MINUTES OF THE ORANGE COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING HELD ON WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14, 2011 AT 5 PM IN MUSIC ROOM, MORRISON HALL Present: Chairman A. Anthonisen, Vice Chair G. Mokotoff, V. Boucher-Parisella, T. Hunter, R. Krahulik, J. Wolfe, R. Calderin, H. Ullrich, S. O�Donnell Absent: Secretary M. Murphy I. CALL TO ORDER - Chairman Anthonisen called the meeting to order at 5 PM. II. Oath of Office � None III. CONSENT AGENDA A motion was made to approve Consent Agenda items A � F. Joan Wolfe requested that Item F be held for further Mokotoff/Calderin discussion. All were in agreement. Items A-E approved. Unanimous A. Approved the regular Meeting Minutes dated February 9, 2011 B. Approved Petty Cash report for February 2011, in the amount of $12.67. C. Approved Staff and Chair Appointments Name Title Effective Dena O�Hare Whipple Interim Coordinator for the Center for 2/7/11 Teaching and Learning (for Spring 2011) D. Approved Faculty Appointments Name Title Effective Richard Smith Assistant professor, Business Department Spring 2011 Full-time, Year 1 E. Approved Staff and Chair Retirement Name Title Effective Pat Cregar Technical Assistant 12/30/11 Institutional Advancement At the same time, the Board approved the Early Retirement Incentive under the Staff and Chair contract. At this time, Trustee Joan Wolfe requested a few moments to publicly acknowledge Rich Heppner�s many contributions to the College during the past 23 years. She thanked him for bringing a remarkable level of commitment, unparalleled professionalism and a calm demeanor to his many roles over the years. She gave an overview of Richard�s career from his start at the College as a Communications Instructor to Department Chair of the Arts and Communication Department, Associate Vice President of the Liberal Arts Division, and finally as Vice President for Academic Affairs. The College has been blessed to have Rich Heppner on our team for the past 2+ decades. A motion was made to approve Item F. Wolfe/O�Donnell Unanimous F. Approved Management Confidential Retirement Richard Heppner Vice President for Academic Affairs 8/1/11 At the same time, I recommend that the Board of Trustees grant the approval of the status of Professor Emeritus to Vice President/Assistant Professor Richard Heppner for his 23 years of dedicated service to the College and the students throughout his career. In addition, the Early Retirement Incentive under the Management Confidential contract was approved. IV. PRESIDENT�S REPORT- William Richards > The Kaplan Hall Dedication is scheduled for Thursday, 3/24/11. We sent out 250 invitations and currently 410 have responded that they will attend. > A survey of County Contributions to the 30 Community Colleges was distributed. We are doing very well in comparison with others. > We have received a grant from the American Community College of Trustees Association (ACCT) for just under $10,000 to create an electronic orientation for trustees in the State of NY. Our College will be organizing it here over the next few months and it should then be ready to offer to College trustee organizations outside of New York State. > The dedication of the Roberta Glinton Medical Office building is scheduled for Monday, May 2, 2011 at 2 PM at Bon Secours Hospital in Port Jervis. We will forward more information as it becomes available. > SUNY Orange is one of five recipients of a full scholarship from Mount Saint Mary College for one of our graduates. Mount Saint Mary will choose one graduate from each of the lower Hudson Valley Community Colleges. We will be forwarding no more than five names and they will choose one student. The scholarship is renewable for the student�s senior year. > Our Excellence in Teaching award recipients this year are Dr. Elizabeth White, Business Department and Dr. Melody Festa, Biology Department. Both are outstanding faculty and the awards are well-deserved. Next cycle, we will forward their awards to SUNY for the SUNY Chancellors Award for Excellence in Teaching. > Information was distributed regarding the American Heart Association Walk which will be held on Sunday, May 1, 2011 in Harriman, NY. Please feel free to join one of the SUNY Orange teams if you would like to participate. > Two of our students will receive the Chancellor�s Award for Student Excellence in Albany this April. We congratulate Ashley Kersting and Caitlin Kennedy on their achievements. > There has been much effort on lobbying both the legislature and governor�s office this year. The governor�s proposal for cuts to our operating budget is that we would receive $2034 per student FTE in reimbursement. We have asked for $2260. We can expect to receive somewhere