MINUTES OF THE ORANGE COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING HELD WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 2010, AT 8:30 AM, Music Room, Morrison Hall Present: Chair J. Wolfe, Vice Chair S. O�Donnell, Secretary M. Murphy, R. Calderin, R. Krahulik, G. Mokotoff, H. Ullrich Absent: A. Anthonisen I. CALL TO ORDER � Chairman Wolfe called the meeting to order at 8:30 am. OATH OF OFFICE - Vice Chair O�Donnell administered the Oath of Office for the reappointment of Trustee Joan H. Wolfe, who was reappointed to a seven-year term effective 9/2/10 through 6/30/17. II. CONSENT AGENDA A motion was made to approve Consent Agenda Mokotoff/Murphy Items A � H. Unanimous A. Approved the Regular Meeting Minutes dated June 9, 2010 and the Special Meeting Minutes dated August 18, 2010. B. Approved Petty Cash Reports for June, July and August 2010 in the amount of $21.22. C. Approved Staff and Chair Appointments Name Title Effective Fred Brennan Facility Project Manager, Grade II 7/6/10 Jennifer Clayton Disabilities Specialist, Grade I 7/1/10 Mary Ford Director of Educational Partnerships, Grade III 7/16/10 James Gill IT Support Specialist II, Grade II 9/1/10 Dr. Cory Harris Interim Chair, Department of Psychology/ AY 2010-2011 Sociology, position carries a redefined loan of 15 credits or 20 contacts hour per academic year Stacey Morris Assistant Athletic Director, Grade II 8/9/10 William Polakowski IT Support Specialist II, Grade II 9/1/10 Dorothy Szefc Coordinator of Cultural Affairs, Grade II 9/1/10 Kathleen Zurilla Interim Assistant Chair, Department Fall 2010 of Nursing, redefined load of 10 contact hours Semester D. Approved Faculty Appointments Name Title Effective Alice Coburn Instructor, Year 2, full-time, tenure- AY 2010-2011 track, Department of Nursing Maria Diaz Instructor, Year 1, full-time, tenure- AY 2010-2011 track, Department of Nursing Damon Ely Instructor, Year 1, full-time, tenure- AY 2010-2011 track, Department of Biology Alexandra Kay Instructor, Year 1, full-time, temporary, AY 2010-2011 Department of English Approved Faculty Appointments (cont�d) Megumi Kinoshita Instructor, Year 1, full-time, tenure- AY 2010-2011 track, Department of Science/Engineering and Architecture Jeremy Sabatino Instructor, Year 1, full-time, tenure- AY 2010-2011 track, Department of Nursing Tina O�Hagan Instructor, Year 1, full-time, temporary Department of Nursing AY 2010-2011 William Stillman Instructor, Year 1, full-time, temporary, AY 2010-2011 Department of Science/Engineering/Architecture Cheryl Whalen Instructor, Year 1, full-time, temporary, AY 2010-2011 Department of Nursing Nicholas Zingaro Assistant Professor, Year 1, full-time AY 2010-2011 temporary, Department of Mathematics E. Approved of Unpaid Faculty Leave of Absence Name Discipline Effective Maria Blon Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics AY 2010-2011 F. Approved Staff/Chair Retirement Years of Name Discipline Service Effective Daniel Wise IT Support Specialist II 10 9/1/10 G. Approved Faculty Resignation Years of Name Discipline Service Effective David Witkowski Instructor, Applied Technology Department 28 8/23/10 H. Approved A.A.S. Degree in Green Building Maintenance and Management III. PRESIDENT�S REPORT- William Richards > A sample of the College's community survey, which�can be found on the College's website,�was distributed to the Board.��Ads were placed in the newspapers directing community members to the College website to fill out the survey.�Once the results are gathered, a report will be generated for the Board. > An updated organizational chart was provided to the Board. > The 2009�Safety/Security Report was�shared with the Trustees. > A summary of Newburgh Campus�activities was distributed. The College takes possession of Kaplan Hall in November.� The staff remains in the Tower Building until January 2011�and�then moves into the Maple Building. Tower Building renovations�begin in February. > Two faculty members Barbara Pinkall and Joel Morocho,�both from the Mathematics Department,�submitted a proposal to the National Science Foundation. These faculty members were chosen�to participate in a�project�in Washington, DC.� The�project will be implemented and will�become a watershed moment for the College. > The City of Newburgh took over the US Armory. Through a generous gift from Mr. Kaplan, the Armory gym will be restored.� Habitat for Humanity started renovations.�Mt. St. Mary College, the Newburgh City School District and the College are contributing to academic and recreational programs.�Renovations should be finished by the end of the semester. PRESIDENT�S REPORT- William Richards (cont�d) > Final approval for the Newburgh Nursing program was received.�Thanks to Pat Slesinski and Jean Halpern for their efforts.� A visit from the National Association is anticipated. > A Substantive Change Report for the Newburgh Campus will be sent to Middle States Association for review in October.�A visit by a Middle States team is expected. Leadership for this effort goes to Vice President Mindy Ross and Christine Work. > Last Thursday evening, the Orange County Legislature approved the reappointment of Trustee Joan H. Wolfe for a seven-year term, several CSEA appointments, environmental review, design and architectural planning for the Middletown capital projects, the Labschool and the Center for Science, Engineering and Technologies, and the demolition of the Sarah Wells Building.