MINUTES OF THE ORANGE COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING HELD MONDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 2008, AT 7:00 PM, IN THE MUSIC ROOM, MORRISON HALL Present: Chair J. Wolfe, Vice Chair B. Hodge, Secretary M. Murphy, A. Anthonisen, T. Capach, R. Krahulik, G. Mokotoff Absent: R. Calderin, M. Diana, S. O�Donnell I. CALL TO ORDER - Chairman Joan Wolfe called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm II. CONSENT AGENDA A motion was made to approve Consent Agenda Mokotoff/Krahulik Items A � C Unanimous A. Approved the Minutes from the regular meeting held on October 20, 2008 as presented. B. Approved the petty cash report for October 2008 in the amount of $0.00. C. Approved Faculty Resignation Name Discipline Effective Stephen Kaczkowski Associate Professor, Department Mathematics 12/31/08 III. PRESIDENT�S REPORT - William Richards > At the Newburgh community forums, a deacon from the Ebenezer Baptist Church requested renderings of the view of the College from the church. The renderings were circulated. Comments from the public at the forums were positive. Concerns were raised about traffic patterns at the church during large congregation gatherings and the location to the underground parking structure. These concerns are being addressed. A public comments� summary will be presented to the Board. Another community forum series will be arranged after the completion of Kaplan Hall. > A draft of the 2009-2014 Strategic Plan was presented for review and will be voted on at the 12/8 Board Meeting. > Governor Patterson called the Legislature back to session on 11/18. Calls to all State Legislators are being made to ensure that the no additional cuts are made to community colleges. > Conversations have taken place about the Board�s subcommittee meetings becoming open meetings. A policy will be drafted. Any comments should be delivered to Maryann Raab and Mike Albright. > An Executive Summary of the Security Think Group was included in the Board packet. President Richards assigned this group with the task of reviewing the current status of the SUNY Orange campus security personnel, with the focus on the possibility of altering the current security operations� model. Three recommendations were approved and will be put into effect immediately: * Distinguishable uniforms for Security and Parking Lot Attendants; * Review of security policy and procedures; and * Plan for extending and upgrading security training. * IV. REPORT OF THE COLLEGE GOVERNANCE SYSTEM � Diane Bliss 1. Executive Committee (EC) met recently to consider extending the duration of the ad hoc Sustainability Committee to continue its work with changes to its charge, related to the committee�s approved recommendations. 2. The Campus Safety and Security Committee chair, Karen Reid, invited city officials to a �walk-through� of South Street during peak college hours so that they may better understand the problems with pedestrian traffic and consider the installation of speed bumps. 3. PBIE Committee will meet on 11/13 to complete its ranking of initiatives for the next budget cycle. They will report the results at the 11/24 Assembly. 4. EC will consider some of the issues and solutions related to governance on two campuses and work to create a plan that maintains one governance system while addressing multi-campus needs. V. REPORT OF THE STUDENT TRUSTEE � Thomas Capach Student Senate > Student Senate Governance of Newburgh remains a huge issue. > The student survey on handicapped accessibility gave the College a score of 5.3 out of 10. More than100 students were surveyed. > Apprentice Players - The play East Lynne is being performed this weekend. Although the play is long, it is a wonderful performance and worth a trip to the theater. > Criminal Justice Club held a mock election on campus to determine the attitude of the OCCC students and Barack Obama won. > SUNY Orange Newspaper still has no home, but articles can be found on the website, which can be accessed from the home page. > Students for a Democratic Society will be holding a wilderness survival course toward the end of the month. The course will be taught by survival enthusiast Shane White Feather. > Athletics * Men�s Basketball came in second in the tip-off tournament. * Women�s Basketball opened last week. * Women�s Volleyball finished their season 20-3 and ranked tenth nationally. * The 11/3 back-page story of the Times Herald-Record was about Jeannette Convery, a 41 year old, non-traditional student at the College, who was nominated for All American recognition. VI. OLD BUSINESS 1. A motion was made to approve the five- year Faculty Association Contract effective 9/1/07 through 8/31/12, including the following salary increases: 2007 � 3%; 2008 � 3.5%; Mokotoff/Hodge 2009-12 � 3.75% and other negotiated benefits. Unanimous VII. NEW BUSINESS 2. A motion was made to approve Resolution No. 4 AY 2008-2009 requesting the use of Harriman Anthonisen/Krahulik Trust for Security System Installation and Upgrades. Unanimous 3. A motion was made to approve a three-year contract for President William Richards, which includes a 5% salary increase, effective 9/1/08 to 8/31/09, and a one-time Anthonisen/Mokotoff $3,000 stipend for this past year�s performance. Unanimous VIII. BOARD CHAIR COMMENTS Joan Wolfe > Trustee Arthur Anthonisen was installed as Chairman of ACCT, a national Trustees� organization, at their conference in New York City. Trustees Diana, Murphy and Wolfe attended the conference. Trustee Wolfe thanked Trustees Calderin, Capach and Krahulik for attending the reception on 10/31. JMZ Architects, Excelsior College and the many community colleges were recognized for donating monetary and other gift items to make the event a success. Maryann Raab and Lorraine Triola were acknowledged for organizing the event. > Two more trustee conferences are scheduled for the spring 2009; however, due to budget cuts, the College will not send any representatives. In lieu of the conferences, Trustee Wolfe suggested that a work session be planned for the spring. IX. COMMITTEE REPORTS AND/OR RECOMMENDATIONS > Audit Committee Report - Trustee Brutus Hodge * The committee�s charter, the Whistleblower and Ethics Policies were reviewed. * The NYS Controller�s Office is conducting a budget review this week. * VP Bloomer reviewed the budget and fund balance with the committee. > Trustee Krahulik questioned the status of the Audit Committee as subcommittee of the Finance Committee. President Richards noted that the original Finance Committee charter is undergoing a revision, and the Audit Committee will become the Finance and Audit Committee. > Trustee Krahulik also inquired about a Conflict of Interest statement for the Trustees. This form is issued through the Orange County Ethics Division. Maryann Raab will follow up with the county�s Ethics Office. X. COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC > President of the Faculty Association Kathleen Malia is relieved to have the contract settled. Professor Malia attended the Orange County�s legislative session last week and thanked the legislators for their support over the years. She confirmed that the contract will ensure the high quality of education to Orange County residents. > President Richards noted that the presentation at the ACCT conference by Tenee Casaccio from JMZ on the �Greening of Newburgh Campus� was well received. JMZ received 25 requests for Ms. Casaccio�s presentation. XI. BOARD DISCUSSION > Trustee Murphy attended the ACCT Trustee Orientation Session at the conference. Many recommendations from the session have already been implemented at the College. She thanked Chair Wolfe for doing a good job. > Trustee Mokotoff requested a list of the programs that will be offered in Newburgh and asked to compare them with Middletown programs. A report will be delivered to the Board. > In the event of inclement weather, the Trustees will be notified of meeting cancellations. This information is available on the website and by phone at 344-6222. > Chair Wolfe asked the Trustees to bring their laptops to the meetings since hard copies of the board packet will no longer be issued. XII. BOARD ADJOURNMENT At 7:30 pm a motion was made (Mokotoff/Murphy) to adjourn the meeting. Respectfully submitted, Maryann Raab Assistant to the President 11/10/08 Board Minutes - 3