Secretary to the Board NEXT BOARD MEETING Tuesday, December 10, 2013 Gilman Center, Library, Middletown Campus 5 PM