SUNY Orange Policy Manual Policy Number Policy Title BP2.2 Solicitation on Campus No off-campus individual or organization may distribute literature; advertise; solicit customers; recruit volunteers, employees or members; seek donations; or make sales without a sponsorship agreement between the individual or organization and the College. This sponsorship agreement must be written, reviewed and approved by the Vice President for Institutional Advancement. Student clubs and other official College organizations (under the direction and supervision of an authorized faculty or staff member) may conduct fundraising activities (like bake sales or shirt orders) only if they receive advance permission from the Director of Student Activities as well as the Vice President for Institutional Advancement, and if this activity does not interfere with College Association activities or the student learning environment. This policy does not pertain to the Orange County Community College Association, which is permitted to conduct official on-campus business as the College Bookstore and Food Services. - 2 SUNY Orange Policy Manual Policy Number Policy Title BP2.3 Naming of College Spaces for Recognition Purposes The naming of major buildings, or other major property operated by the College, in honor of or dedicated to a person or entity will occur only following the considered review and written recommendation of the President, review and approval by the SUNY Orange Board of Trustees, and approval by the Orange County Legislature. The Board of Trustees delegates the process of reviewing and recommending nominations for naming of major buildings or major property operated by the College to the College President. The naming, re-naming or designation of interior spaces of buildings, academic departments or organized education units, or College-related functions or entities, such as honorary chairs, academic programs, department and/or school names, colleges, scholarships, library collections, scientific collections, endowments, etc., will customarily follow the College�s hierarchical line of review and approvals to the College President. Naming Categories: The College will consider the following general categories of naming opportunities: � Philanthropic Naming: Consideration for naming of a College building or other major property may be given in recognition of substantial financial gifts to the College. Individuals currently associated with the College can be so recognized. SUNY Orange will seek financial contributions commensurate with the honor sought and compatible with the College mission. The levels of financial contribution, in order to be considered for philanthropic naming opportunities, shall be established by the College President and reviewed periodically. � Honorary Naming: SUNY Orange considers the naming of a College building, part of a building or other property in honor of an individual to be one of the highest recognitions that the College can bestow. In that context, only in extraordinary circumstances will property be named to memorialize individuals who have made extraordinary contributions to the College. Persons considered for naming honors shall have been dedicated to the purpose, nature and mission of the College, and have achieved outstanding distinction through civic, intellectual or artistic contributions to the development of the area, state and nation. Naming Considerations: � All naming recognition must be consistent with the College�s mission and role as a public trust. In this regard, due attention shall be given to both long-term and short-term appropriateness of naming. � The proposed name should enhance the public reputation of the institution. The name should be based on the eminence of the donor and/or the donor�s relationship to the institution. � The credentials, character and reputation of each individual for whom the naming of significant property is being considered shall be appropriately scrutinized. Nominations submitted for consideration and action must be accompanied by appropriate supporting documentation relating to the nominee. - 3 SUNY Orange Policy Manual Policy Number Policy Title BP2.3 Naming of College Spaces for Recognition Purposes (cont.) Special Conditions: � Duration: If a previously named facility or property must be replaced or substantially renovated, or the use of a previously named area re-designated, it may be named for a new donor at the discretion of the College (subject to the specific terms and conditions set forth in any gift agreements related to the prior naming action) and such name changes are subject to review and approval under this policy. � Change in Use: When a change in the use of a previously named facility occurs because a program moves/ends or space is reassigned or demolished, some form of continuing recognition may be appropriate, such as creating an alternative memorial. All such alternatives are subject to review and approval under this policy, and will be determined at the sole discretion of the College. � Form of Naming Display: The official name of a building, in honor of an individual or in recognition of an appropriate donation, shall be determined by the College in cooperation with the donor. College appreciation of business or corporate gifts should be modest and exclude corporate logos to avoid the appearance of blatant advertising. The campus building sign will typically reflect