MINUTES OF THE ORANGE COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING HELD ON THURSDAY, MAY 22, 2008, AT 8:30 AM AT THE ORANGE COUNTY CITIZENS FOUNDATION, SUGAR LOAF, NEW YORK Present: Chair: J. Wolfe, Vice Chair, B. Hodge, A. Anthonisen, J. Brock, M. Diana, D. Mirro, M. Murphy Absent: R. Calderin I. CALL TO ORDER - At 8:30 am Chairman Joan Wolfe called the meeting to order. * Trustee Margaret Murphy conducted a short remembrance ceremony for Trustee Herbert Gareiss, Jr., who passed away on May 11, 2008. * A short health update was provided about Diane Bliss, President of the College Governance System. II. CONSENT AGENDA A motion was made to approve Consent Agenda Mirro/Diana Items A � E. Unanimous A. Approved the Minutes from the regular meeting held on April 14, 2008 as presented. B. Approved the petty cash report for April 2008 in the amount of $44.20. C. Approved Staff and Chair Appointments Name Discipline Effective Alexander Jakubowski Interim Department Chair, Department Fall of English, redefined load of 21 credits 2008 Semester or 28 contact hours per academic year Kenneth Kempsey Director of User Support and Operations Grade III 5/19/08 D. Approved Faculty Appointments Name Discipline Effective Andrew Heiz Instructor, year 1, Electronic Services/ 5/27/08 Reference Librarian in the Library AY 2008-09 Dr. Michael Strimska Instructor, year 1, Department of Global Studies, full-time, tenure-track AY 2008-09 E. Approved the Cyber Security � Computer Information Technology Program III. PRESIDENT�S REPORT - None IV. REPORT OF THE COLLEGE GOVERNANCE SYSTEM - None V. REPORT OF THE STUDENT TRUSTEE Student Trustee Jonah Brock announced the following items: Athletics * Men�s Tennis � ended the season [5 � 5]. Several players made the Mid-Hudson Conference Team * Women�s Softball � closed the season [23 � 13]. They won the Region XXI Tournament and the Mid-Hudson Conference Championship. Jen Stefanowicz was named the Mid-Hudson conference MVP, and several other team members made the first team Mid-Hudson Conference. * Men�s Baseball � current record [5-4]. Several students were named to the first and second teams of the Mid-Hudson Conference. Chris LaPenna was named to the first team all-region. * Men�s Golf � The team finished as the Mid-Hudson Conference and Region XV runner up. Eric Mahany qualified for the National Tournament taking place the first week of June. * Overall SUNY Orange was the Mid-Hudson Conference All Sports award winner for 2007-2008 4 of our 9 teams won Mid-Hudson Conference Championships. . Student Life Update * On 4/25, the Annual Semi-Formal club advisors night. The evening event was enjoyed by all and faculty and staff involved in clubs and other activities were recognized for another very successful year. * On 5/15, the engineering club organized the first bus trip to Six Flags. This was the first student organized trip of this magnitude; it was successful with 44 students participating. * Next Friday, 5/30, the engineering club is entering their electric vehicle in a race at the Limerock raceway in Connecticut. * New Student Trustee Thomas Capach was elected as for AY 2008-2009, and he will join us at the June Board meeting. VI. OLD BUSINESS - None VII. NEW BUSINESS 1. A motion was made to approve the Resolution Nominating Mr. William Kaplan for the 2008 Anthonisen/Diana NYCCT �Friend of Community College Award.� Unanimous 2. A motion was made to approve the Resolution Anthonisen/Hodge acknowledging Trustee Donald W. Mirro. Unanimous After the Resolution was adopted, Trustee Donald W. Mirro was presented with the framed resolution, an engraved Trustee Medal and a College Trustee chair in appreciation of his nine years of dedicated service as a Trustee. 3. A motion was made to approve the Resolution to increase the Student Activity Fee effective Mirro/Murphy for the Spring 2009 as presented. Unanimous 4. Approved the wording for the Kaplan Hall Diana/Mirro Plaque as presented. Unanimous VIII. BOARD CHAIR COMMENTS - None IX. COMMITTEE REPORTS AND/OR RECOMMENDATIONS Audit Committee Chairman Wolfe proposed appointments to the audit committee as follows: Chairman: Brutus Hodge Committee: Arthur Anthonisen, Maria G. Diana The committee will meet next month and provide a report at the next Board meeting. A motion was made to accept the Audit Committee Mirro/Murphy appointments as presented. Unanimous Academic & Student Services Committee This committee will meet to work on a new charge. A report will be given at the next Board meeting. Governance and Nominating Committee � None President�s Performance Review and Compensation Committee Chairman Wolfe proposed the new committee appointments as follows: Chairman: Arthur Anthonisen Committee: Margaret Murphy, Maria G. Diana A motion was made to accept the President�s Performance Review and Compensation Diana/Murphy Committee appointments as presented. Unanimous X. COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC > Professor Kathleen Malia, President of the Faculty Association, noted that negotiations are at an impasse, and attempt to schedule a meeting in June. > Professor Malia also mentioned that the Faculty Association has received an increased number of grievances this year. Professors Malia and Coccia are analyzing the increase in grievances and will arrange a meeting with President Richards to further evaluate this situation. > Professor Frank Traeger, President of the Staff and Chair Association, indicated that three negotiating meetings have occurred and hopes to make progress towards resolving the contract. XI. BOARD DISCUSSION - None XII. BOARD ADJOURNMENT At 9:00 am a motion was made (Anthonisen/Mirro) to adjourn the meeting. Respectfully submitted, Maryann Raab Assistant to the President 5/22/08 Board Minutes - 3