� A 30-day comment period will follow, and then a contract will be signed with JMZ to commence work.� This is the first time in President Richards' career to have�this number of�initiatives pass through a legislature. > A MOU between the College and SUNY Orange Foundation was signed.� For the first time the Foundation and the College will have a joint appointment, Russell Hammond as AVP for Resource Development. He is the first employee of the Foundation.�It is important that�the College�acts like a private college with fundraising rather than rely on state funding, which was cut this year by $1.5 million. > Kindercollege is one of three schools chosen by the NY Medical School for a research study on asthma in children. The study will focus on environmental causes and develop baseline data. > A $10,000 grant from the Orange County Soil and Water Conservation District and the Orange County Land Trust was awarded to create a rain garden that catches water from rain runoff and melted snow to water the gardens. Cornell Cooperative Extension�s Master Gardeners will assist with planting plans and stone placement. Multiple rain gardens on both campuses will be established. IV. REPORT OF THE COLLEGE GOVERNANCE SYSTEM � President Robert Misiak > On 8/25/10, the first Assembly Meeting of the year was held. Workshops and the Annual Campus BBQ followed. Goals for Academic Year 2010 � 2011 The Executive Committee of Governance (EC) set the following goals at their May 2010 Retreat: * Review and implement the recommendations of the ad hoc Committee on Governance * Identify what in governance has to come through EC * Create process/procedures manuals that clearly define standing committee processes for each of the standing committees * Develop an annual end-of-year assessment of previous year�s goals and formulate goals for the upcoming year for each committee * Review committee charges (annual task) * Rethink Open Forums, discussions for Assembly; include �communications� as topic for Assembly * Continue request for assessment of effectiveness of transition of Cultural Affairs from governance committee to advisory board; information should be gathered from advisory board members, academic departments, and others; have we procured any increase in grants; what is budget situation; what community members are serving in what ways on the board. * Follow-up on Academic Affairs reorganization since time of previous Middle States report and assess how that has affected College Governance in particular. Executive Committee Meeting with the Vice Presidents (VPs) - On 9/1/10, the EC met with the VPs. The purposes of this meeting were to enhance communication as well as to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of Governance committee work. The VPs described their goals and issues for this academic year. This information will be discussed with Governance Committee Chairs on 9/8/10 so that they have a clearer focus as they set their agendas during this academic year. Governance Office is now officially set up in the Library, Room 234 Chair Wolfe asked if adjuncts were active and attended meetings. Governance President Misiak responded that improving adjunct participation will be taken up at an Executive Committee meeting. Past President of Governance Diane Bliss will head up this effort. V. REPORT OF STUDENT TRUSTEE - None VI. OLD BUSINESS 1. A motion was made to approve the following 2010-2011 Board of Trustees Slate of Officers: Trustee Arthur C. Anthonisen - Chairman Trustee Gertrude F. Mokotoff - Vice Chairman Ullrich/O�Donnell Trustee Margaret Murphy - Secretary 6 in favor/1 abstention VII. NEW BUSINESS 2. A motion was made to approve Resolution No. 1 to Reaffirm the College�s Participation in the American College and University of Presidents Mokotoff/Ullrich Climate Commitment Unanimous 3. A motion was made to accept an Anonymous Donation for $2.4 million for the Lab School at the Ullrich/Murphy Middletown Campus Unanimous 4. Revision to BP 2.17 Alcoholic Beverages The serving or consumption of alcoholic beverages at any College-sponsored or College-related event at which students are present is prohibited. At the discretion of the President, alcohol may be served at College- sponsored or College-related events at which students are not present. A motion was made to approve the Revision to Board Policy BP 2.17. Murphy/Ullrich Unanimous VIII. BOARD CHAIR COMMENTS - Joan Wolfe Chair Wolfe thanked President Richards and Trustees for working cohesively with her during her three years as Board Chair and stated that it was an honor representing the College. During this time the board committees have become active and provide the board with pertinent information. Appreciation was extended to VP Smith for explaining the budget process to the Trustees in layman�s terms and to her entire office for working above and beyond in these challenging times. A special thank you went to Maryann Raab for keeping her organized and for her infinite patience. BOARD CHAIR COMMENTS - Joan Wolfe (cont�d) Chair Wolfe announced the Trustees� committee assignments for AY 2010-2011 as follows: Trustees Administration Committee of the Whole Entire Board of Trustees Academic Programs and Services Committee Margaret Murphy, Chair Richard Heppner Gertrude F. Mokotoff VP for Academic Affairs Roberto Calderin Paul Broadie, VP for Student Services Student