only the surname of the honoree or donor. In addition, a suitable plaque can be located in the lobby or other appropriate interior location, giving the full name and a brief biography of the person. The Board of Trustees directs the President to develop such procedures as to fairly implement this policy. - 4 SUNY Orange Policy Manual Policy Number Policy Title BP2.4 Protection/Care of Property and Documents All College employees have a responsibility to protect College buildings, grounds and equipment. Any employee who willfully damages or destroys any College property will be subject to disciplinary action, including but not limited to removal from campus, possible criminal prosecution, and liability for the replacement or repair of such property. Employees shall promptly report in writing to their supervisor damage to or loss of any College property, or loss or mutilation of any official College records or documents. The records and documents in the custody of College employees are for official purposes only. It is unlawful to remove, conceal, alter, mutilate, obliterate or destroy records and documents from files without approval from the proper College authority. - 5 SUNY Orange Policy Manual Policy Number Policy Title BP2.5 Use of College Equipment/Vehicles College equipment and personal property is intended to be used for College purposes as determined by the Board of Trustees, and not for personal use. Only the Board of Trustees and the President (or his/her designee) are entrusted with determining appropriate usage of College equipment and personal property. College-owned vehicles are to be used for official College business only. Unauthorized use of College vehicles by employees may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination. Faculty and staff operating a College vehicle must possess the appropriate valid driver's license. The operators of College vehicles must obey all vehicle and traffic laws, posted traffic instructions and other guidelines. College vehicles shall be used at the discretion of the President or his/her designee. - 5 SUNY Orange Policy Manual Policy Number Policy Title BP2.3 Naming of College Spaces for Recognition Purposes (cont.) Special Conditions: � Duration: If a previously named facility or property must be replaced or substantially renovated, or the use of a previously named area re-designated, it may be named for a new donor at the discretion of the College (subject to the specific terms and conditions set forth in any gift agreements related to the prior naming action) and such name changes are subject to review and approval under this policy. � Change in Use: When a change in the use of a previously named facility occurs because a program moves/ends or space is reassigned or demolished, some form of continuing recognition may be appropriate, such as creating an alternative memorial. All such alternatives are subject to review and approval under this policy, and will be determined at the sole discretion of the College. � Form of Naming Display: The official name of a building, in honor of an individual or in recognition of an appropriate donation, shall be determined by the College in cooperation with the donor. College appreciation of business or corporate gifts should be modest and exclude corporate logos to avoid the appearance of blatant advertising. The campus building sign will typically reflect only the surname of the honoree or donor. In addition, a suitable plaque can be located in the lobby or other appropriate interior location, giving the full name and a brief biography of the person. The Board of Trustees directs the President to develop such procedures as to fairly implement this policy. - 4 SUNY Orange Policy Manual Policy Number Policy Title BP2.7 New York State �Right to Know� Law The College is committed to providing students, faculty and staff a safe and healthy work environment. According to New York State�s �Right To Know� Law (Public Health Law, Article 48), employers must inform employees of the health effects and hazards of toxic substances at the worksite and provide manual training to any individuals exposed to such substances. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS), as required by Federal and State law for each chemical product purchased, will be available in each department. A complete set of MSDS may be obtained from the Director of Facilities and Administrative Services. The MSDS sheet details specific conditions and properties of chemical substances in a product. The purpose of the MSDS is to inform the chemical product user of safe handling and storage methods, along with specific spill cleanup and disposal procedures. The Board of Trustees directs the President to develop such procedures as to fairly implement this policy. - 6 SUNY Orange Policy Manual Policy Number Policy Title BP2.8 Network and PC Utilization The College computer network exists to enrich the learning environment and to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of all other College operations. Usage of the network is a privilege and is limited to those functions. Computers and networks are College property. The College reserves the right to access computer systems, including monitoring on-line activity and inspecting computer work areas. The reasons for which the College may obtain such access include, but are not limited to: maintaining the system, preventing or investigating