Section 1 Board of Trustees Section Contents Policy Title Page (s) BP1.1 Board of Trustees Bylaws 2-3 BP1.2 Budget and Expenditures 3 BP1.3 Open Board and Committee Meetings 4 BP1.4 Facility Use 4 BP1.5 Tuition Waiver 4 BP1.6 Presidential Evaluation and Review 5 BP1.7 Board of Trustees Self-Evaluation and Review 5 Policy Number Policy Title BP1.1 Board of Trustees Bylaws Approval Date: July 27, 1950 Most Recent Amendment: Nov. 12, 2007 The Board of Trustees of Orange County Community College (Board) is established pursuant to the Education Law of the State of New York and a special act of the Orange County Board of Supervisors. Article I: Board of Trustees Powers: The Board shall govern the College and shall exercise all of its legal powers as described in the Education Law of the State of New York and any other applicable oversight. Composition: The Board shall consist of nine appointed members and a student member. The student trustee shall be chosen by the student body and have full voting rights. Five trustees shall be appointed by the Orange County Executive with the approval of the County Legislature, and four by the Governor of the State of New York. One trustee of the Board shall serve as Chairman and one as Vice-Chairman. The Board shall also name a Board Secretary. Term: All trustees shall serve for seven years except for the student trustee who shall serve for one year. Vacancies in the membership of the Board shall be filled for the un-expired term in the same manner as original appointments. Quorum: At all meetings of the Board, six trustees shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. The act of the majority of trustees present at any meeting at which a quorum is present shall be the act of the entire Board. Meetings: Regular meetings of the Board shall be held on the second Monday of each month (September through June) at a time and place to be determined by the Board. Special meetings may be called at any time by the Chairman, Vice Chairman or by any three members by petition submitted to the Secretary of the Board. At the September meeting the Board shall elect a Chairman, a Vice-Chairman, a Secretary and any other officers as may seem desirable for the ensuing year. The Secretary shall give all trustees at least seven days� written notice of any meeting. Notice shall be mailed to the usual address of each Trustee giving date, time and location of the meeting unless waived by the majority of the Board. Chairman and Vice-Chairman: The Chairman of the Board shall be eligible to serve a maximum of three consecutive one-year terms or as extended by vote of the Board and shall exercise the usual functions of a presiding officer and shall have such other powers and duties as conferred by the Board. The Chairman shall be an ex-officio member of all standing and special committees of the Board. In the absence or disability of the Chairman, the Vice-Chairman shall perform the duties and exercise the powers of the Chairman. Policy Number Policy Title BP1.1 Board of Trustees Bylaws (cont.) Secretary: The Board will appoint a secretary. The Secretary shall attend all meetings of the Board and shall keep a complete and accurate record of all business transacted at such meetings. The Secretary shall give notice of all regular and special meetings and all committee meetings. The Secretary shall publish any required legal notices and shall distribute to the Board, copies of minutes of all meetings. Article II: Committees of the Board of Trustees The Board may establish and constitute such standing committees and special committees as it may, from time to time, deem desirable. Committees shall function until discharged by the Board. Standing committees include: * Committee in the Whole * Finance and Audit Committee * Academic and Student Services Committee * President�s Performance Review and Compensation Committee * Governance and Nominating Committee Each committee will perform its duties as prescribed by its charter, which shall be approved by the Board. Article III: Amendments These Bylaws may be amended at any meeting by the Board, but only by the concurrent vote of the majority of the total membership of the Board and provided that the members of the Board shall have been notified in advance of the meeting as to the substance of the amendments presented. Policy Number Policy Title BP1.2 Board Budget and Expenditures At the September meeting of the Board, the Chairman shall review that year�s Board budget and shall establish a table of maximum expenditures for professional development, travel, meals and any other activity in which a member might engage. The Chairman will also establish an attendance list for the members� attendance at major trustee conferences for the year. Adopted: Jan. 12, 2009 Policy Number Policy Title BP1.3 Open Board and Committee Meetings All meetings of the SUNY Orange Board of Trustees, including committee and subcommittee meetings, are open to the public. Proper advance notification will be provided to inform the general public of all scheduled meetings. The College will use the same public notification procedures for all Board-related meetings. The Board of Trustees directs the President to develop such procedures as to fairly implement this policy. Adopted: Jan. 12, 2009 Policy Number Policy Title BP1.4 Facility Use Board members will be granted use of all College facilities during posted hours of operation. These facilities include, but are not limited to, the gymnasium, fitness center, locker rooms, swimming pool, racquetball/handball courts, library, student center and meeting rooms. All fees for such use will be waived. The College will also waive the facility use, security and insurance fees for Board members who wish to utilize SUNY Orange facilities for College-related meetings and events. The requesting Board member must be on-site to host the event and will be responsible for insuring that the event is conducted in accordance with all College policies and procedures. Adopted: Jan. 12, 2009 Policy Number Policy Title BP1.5 Tuition Waver The College will waive tuition fees for Board members for up to two credit courses per academic year, or will credit up to $100 for each a maximum of two non-credit bearing courses taken by a Board member each academic year. Such enrollment by Board members will be on a space-available basis and will not be counted toward the minimum number of students necessary to offer a class, nor shall the enrollment (when causing class sizes to be exceeded) result in additional hiring. Adopted: Jan. 12, 2009 Policy Number Policy Title BP1.6 Presidential Evaluation and Review The Board of Trustees shall appraise the performance of the President of the College on a yearly basis. The Chairperson of the Board shall direct the President�s Performance Review and Compensation Committee to commence its review in accordance with the Board calendar, and shall request each member to complete the President�s Evaluation Form. Members should forward completed evaluation forms to the Chair of the President�s Performance Review and Compensation Committee no later than the May meeting of the Board. Adopted: Jan. 12, 2009 Policy Number Policy Title BP1.7 Board of Trustees Self-Evaluation and Review The Board of Trustees shall conduct a self-evaluation and review of its performance once every two years. Such review will be directed by the Governance and Nominating Committee and will employ evaluation strategies recommended by the Association of Community College Trustees. The Chairperson of the Board is tasked with assuring the Board�s self-evaluation is completed when required and shall direct the Governance and Nominating Committee to commence the review process in accordance with the Board calendar. Adopted: Jan. 12, 2009 SUNY Orange Policy Manual - 1 -