MINUTES OF THE ORANGE COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING HELD MONDAY, JANUARY 12, 2009, AT 7:00 PM, IN THE MUSIC ROOM, MORRISON HALL Present: Chair J. Wolfe, Vice Chair B. Hodge, Secretary M. Murphy, A. Anthonisen, R. Calderin, R. Krahulik, G. Mokotoff, S. O�Donnell Absent: T. Capach I. CALL TO ORDER - Chairman Joan Wolfe called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. II. CONSENT AGENDA A motion was made to approve Consent Agenda Hodge/Anthonisen Items A � D. Unanimous A. Approved the Minutes from the regular meeting held on December 8, 2008 as presented. B. Approved the petty cash report for December 2008 in the amount of $0.00. C. Approved Staff and Chair Appointment Name Discipline Effective Roberto Figueroa II Assistant Director of Admissions, Grade II (prorated for 1/5/09 � 8/31/09) 1/5/09 D. Approved Trustee Resignation Name Years of Service Effective Trustee Maria G. Diana 2 12/3/08 At the same time, Trustee Maria G. Diana was granted Trustee Emeritus status for her two years of dedicated service to the College Board of Trustees. III. PRESIDENT�S REPORT - William Richards > Katherine Boxer, the new director of the Hudson Valley Educational Consortium, started working today.� Ms. Boxer comes to the College with an extensive background in project management.� By the end of April, she will develop a strategic plan for the consortium.� She will provide an update at the May Board meeting. > On�2/9 at 4:30 pm prior to the Board meeting, the Trustees will visit the Shepard Center to obtain College IDs. > In November 2008 the�College�Emergency Management Team conducted a tabletop exercise.� The team was graded on their reaction to a simulated incident, an explosion in a science lab,�by the Orange County 911 group.� > In April, the College will conduct a full campus emergency trial.� The college community will be notified about the date of the event, but will not be informed about the nature of the situation.� By that time, the College will have installed emergency audio and video systems. Practices will continue periodically. > A brief discussion took place about two articles distributed to the Board pertaining to dormitories and Cybersecurity.� The College is awaiting a response from SUNY about approval of the new Cybersecurity degree program. > President Richards explained to the Board the particulars about the Resolution to approve the SUNY Memorandum of Understanding for the Capital Reinvestment Study�between the College and SUNY.�� Since each SUNY community college�has a master plan,�the capital reinvestment plan will provide a single format for lobbying the legislators in Albany and Washington. IV. REPORT OF THE COLLEGE GOVERNANCE SYSTEM � Diane Bliss 1. The 1/9/09 emergency training, held in lieu of the January Assembly meeting, proved informative. The speaker Brett Sokolow�s presentation was positive. He presented information on student behavior issues, identifying characteristic behaviors of distressed, disturbed and dysregulated students and stressing the importance of centralized reporting. In addition, Ed Kiely of Campus Security discussed the basics of emergency procedures as outlined on the new flip charts posted in classrooms and offices, the need for building service volunteers, and the training being offered on the operation of the AEDs installed around campus. Thanks were extended to Wendy Holmes, Ed Kiely and all involved in organizing this worthwhile session. 2. The Campus Safety and Security Committee is working with city and College administration to find solutions to pedestrian safety on South Street. Their efforts continue this semester. 3. This semester, the Academic Policy Committee will address the issue of plus and minus grades and other issues. 4. The first Executive Committee meeting is scheduled for 1/21. The committee looks forward to an active and positive spring 2009 semester. In addition to other issues, the committee will establish a master calendar of standing committee meetings and address governance communication and participation at both the Middletown and Newburgh campuses. V. REPORT OF THE STUDENT TRUSTEE � Thomas Capach - None VI. OLD BUSINESS 1. A motion was made to approve the following new policies in the Policy Manual as presented: Board Expenditures Board Facilities Use Board Committees Open Meetings Trustees Self-Evaluation Hodge/Murphy Board Tuition Waiver Presidential Evaluation Unanimous 2. A motion was made to approve the following revisions to the following Board Committee Charters as presented: Academic Programs and Services Committee Audit and Finance Committee Governance and Nominating Committee President�s Performance Review and Hodge/Calderin Compensation Committee Unanimous Chair Wolfe noted the President�s Evaluation and Board of Trustees Self-Evaluation Formats were included with the charter revisions. The Board�s Self-Evaluation will occur every two years. VII. NEW BUSINESS 3. A motion was made to approve Resolution No. 6 acknowledging Trustee Maria G. Diana�s service Anthonisen/Hodge to the College. Unanimous 4. A motion was made to approve Resolution No. 7 SUNY Memorandum of Understanding for the Capital Calderin/O�Donnell Reinvestment Study between SUNY and SUNY Orange. Unanimous . VIII. BOARD CHAIR COMMENTS - Joan Wolfe > Chair Wolfe announced that Trustee Margaret Murphy has been selected to represent Orange County in the New York City St. Patrick�s Day Parade. IX. COMMITTEE REPORTS AND/OR RECOMMENDATIONS Audit and Finance Trustee Hodge None Academic and Student Services Trustee Mokotoff None Governance and Nominating Trustee Murphy None President�s Performance Review and Compensation > Chair Wolfe appointed Trustee Robert Krahulik as Chair of the President�s Performance Review and Compensation Committee and Trustee Arthur Anthonisen as a committee member. X. COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC > Interim Vice President for Academic Affairs Richard Heppner reported that due to this year�s academic calendar, the spring 2009 semester had a quick turnaround. VP Heppner thanked the Student Services area, the AVPs, and the department chairs in Middletown and Newburgh for their commitment to commencing the semester on target. XI. BOARD DISCUSSION > Trustee Roberto Calderin inquired about tuition charges for immigrants in New York State. An update will be provided at the February Board meeting. > The Trustees asked the administration to investigate a resident campus at the College. During the past ten months, President Richards, VP for Administration Bloomer and Director of Facilities Administration Worden met with numerous dormitory development companies. Two or three development companies will be invited to make presentations to the Board after the Center for Science, Engineering and Technology is completed. > Trustee Gertrude Mokotoff requested information about public bus service between Middletown and Newburgh. President Richards noted a dialogue about this topic has been started with Middletown city officials. Trustee Mokotoff offered to serve if a transportation committee is organized. > Trustee Stephen O�Donnell asked about security at the College. President Richards provided an overview and emphasized the excellent relationship the College has with Middletown and Newburgh police departments and the Orange County Sheriff�s Office. These law enforcement agencies are familiar with the buildings at both campuses. XII. BOARD ADJOURNMENT At 7:40 pm a motion was made (Anthonisen/Calderin) to adjourn the meeting. Respectfully submitted, Maryann Raab Assistant to the President 1/12/09 Board Minutes - 3