allegations of system abuse or misuse; assuring compliance with software copyright laws; complying with legal and regulatory requests for information; and insuring that College operations continue appropriately during an employee�s absence. College policies regarding Sexual Harassment and Discrimination (BP3.2) and Harassment and Discrimination (BP3.3), in their entirety, apply to the use of College computers and networks. No one may use College computers or the network in a manner that may be construed by others as harassment or offensive based on age, race, marital status, veteran/military status, sexual orientation, religion, sex, national origin, ancestry, ethnicity, alienage, citizenship status, color, creed, handicap, disability, familial status and/or any other characteristics protected under applicable law. The following are examples of prohibited uses: � Displaying or transmitting material that is not educational or does not support the curriculum of the College and that could otherwise be considered sexually explicit, profane, racist, harassing, threatening or creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive environment � Disguising the source of electronic messages by modifying the network in any way (includes adding access points or installing bridges, switches, hubs or repeaters) � Running unauthorized programs or applications on the network � Gaining unauthorized access to any electronic resource � Circumventing security systems designed to prevent unauthorized access � Accessing, downloading or storing of copyrighted software or information which is not licensed � Transmitting any material in violation of United States or New York State law or regulations � Using computing resources for commercial or profit-making activities; accessing or attempting to access any electronic resource for which the user does not have authorization � Disrupting another user�s work or system Broadcasting messages or any other activity that results in the congestion of the network distribution � Sharing of user accounts and passwords The College is responsible for the design, maintenance and good working order of the network and for providing ongoing user training on the appropriate uses of the network. The College is also responsible for investigating any suspected abuse of this policy. Such investigation may include remote monitoring of on-line activities and inspection of a user�s computer work areas. If an abuse becomes apparent, the College may invoke stricter supervision, limit or revoke the user�s privileges, or take other appropriate action, including discipline of College employees. The Board of Trustees directs the President to develop such procedures as to fairly implement this policy. - 6 SUNY Orange Policy Manual Policy Number Policy Title BP2.8 Network and PC Utilization The College computer network exists to enrich the learning environment and to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of all other College operations. Usage of the network is a privilege and is limited to those functions. Computers and networks are College property. The College reserves the right to access computer systems, including monitoring on-line activity and inspecting computer work areas. The reasons for which the College may obtain such access include, but are not limited to: maintaining the system, preventing or investigating allegations of system abuse or misuse; assuring compliance with software copyright laws; complying with legal and regulatory requests for information; and insuring that College operations continue appropriately during an employee�s absence. College policies regarding Sexual Harassment and Discrimination (BP3.2) and Harassment and Discrimination (BP3.3), in their entirety, apply to the use of College computers and networks. No one may use College computers or the network in a manner that may be construed by others as harassment or offensive based on age, race, marital status, veteran/military status, sexual orientation, religion, sex, national origin, ancestry, ethnicity, alienage, citizenship status, color, creed, handicap, disability, familial status and/or any other characteristics protected under applicable law. The following are examples of prohibited uses: � Displaying or transmitting material that is not educational or does not support the curriculum of the College and that could otherwise be considered sexually explicit, profane, racist, harassing, threatening or creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive environment � Disguising the source of electronic messages by modifying the network in any way (includes adding access points or installing bridges, switches, hubs or repeaters) � Running unauthorized programs or applications on the network � Gaining unauthorized access to any electronic resource � Circumventing security systems designed to prevent unauthorized access � Accessing, downloading or storing of copyrighted software or information which is not licensed � Transmitting any material in violation of United States or New York State law or regulations � Using computing resources for commercial or profit-making activities; accessing or attempting to access any electronic resource for which the user does not have authorization � Disrupting another user�s work or system Broadcasting messages or any other activity that results in the congestion of the network distribution � Sharing of user accounts