Trustee Audit and Finance Committee Robert E. Krahulik, Chair Roz Smith Stephen P. O�Donnell VP for Administration and Finance Helen G. Ullrich Vinnie Cazzetta Roberto Calderin VP for Institutional Advancement Governance and Nominating Committee Margaret Murphy, Chair William Richards, President Robert E. Krahulik Stephen P. O�Donnell President�s Performance Review and Compensation Committee Robert E. Krahulik, Chair Stephen P. O�Donnell Joan H. Wolfe College Association Representative � Joan H. Wolfe Educational Foundation Representatives � Helen Ullrich and Robert E. Krahulik Alumni Affairs � Chair Wolfe requested a report on alumni affairs be brought to the Board every other month. President Richards reported that during the last year of the Alumni Association�s operation, $5,700 was raised. Under VP Cazzetta�s direction, $51,931 was raised from alumni in 2009-2010. Since 7/1/10 more than $10,000 has been raised. Appreciation was extended to VP Cazzetta for taking on the alumni responsibility. Trustee Travel � Chair Wolfe thanked the Trustees for agreeing not to attend conferences in light of this year�s budget. Trustee Anthonisen will be the only Board representative to attend the ACCT conference. IX. COMMITTEE REPORTS AND/OR RECOMMENDATIONS Audit and Finance Trustee Krahulik None Academic and Student Services Committee � President Richards asked Trustee Mokotoff and the committee to create the criteria for the new student trustee scholarship. The criteria will be presented at the 10/13/10 Board Meeting. Governance and Nominating - Chair Margaret Murphy - None President�s Performance Review and Compensation � Chair Arthur Anthonisen In Trustee Anthonisen�s absence, Trustee Krahulik reported that President Richards� service has been exemplary, taking the institution beyond the level of the Trustees� expectations. The committee concurred to forgo a performance bonus due to budget reductions. A lengthy discussion followed about not granting a performance bonus. Trustees Wolfe, O�Donnell, Calderin and Ullrich voiced their praise for the President�s handling of the College. A suggestion was made to reinstate a performance bonus next year, budget permitting. A motion was made to approve a three point seventy-five per cent (3.75%) salary increase for President Richards Murphy/Wolfe effective September 1, 2010. Unanimous Trustee Krahulik noted that the average faculty salary increase is 5.4%. X. COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC > President of the Faculty Association Kathleen Malia questioned the 5.4% average salary increase for faculty. President Richards clarified that the negotiated salary increase is 3.75%. VP Smith indicated that the minima table uses step increases and promotions in addition to the 3.75% increase, which results in an average increase. > Professor Malia also mentioned that furniture is outdated and replacements should be considered. President Richards responded that Chair Wolfe has requested a three-year cycle for evaluating each area for furniture replacement. VP Heppner mentioned that the Academic Master Plan includes a recycling plan of technology and furniture. > Staff/Chair Association President Frank Traeger announced that his department is starting to include adjuncts as part of the Biology family. Office space for adjuncts needs to be considered. > Professor Traeger noted that full-time Staff/Chair members, especially chairs and coordinators, are disconcerted over the new 20-week pay period schedule. The new pay schedule was agreed to during contract negotiations. > Professor Malia voiced the faculty�s concerns about the 20-week pay period schedule and lag pay and discussed the possibility of returning to a 26-week pay period. Revisiting the pay schedule is a contract issue, which would have to be brought back to negotiations in the future. Discussion on the new pay period schedule continued. > Trustee Ullrich, a SUNY Orange Foundation member, commended President Richards on the appointment of Russell Hammond. In this economy, it is important to look at restricted funds and to work hard to increase the areas of giving. XI. BOARD DISCUSSION > Chair Wolfe polled Trustees about a possible change to Board meeting time. This item was tabled until the 10/13/10 board meeting. > Trustee Mokotoff asked if the College would close on the Jewish Holidays. Faculty, staff and students can make arrangements to be excused for a religious observance. The College will not change the policy. > Chair Wolfe reported on the results of a recent College Association Meeting. Gross profits are up. Security employees at both campuses have been trained. The agreement between the College and the College Association is being revised. Discussion continued about the high cost of books for students. Any suggestions to reduce book costs would be appreciated. > Trustee Calderin inquired about the 2010-2011 Committee Appointment process. Discussion continued about diversity on the board committees and the process for appointing committee members. This topic will be revisited at a future board meeting. XII. BOARD ADJOURNMENT At 8:40 am a motion was made (Krahulik/Calderin) to adjourn the meeting. Respectfully submitted, Maryann Raab Assistant to the President THE NEXT BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING WILL BE HELD AT 8:30AM ON WEDNESDAY, 10/13/10, MUSIC ROOM, MORRISON HALL Board Minutes � September 8, 2010 7