in the middle of these two numbers. > The next meeting of the Board of Trustees in April will be held in the Great Room of Kaplan Hall and during that meeting, a demonstration of the security systems at Kaplan Hall will be given. > We have received a charitable remainder of trust from the Estate of George Shepard. His attorney, Shawn O�Connor and Jack MacMahon are awaiting court documentation appointing them as co-executors of the estate. His last gift, after all other gifts are given, is to this College. > A cover letter from SUNY and a 1999 report from the National Center for Higher Education Management Systems was distributed. This is the document upon which the governance of New York�s community colleges is based. V. REPORT OF THE COLLEGE GOVERNANCE SYSTEM � Robert Misiak, President > The PBIE committee has made its recommendations to the President and his Cabinet and all of the recommendations have been accepted �as is�, pending funding. > The Professional Recommendations and Awards Committee made recommendations to the President and as he announced today we have two recipients of the awards for Excellence in Teaching. > The Ad Hoc Committee on Governance continues to meet with the Assembly and in February, the committee went to Assembly to ask what the Assembly�s position was on Adjunct�s participating in Governance. Diane Bliss presented again at Assembly today and there was a healthy, lively conversation. > A Leadership group last summer recommended that we have our August Assembly meeting in Newburgh. The Executive Committee made this recommendation to Administration and it has been approved. > Governance is actively participating in the VPAA Search by being part of the open forums and asking questions related to governance. > The following recommendations have passed the Assembly and have been approved by President Richards: o Recommendation for Clarification of Policy 28 I (developmental courses �three strikes� policy) [proposed with the Developmental Education Standing Committee]: This policy applies to all students regardless of the number of developmental courses they are required to take. Students who receive a grade of �DVH� or �DVF� in a particular developmental course will be allowed to repeat that developmental course only two additional times for a total of three attempts (this includes attempts made in summer sessions). After a second attempt, students who do not pass a developmental course must meet with one of the Associate Vice Presidents for Academic Affairs. If students do not successfully complete a particular developmental course on the third attempt, they will be separated from the College for one year. Students may not appeal after this third attempt except under documented extenuating circumstances. Upon return to the College following a separation, students will be granted one attempt to successfully repeat the course(s). a grade of �DVH� or �DVF� in this attempt will result in another year�s separation. o Recommendation for Change in the Commencement Policy: Potential August graduates who are in good academic standing (2.0 or higher ) requiring 6 credits or less to graduate and who are registered to complete them during the Summer Semester will be permitted to attend May commencement provided that the application for graduation has been submitted and paid by the date stipulated by the Records and Registration Office. These students� degrees will not be conferred until they have completed the requirements for graduation. VI. REPORT OF THE STUDENT TRUSTEE � Vicki Boucher-Parisella Student Senate > Elections for officers were held last month and the following officers were elected: o Erica Cruz, President o Brent DeJoseph, Vice President o Paweennut �PW� Sukarome, Treasurer o Izabella Laskowska, Secretary > Three Senators will attend the SUNY Conference in Syracuse, NY April 8th through April 10th. Two of them will be the voting delegates representing SUNY Orange and the other is attending workshops. > Newburgh Student Government is moving forward and the next Senate meeting will be a video conference meeting on March 17th. Both Newburgh and Middletown students can attend the Senate meeting via conferencing between campuses. This was a concern of students as they had to be in Middletown on Thursdays in order to attend the meeting. > The Club �Organization Leadership Training�, known as COLT Night was held on March 4th and 80 SUNY Orange club members were in attendance. The leadership trainer was Jack from Collegiate EmPowerment, and he did a wonderful job motivating the students. > There is a new club on campus titled �Body Brigades� and their purpose is to advance the knowledge and recognition of health and fitness at the College by students and