MINUTES OF THE ORANGE COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING HELD MONDAY, APRIL 13, 2009, AT 7:00 PM, IN THE COMMUNITY ROOM, TOWER BUILDING, NEWBURGH Present: Chair J. Wolfe, Secretary M. Murphy, G. Mokotoff, T. Capach Absent: B. Hodge, A. Anthonisen, R. Calderin, R. Krahulik, S. O�Donnell I. CALL TO ORDER - Chairman Joan Wolfe called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm and noted that a quorum was not present. II. CONSENT AGENDA � In the absence of a quorum, the vote on the Consent Agenda will be deferred to the May 11, 2009 meeting. III. PRESIDENT�S REPORT- William Richards > Stimulus Act funding designated for Orange County comes in the form of a $3.5 million block grant. The College�s capital projects will be attended to first. Wind turbines will be installed in Newburgh and Middletown. The turbines will be part of laboratory work in addition to reducing energy costs by ten percent. A list of capital projects will be distributed to the Board at the 5/11 meeting. > The Devitt family committed to a very generous gift of $50,000, which will be earmarked for the restoration of the greenhouses and gardens. The family is open to monetary requests for other projects. As a result of the donation, the 2009-2010 capital projects changed priorities. This project rose to the top to qualify for NYSERDA funding for renewable energy. > Bill Kaplan is doing well. He is very excited about the Newburgh campus construction. > Annually a capital project summary will be included in the March Board packet. > Professor Kathleen Wright is the recipient of a Fulbright Scholarship to Senegal, West Africa during the summer. She will be invited to report to the Board at a Committee of the Whole meeting next fall. > The Finance Committee will be reviewing the proposed 2009-10 budget this month, and this budget will be voted on at the 5/11 Board meeting. > At the SUNY 60th Anniversary Conference in Albany, VP Broadie, Mindy Ross and David Kohn represented the College. > A Board Meeting Survey was distributed to the Board. The Trustees will return their surveys to Maryann Raab. The results will be announced at the May Board meeting. > $1.7 billion in funding for career training will be directed toward workforce development. The CAPE program is a recipient of the grant. > The College�s CAPE program has been recognized as a model program. > VP Heppner attended the Chancellor�s Awards for Student Excellence where two SUNY Orange students, Patrice Wiley and Philip Dreyhaupt, were recognized. > After the Educational Foundation Board meeting on 5/18, a Capital Campaign Lead Gift recruitment reception will be held in Newburgh. IV. REPORT OF THE COLLEGE GOVERNANCE SYSTEM � Diane Bliss President of the College Governance was excused from the meeting. A written report was distributed to the trustees with regard to the following items: 1. The Campus Safety and Security Committee worked diligently and continues to advocate for pedestrian safety measures on South Street. Chair Karen Reid is working Middletown officials and hosted visits for city officials. The removal of some parking spaces bordering crosswalks has increased visibility, and the committee continues to advocate for speed bumps. 2. At the 4/20 Assembly meeting, the Academic Policy Committee, will lead a discussion on recommendations to revise policy related to +/- grades. Currently, faculty may indicate a + or - final grade, but the institution does not weight those or calculate them into students� CQPA. The committee will present alternatives to the Assembly. 3. PBIE Committee (Planning & Budgeting for Institutional Effectiveness) met with Cabinet on 4/8 to discuss future planning directions as well as one that continues to review and prioritize planning initiatives. The discussion also addressed further defining the items PBIE will consider in the prioritization process. The meeting was productive in helping both Cabinet and PBIE gain a clearer and more consistent understanding of the role of each in the planning process. 4. The Professional Recognition & Awards Committee completed its work for the Excellence in Teaching Awards. Recipients are Tom Stack, Assistant Professor in the Business Department and Jean Halpern, Associate Professor of Nursing. These colleagues become our nominees for the SUNY Chancellor�s Awards for Excellence in Teaching. 5. Executive Committee established a master meeting schedule for next year to facilitate more efficient committee scheduling and increase participation in shared governance. 6. Executive Committee forwarded its comments to draft sections of the Middle States Periodic Review Report to Christine Work, as she continues to seek input to the report. After her April Assembly presentation, further opportunity for college community review and input is scheduled for 4/28 in an open forum. 7. Governance President Diane Bliss attended the Faculty Council of Community Colleges (FCCC) Spring Plenary Session in Cooperstown, NY on 3/27/09. This is the first time, the FCCC invited college governance leaders for a special day of sessions related to shared governance, and 17 of the 30 community colleges had governance leaders attending. Professor Bliss found the day informative and productive in making contact with other governance leaders. She came away with perspectives and ideas for continuing to improve our governance system. Max Schaefer, our FCCC representative and member of the FCCC Governance Committee, will bring three resolutions to 4/20 Assembly for consideration: one on assessment, one on the CCSSE, and one on transfer. V. REPORT OF THE STUDENT TRUSTEE � Thomas Capach > A summary of the College�s sports team standings was provided: Softball 7 � 9 Men�s Tennis 2 � 3 � Tournament in Flushing Meadows Baseball 12 - 6 (The baseball team is ranked 27th in the nation.) Softball 7-9 Golf just starting > Two clubs, the Student Political Awareness Club (SPAC) and the Nursing Club, have lost their recognition because they did not attend Officers� Club. > Two student events take place this month - Clubs Advisors Dinner on 4/24 and the Student Picnic on 4/30. > The Student Senate Elections will be held on 4/20 � 4/22. > Student Trustee Capach was elected as the College�s delegate to the Student Senate Assembly on 5/17 � 19. VI. OLD BUSINESS - None VII. NEW BUSINESS - None VIII. BOARD CHAIR COMMENTS - Joan Wolfe > Chair Wolfe asked the Trustees to return to Maryann Raab the Board Meeting Survey addressing the change in day and time of the 2009-10 Board meetings. IX. COMMITTEE REPORTS AND/OR RECOMMENDATIONS Audit and Finance Trustee Hodge None Academic and Student Services Trustee Mokotoff None Governance and Nominating Trustee Murphy None President�s Performance Review and Compensation Trustee Krahulik None X. COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC > Michelle Tubbs, the Faculty Association representative, commented that PRT process has been revamped. The PRT committee worked diligently to establish consistency in the PRT process for new faculty during the first five years of employment. This process could become a sidebar agreement to the next faculty contract. VP Heppner indicated that the system for tenure has become more clear and transparent. Trustee Margaret Murphy congratulated the committee for their efforts to improve the PRT process. XI. BOARD DISCUSSION > The last Board meeting will be held the same day as the Board Retreat on 6/11/09 at the Orange County Citizens Foundation in Sugar Loaf. The Board Retreat agenda will be included in the 5/11 Board packet. XII. BOARD ADJOURNMENT At 7:30 pm the trustees adjourned the meeting by acclamation. Respectfully submitted, Maryann Raab Assistant to the President THE NEXT BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING WILL BE HELD AT 7 PM ON 5/11/09 IN THE MUSIC ROOM, MORRISON HALL 4/13/09 Board Minutes - 3