and passwords The College is responsible for the design, maintenance and good working order of the network and for providing ongoing user training on the appropriate uses of the network. The College is also responsible for investigating any suspected abuse of this policy. Such investigation may include remote monitoring of on-line activities and inspection of a user�s computer work areas. If an abuse becomes apparent, the College may invoke stricter supervision, limit or revoke the user�s privileges, or take other appropriate action, including discipline of College employees. The Board of Trustees directs the President to develop such procedures as to fairly implement this policy. - 7 SUNY Orange Policy Manual Policy Number Policy Title BP2.10 Food and Beverages Food and beverages are normally prohibited in all classrooms and laboratories for all students and staff. Food and beverages are permitted only in offices, cafeterias and designated break areas. In special circumstances, as deemed appropriate by the instructor, food and beverages may be permitted in classrooms. In these cases, the instructor is responsible for insuring the cleanliness of the area and protection of equipment. - 9 SUNY Orange Policy Manual Policy Number Policy Title BP2.11 Facility Use SUNY Orange facilities exist to meet the educational needs of citizens within the College�s service area and are intended for such use. The facilities and grounds that comprise the College are to be utilized to facilitate College programs. In addition, the College may make its buildings (excluding Morrison Hall) and grounds available upon reasonable condition for the periodic use of government agencies, organizations and individuals of the community, provided the activities involved in such use are in furtherance of the educational purposes of the College or are in the promotion of the cultural and educational welfare of the community, and provided that the activity does not compete with any class that is offered or could be offered by the College. Because of its historic value, the Morrison Hall mansion is not open for general use, but only for specific County and College events, and events sponsored by the College President. The College will establish a fee schedule for the use of College facilities. Any exception to the Facility Use Policy or established fees must be approved by the President. The President has the authority to approve or deny the use of College facilities, in accordance with the College�s anti-discrimination policies. The College reserves the right to refuse any applicant or to revoke an application, which has heretofore been approved, in accordance with the College�s anti-discrimination policies. The College reserves the right to deviate from the policy outlined herein to provide for any special circumstances and requests. The College reserves the right to close the College and cancel activities and events with no notice due to weather or other conditions which, in the opinion of the College, are hazardous. The College will not be liable for damages, fees or other cancellation costs the applicant may encumber due to a College closing. The Board of Trustees directs the President to develop such procedures as to fairly implement this policy. - 10 SUNY Orange Policy Manual Policy Number Policy Title BP2.12 Bloodborne Pathogens The College is committed to providing a safe and healthful environment for its staff and student body. In pursuit of this endeavor, the College complies with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) �Occupational Exposure to Bloodborne Pathogens� standard, Title 29, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 1910.1030. The College�s Exposure Control Plan (ECP) has been developed to eliminate or minimize occupational exposure to bloodborne pathogens and is the key document designed to assist the College in implementing and ensuring compliance with the standard, thereby protecting employees and students. This ECP includes: � Employee exposure determination � Methods of implementation and control � Hepatitis B vaccination program � Post-exposure evaluation and follow-up � Information, training and recordkeeping � Site-specific plans for implementation in academic and support services departments having unique exposure concerns, as well as specific and detailed methods of compliance (these areas are the Dental Hygiene Clinic; Health Services Office; and the academic departments of Medical Laboratory Technology, Nursing and Diagnostic Imaging) A copy of the complete Exposure Control Plan is available in the Office of Health Services. - 11 SUNY Orange Policy Manual Policy Number Policy Title BP2.13 Graphics and Publications The printing of official College publications (catalogs, class schedules, brochures, business cards, etc.) must be coordinated through the Vice President for Institutional Advancement. The official logo of the College is a symbol representing the College. The official logo functions as a visual identifier equivalent to the written name of the College and may be used in a variety of applications for official College business only, with approval of the Vice President for Institutional Advancement. The Seal of the College represents the authority of the College, which is vested in the Board of Trustees. Only individuals authorized by the President may direct the use of the seal. The Board of Trustees directs the President