MINUTES OF THE ORANGE COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE Board of Trustees MEETING HELD ON MONDAY, JANUARY 10, 2005, AT 7:00 PM IN THE MUSIC ROOM, MORRISION HALL, FIRST FLOOR Present: R. Glinton, J. Wolfe, B. Hodge, A. Anthonisen, D. Mirro S. Hunter, J. McMahon, K. Sincerbox Absent: H. Gareiss I. CALL TO ORDER At 7:00 pm Chairwoman Roberta Glinton called the meeting to order and noted a quorum was present. II. CONSENT AGENDA A motion was made to approve Consent Agenda Items A and D. Hunter/Wolfe Unanimous A. Approved the Minutes from the regular meeting held on Monday, 12/13/04 as presented. B. Approved the petty cash report for December 2004 in the amount of $66.77. C. Approved Staff and Chair appointment: Name Discipline Effective Gary L. Smejkal Network Specialist, Grade II Technical Services 1/3/05 D. Approved the faculty retirement for Diane Swenson, Librarian, Learning Resource Center. Appreciation was extended to her for her fourteen years dedicated service to the College. III. PRESIDENT�S REPORT E President Richards informed the Board that enrollment continues to rise. Newburgh continues to outpace the rest of the College. He estimates that the final increase should be between 4% and 6%. A letter has been mailed to the elected NYS officials asking them to help in restoring the one-quarter of a billion dollars in funding for community colleges during the 2005 legislative session. E The SUNY Orange data requested by Chancellor King to satisfy the freedom of information request from a reporter at the Gannett newspapers for the 2002-03 and 2003-04 reports of the campus-based General Education Project from all SUNY campuses has been mailed to Albany. President Richards pointed out that each college could select several criteria from a basic core of ten criteria; therefore, a comparison of progress among the SUNY colleges would be impossible. E At the February Board meeting, tuition and fees increases will be brought back to the Trustees for approval. E The February Board meeting will be held in Middletown and the March Board meeting will be located at the Newburgh Extension Center. E Associate Vice Presidents Sue Deer, Melody Festa and Gary Pavek will handle the transitional plan for Academic Affairs and address management needs over the next few months. The AVPs will report to President Richards rather than an Interim Vice President. E At the March Board meeting, an update will be provided on the Banner Project. IV. REPORT OF THE COLLEGE GOVERNANCE SYSTEM Professor James Lynch, President of the College Governance System reported on the following items: E No significant Governance matters carried over from last semester. 2 E The first College Assembly is scheduled for Wednesday, 1/12/05. E A vote will be taken on the composition and committee charge for the Information Technology Committee. E The final touches to the VPAA search are being worked on by the search committee. Volunteers and nominees for the remaining positions (three department chairs and six faculty members) will be solicited at the Assembly meeting. President Richards will select search committee members from this pool of volunteers and nominees. E Paul Basinski, Social Science Department, has been chosen as the SUNY Orange representative to the Faculty Council, and Stacy Moegenburg was selected as an Alternate Representative. V. REPORT OF THE STUDENT TRUSTEE - None VI. OLD BUSINESS - None VII. NEW BUSINESS - None VIII. COMMITTEE REPORTS/AND OR RECOMMENDATIONS Administrative Services Committee - None Personnel and Finance Committee - None Educational Policies and Student Affairs Committee � None IX. COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC E Professor Kathleen Malia, President of the Faculty Association, is pleased to report that the negotiating team is making significant progress on the contract and hopeful that a settlement will be reached in the near future. E Trustee Anthonisen noted that the NYCCT Association Annual Meeting is set for 4/29-4/30/05 at the Albany Mariott. Notices will be distributed to the Trustees this week. E The ACCT National Legislative Summit takes place in Washington, DC from 2/12 � 2/16/05 X. BOARD DISCUSSION E Trustee Steven Hunter congratulated President Richards for being selected by the Times Herald Record as one of the top 30 most influential people in Orange County. E Trustee Jack McMahon requested an update on the location of the Associate Vice Presidents� office space. President Richards reported that the work on the AVP offices on the second floor of the LRC is near completion. The next project for replacement in the LRC will be new carpeting and air handler units, which should be completed by the end of the summer. E Trustee Joan Wolfe requested an update on the closure of South Street to traffic. Meetings have occurred with Mayor Destefano, who indicated that the City Council supports this concept. Community support needs to be gained. XI. BOARD ADJOURNMENT At 7:20 pm, a motion was made (McMahon/Wolfe) to adjourn the meeting. Respectfully submitted, Maryann Raab Secretary to the President