faculty. They have many initiatives planned and are recruiting students and faculty members who would be interested in walking with them at the Heart Walk on May 1st in Harriman. > In addition to the �Body Brigades Club�, two other clubs will be going to the Board of Activities this week to be recognized as clubs: o The �Japanese Cultural� Club�s purpose is to stimulate interest and to foster the goals of studying Japanese life and culture. o The �Tabletop Gaming� Club�s purpose is to allow students an organized means of meeting to play games across tables. > Some of the other recent club activities are as follows: o �Documentaries + Film Club� are looking for students who are willing to share their experiences at SUNY Orange for a documentary. o �Biology Club� is having a Book Drop Off now through April 18th. Donations are being collected in BT 313. The donated books will be sold on Earth Day, April 19th. > Student Trustee Boucher-Parisella thanked the Board of Trustees for the opportunity to attend the recent National Legislative Summit in Washington DC. VII. OLD BUSINESS - None VIII. NEW BUSINESS - None IX. BOARD CHAIRMANMAN COMMENTS � Arthur Anthonisen > Chairman Anthonisen requested that the President explain the proposed BP 5.10 �Use of Human Participants in Research.� The President requested that the Board approve BP 5.10, and noted that we are working on the development of an Institutional Review Board which is a membership of faculty and external members from the medical community. Human participation in research extends even to the admission of a survey where we gather information and ask people for their opinions. There are rules regarding the proper ethical way to conduct this type of research. If this is passed by the Board of Trustees we will have the procedures and the Internal Review Board established in time for the fall semester. Trustee Mokotoff�s daughter, Dr. Susan Reverby has recently been appearing all over the country speaking to people on this subject. She will investigate the possibility of Dr. Reverby visiting our campus in the fall and offering her expertise in this area. A motion was made to approve BP 5.10. Mokotoff/Wolfe Unanimous > The President and the Chairman reviewed Resolution No 4 which clarifies the Board of Trustees� statutory obligation to provide fiduciary and policy leadership for the College. Chairman Anthonisen reviewed the NCHEMS report noting that most of the community colleges had similar concerns and are creating resolutions of this sort. A motion was made to approve Resolution No 4. Ulrich/Wolfe Unanimous > Chairman Anthonisen thanked Vice Chair Mokotoff for attending the recent Sojourner Truth Awards Ceremony on his behalf. Vice Chair Mokotoff noted that this was a marvelous occasion and she was happy to represent the Board of Trustees. The speaker was tremendous. Trustee Calderin noted that he and Student Trustee Boucher-Parisella also attended and enjoyed the ceremony. > Chairman Anthonisen noted that he will be out of town for the Kaplan Hall Dedication. Vice Chair Mokotoff will attend on behalf of the Board of Trustees and speak on the Chairman�s behalf. > The State Association held a Community College Day on March 8th which Chairman Anthonisen, Vice President Vinnie Cazzetta and three students attended in Albany. It was a successful event for community colleges and the state association. > Chairman Anthonisen attended a meeting in Philadelphia with the Secretary of Education and the Secretary of Labor and they have a program that will be described at the Foundation dinner this evening. X. COMMITTEE REPORTS AND/OR RECOMMENDATIONS There are no committee reports scheduled for March. XI. COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC - None XII. BOARD DISCUSSION > Trustee Calderin advised all that in the fall there is a Diversity Conference in Tampa, Florida and he will provide more information as it becomes available. > Trustee Calderin also noted that in May there is a Mississippi Freedom event in Jackson and he will provide more information on this also when it becomes available. XIII. EXECUTIVE SESSION - None XIV. BOARD ADJOURNMENT At 5:50 PM, a motion was made (Calderin/ Boucher-Parisella) to adjourn the meeting. The trustees joined the College Foundation members for a joint dinner meeting at 6 PM in the Gilman Center. A presentation was given by Chairman Arthur Anthonisen and Foundation Board Chairman Nick Illobre on the challenges facing New York community colleges. Respectfully submitted, Carol A. Murray Interim Secretary to the Board THE NEXT BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING IS SCHEDULED FOR WEDNESDAY, APRIL 13, 8:30 AM KAPLAN HALL, GREAT ROOM, NEWBURGH CAMPUS Board Minutes � March 14, 2011