to develop such procedures as to fairly implement this policy. - 12 SUNY Orange Policy Manual Policy Number Policy Title BP2.14 Gift Solicitation and Acceptance Last Date Revised: Feb. 27, 2004 The Office of Institutional Advancement is solely responsible for soliciting gifts to the College. All other College employees interested in seeking gifts from an individual or organization must have the prior written approval of the Vice President for Institutional Advancement or College President. The Board of Trustees may accept gifts, grants, bequests and devices absolutely or in trust for such purposes as the Board of Trustees may deem appropriate or proper for carrying on the programs and objectives of the College. All such gifts or grants must be approved by resolution of the Board before acceptance. The Board of Trustees may also accept funds from a private organization, in trust, to be used for the purpose of student aid as determined by a committee formed by such organization with a College official as a member. Normally, however, such student aid/scholarship funds will be handled by the Educational Foundation of SUNY Orange, and the College will make every attempt to channel such gifts through the Foundation. The College shall neither participate in the selection of nor accept contributions which may in any way distinguish among individuals or groups on the basis of sex, age, race, color, religion, creed, national origin or any other characteristic protected by federal, state or local law. - 13 SUNY Orange Policy Manual Policy Number Policy Title BP2.15 Vice Presidents The President and Vice Presidents of the College have primary responsibility for the application of College policies. This is consistent with their responsibilities as managers and appointing officers. The President designates the authority to manage the administrative activities of the College to the Vice President for Administration. The areas of oversight include: � Facilities Management � Safety and Security � Human Resources � Information Technology � Finance and Budget � Institutional Planning, Assessment and Research The President designates the authority to manage the academic affairs of the College to the Vice President for Academic Affairs. The Vice President for Academic affairs shall prepare and promulgate academic policies and procedures to assist students, faculty and staff. The areas of oversight include: � Academic Divisions (Liberal Arts, Health Professions and Business, Math, Science & Technology) � Libraries � Continuing and Professional Education � Center for Teaching and Learning � Office of Educational Partnerships � Educational Assistance Services The President designates the authority to manage the student affairs activities of the College to the Vice President for Student Services. The Vice President for Student Services shall prepare and promulgate student support policies and procedures to assist students, faculty and staff. The areas of oversight include: � Admissions � Academic Advising & Counseling � Financial Aid � Career & Internship Services � Disability Services � Health Services � Student Judicial Affairs � Records & Registration � Student Activities � Student Support Services (TRIO) - 14 SUNY Orange Policy Manual Policy Number Policy Title BP2.15 Vice Presidents The President designates the authority to manage the institutional advancement of the College to the Vice President for Institutional Advancement. The areas covered are: � Public Relations and Communications � Publications/Advertising and Marketing � Grants � Development (Fundraising) The President designates the authority to manage the Newburgh Branch Campus to the Vice President for the Newburgh Campus. In conjunction with the other Vice Presidents, the Vice President for the Newburgh Campus will provide leadership and oversight in the following areas: � Daily Operations of the Campus � Academic Program � Administrative Services � Student Services � Continuing and Professional Education - 15 SUNY Orange Policy Manual Policy Number Policy Title BP2.16 Copyright Material The Board of Trustees, through the establishment of this policy, intends to follow the Copyright Law of the United States currently in force under Title 17 of the United States Code. The College shall also comply with SUNY regulations regarding copyright material. The Board of Trustees further requires all College employees to adhere to the same copyright law. Any reproduction of copyrighted material, by College employees, for use in the course of their duties will be done in compliance with the Copyright Law. All reproduction of copyrighted material will either meet the criteria of fair use guidelines, or have a license agreement or the written permission of the copyright holder to make copies. If the College and/or County determines that a charge of copyright infringement against an employee was not an intentional violation of the law, the College and/or County (as outlined in Section 18 of the Public Officers Law and Section 6308 of the Education Law) will defend and indemnify the charged employee. In the case of a court action for damages, a finding of intentional infringement would preclude the College paying any judgment rendered against the employee. The Board of Trustees directs the President to develop such procedures as to fairly implement this policy. - 16 SUNY Orange Policy Manual Policy Number Policy Title BP2.17 Alcoholic Beverages The serving or consumption of alcoholic beverages on campus is strictly prohibited, except with the written permission of the President or his/her designee. The Board of Trustees directs the President to develop such procedures as to fairly implement this policy. - 17 SUNY Orange Policy Manual Policy Number Policy Title BP2.18 Student Activities Fee The Board of Trustees authorizes the President to establish procedures relating to the allocation and administration of the student activities fee. The Board of Trustees directs the President to develop such procedures as to fairly implement this policy. - 18 SUNY Orange Policy Manual Policy Number Policy Title BP2.19 Conflict of Interest In keeping with the College�s position of public trust, all members of the College community must avoid any and all circumstances which could reasonably be interpreted as conflict of interest. Such circumstances are those which would interfere with the unbiased and objective performance of one's professional duties. Faculty and staff of the College are encouraged to foster an atmosphere of academic freedom by promoting the open and timely exchange of scholarly knowledge independent of personal interests. In keeping with this obligation, they are also required to avoid conflicts of interest. In order to avoid conflict of interest, the appearance of conflict of interest or the appearance of impropriety, the Board of Trustees and employees of the College shall adhere to the following guidelines: � Neither members of the Board of Trustees nor employees of the College shall have any pecuniary interest, directly or indirectly, proximately or remotely, in supplying any goods, wares or merchandise of any nature or kind whatsoever to the College � Neither members of the Board of Trustees nor employees of the College shall solicit or accept any gift, favor, or other benefit, either directly or indirectly, for reward or promise of reward for influence in recommending or procuring any merchandise or service � Neither members of the Board of Trustees nor employees of the College shall engage in other employment which interferes with the performance of their professional obligations � Members of the Board of Trustees and employees of the College are expected to comply with the New York State Public Officers Law provisions on conflict of interest and ethical conduct, and all applicable laws or codes regarding ethical conduct The Board of Trustees directs the President to develop such procedures as to fairly implement this policy. - 19 SUNY Orange Policy Manual Policy Number Policy Title BP2.1 Visitors on Campus SUNY Orange welcomes visitors. In the interest of safety and to minimize disruption to classes and operations, the administration will implement procedures concerning visitors, minor children and solicitation on campus. Any person who violates campus procedures is subject to removal from campus, other disciplinary action, and/or criminal charges. The Board of Trustees directs the President to develop such procedures as to fairly implement this policy. Cross-reference BP2.2 (Solicitation on Campus) and BP2.24 (Children on Campus). - 2 SUNY Orange Policy Manual Policy Number Policy Title BP2.20 Retention and Disposition of College Records The Records Retention and Disposition Schedule CO-2, issued by the New York State Archives and Records Administration, and pursuant to Article 57-A of the Arts and Cultural Affairs Law, and containing legal minimum retention periods for public community College records, shall be used by all College officers in disposing of public community college records listed therein. - 20 SUNY Orange Policy Manual Policy Number Policy Title BP2.21 Campus Safety and Security The College complies with the letter and spirit of the Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act of 1990. To achieve compliance, the College will maintain a Campus Safety & Security Plan covering areas including: � Procedures for students to report criminal activities and other emergencies on campus � Developing, disclosing and implementing all campus security programs � Security at campus facilities � Availability and authority of campus law enforcement � Programs available to inform students about security and the prevention of crime � Recording of crime through local police agencies � Reporting any crimes that pose an ongoing threat to students and employees � Possession, use and sale of alcohol and drugs The College will also maintain an Emergency Management Plan (BP2.6) and a Crisis Communication Plan as part of the Campus Safety & Security Plan. The Board of Trustees directs the President to develop such procedures as to fairly implement this policy. - 21 SUNY Orange Policy Manual Policy Number Policy Title BP2.22 Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) In accordance with the Freedom of Information Law (FOIL), Public Officers Law, Article 6, and applicable SUNY regulations, the College has established Rules and Regulations of Public Access to Records at the College, a copy of which is available in the Office of the Vice President for Administration. To provide continuity and consistency, the College President has designated the Vice President for Administration as the Records Access Officer. The disclosure of public records is only to be made by the Records Access Officer. - 22 SUNY Orange Policy Manual Policy Number Policy Title BP2.23 Special Interest Groups It is the policy of the College to disapprove requests received from special interest groups, or organizations not directly related to College-sanctioned activities, to sell products, distribute information, maintain a booth or table, proselytize on campus, conduct activities, post information, or release lists of student names, addresses or telephone numbers to external organizations. Any request to post information on College bulletin boards by non- College recognized or affiliated groups must receive prior approval from the Vice President for Student Services. This policy shall be enforced in accordance with applicable law and the College�s anti-discrimination policies. The Board of Trustees directs the President to develop such procedures as to fairly implement this policy. - 23 SUNY Orange Policy Manual Policy Number Policy Title BP2.24 Children on Campus The College�s facilities and properties are designed for an adult population of students, faculty and staff. With the exception of the child care center and, on special occasions, when children visit a campus for a College-sponsored educational event, that adult environment is not designed to protect the safety and well-being of children. Children under the age of 16 years must be accompanied and supervised by a parent, guardian or another adult who has been so designated by a parent or guardian. This policy is intended to protect the visiting child and to limit the liability of the College. Under no circumstances, supervision notwithstanding, will a child be allowed to enter any campus space that the President deems unsafe. The Board of Trustees directs the President to develop such procedures as to fairly implement this policy. - 24 SUNY Orange Policy Manual Policy Number Policy Title BP2.25 Administrator in Charge If the President is absent from campus for a full day or more, and not easily reachable, there shall be in place a chain of administrative responsibility at the College. The Board of Trustees directs the President to develop such procedures as to fairly implement this policy. - 25 SUNY Orange Policy Manual Policy Number Policy Title BP2.26 Whistleblower All employees of Orange County Community College sign a document upon employment acknowledging receipt of a copy of the College�s Code of Ethics. Employees of the College must perform honestly and with integrity in fulfilling their official responsibilities and complying with all applicable laws and regulations. It is the responsibility of all officers and employees of the College to comply with the Code and to report violations or suspected violations in accordance with this Whistleblower Policy. No officer or employee who in good faith reports a violation of the Code shall suffer harassment, retaliation or adverse employment consequence. An employee who retaliates against someone who has reported a violation in good faith is subject to discipline up to and including termination of employment. This Whistleblower Policy is intended to encourage and enable employees and others to raise serious concerns within the College rather than seeking resolution outside the College. The College maintains an open door policy and suggests that employees share their questions, concerns, suggestions or complaints with someone who can address them properly. In most cases, an employee�s supervisor is in the best position to address an area of concern. However, if an employee is not comfortable speaking with his or her supervisor or is not satisfied with the supervisor�s response, such employee is encouraged to speak with someone in the Human Resources Department or anyone in management with whom the employee feels comfortable in approaching. Supervisors and managers are required to report suspected violations of the Code to the College�s Compliance Officer, who has specific and exclusive responsibility to investigate all reported violations. For suspected fraud, or when the forthcoming employee is not satisfied or uncomfortable with the open door policy, the College�s Compliance Officer should be contacted directly. The College�s Compliance Officer is responsible for investigating and resolving all reported complaints and allegations concerning violations of the Code and, at the Officer�s discretion, shall advise the President and the audit committee. The Compliance Officer has direct access to the budget and audit committee of the Board of Trustees and is required to report to the budget and audit committee at least annually on compliance activity. The College�s Compliance Officer is the Vice President for Administration. If the forthcoming employee is not comfortable speaking with the Compliance Officer or if the Officer is not available and the matter is urgent, the forthcoming employee may contact the Chair of the Board�s Audit Committee, and can obtain his/her phone number from the Office of the President of the College. The Audit Committee of the Board of Trustees shall address all reported concerns or complaints regarding college accounting practices, internal controls or auditing. The Compliance Officer shall immediately notify the Audit Committee of any such complaint and work with the committee until the matter is resolved. - 26 SUNY Orange Policy Manual Policy Number Policy Title BP2.26 Whistleblower (cont.) Anyone filing a complaint concerning a violation or suspected violation of the Code must be acting in good faith and have reasonable grounds for believing the information disclosed indicates a violation. Any allegations that prove not to be substantiated and which prove to have been made maliciously or knowingly to be false will be viewed as a serious disciplinary offense. Violations or suspected violations may be submitted on a confidential basis by the complainant or may be submitted anonymously. Reports of violations or suspected violations will be kept confidential to the extent possible, consistent with the need to conduct an adequate investigation. The Compliance Officer will notify the sender and acknowledge receipt of the reported violation or suspected violation within five business days. All reports will be promptly investigated and appropriate corrective action will be taken if warranted by the investigation. The Board of Trustees directs the President to develop such procedures as to fairly implement this policy. - 27 SUNY Orange Policy Manual Policy Number Policy Title BP2.27 Code of Professional Ethics The Board of Trustees of Orange County Community College believes it is important to establish an official Code of Professional Ethics for the College to promote professional management of its operations. To further this objective, all employees of the College are enjoined to adhere to legal, moral and professional standards of conduct in the fulfillment of their responsibilities. Standards set forth in this Code are promulgated in order to enhance the performance of all persons engaged in College operations. College employees shall demonstrate and be dedicated to the highest ideals of honor and integrity in all public and personal relationships to merit the respect, trust and confidence of all governing authorities, students, other employees and the public at large: � They shall devote their time, skills and energies to their positions both independently and in cooperation with other professionals � They shall abide by approved practices and recommended standards College employees shall recognize and be accountable for their responsibilities as employees of a public community college: � They shall be sensitive and responsive to the rights of the public and its changing needs � They shall strive to provide the highest quality of performance � They shall exercise prudence and integrity in the management of assets in their custody and in all activities � They shall uphold both the letter and the spirit of the constitution, legislation and regulations governing their actions and report violations of the law to the appropriate authorities College employees shall be responsible for maintaining their own competence, for enhancing the competence of their colleagues, and for providing encouragement to those seeking to enter into community college service. College employees shall promote excellence in community college service. College employees shall demonstrate professional integrity in the provision and management of information: � They shall not knowingly sign, subscribe to, or permit the issuance of any statement or report which contains any misstatement or which omits any material fact � They shall prepare and present statements and information pursuant to applicable law and generally accepted practices and guidelines � They shall respect and protect privileged information to which they have access by virtue of their position � They shall be sensitive and responsive to inquiries from the public and the media, within the framework of existing policy - 28 SUNY Orange Policy Manual Policy Number Policy Title BP2.27 Code of Professional Ethics (cont.) College employees shall act with honor, integrity and virtue in all professional relationships: � They shall exhibit loyalty and trust in the affairs and interests of the College, within the confines of this Code of Ethics � They shall not knowingly be a party to or condone any illegal or improper activity � They shall respect the rights, responsibilities and integrity of their colleagues and others with whom they work and associate � They shall manage all matters of personnel within the scope of their authority so that fairness and impartiality govern their decisions � They shall promote equal employment opportunities, and in doing so, oppose any discrimination, harassment or other unfair practice College employees shall actively avoid the appearance of or the fact of conflicting interests: � They shall discharge their responsibilities without favor and shall refrain from engaging in any outside matters of financial or personal interest incompatible with the impartial and objective performance of their College responsibilities and duties � They shall not, directly or indirectly, seek or accept personal gain which would influence, or appear to influence, the conduct of their official responsibilities and duties � They shall not use College property or resources for personal gain - 29 SUNY Orange Policy Manual Policy Number Policy Title BP2.28 Delays/Closing of the College The safety of students, faculty and staff is of the utmost importance to the College. When it is necessary to close the College due to inclement weather or other emergency conditions, the College will make every effort to report the cancellation, closing or delay in a timely and accurate manner. Only the President, or his designee, and Vice President for Academic Affairs are authorized to cancel classes for the day or evening, or both. - 30