MINUTES OF THE ORANGE COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING HELD ON MONDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2005 AT 7:00 PM, MUSIC ROOM, MORRISON HALL Present: R. Glinton, Chair, J. Wolfe, B. Hodge, A. Anthonisen, R. Calderin, K. Golden, S. Hunter, D. Mirro Absent: H. Gareiss I. CALL TO ORDER At 7:00 pm Chair Roberta Glinton called the meeting to order. II. CONSENT AGENDA A motion was made to approve Consent Agenda Items A - D as presented. Wolfe/Gareiss Unanimous A. Approved the Minutes from the regular meeting held on September 12, 2005 as presented. B. Approved the petty cash report for September 2005 in the amount of $49.50. C. Approved Faculty Appointments: Name Title Effective Paul Basinski International Studies Program Coordinator, with a three-credit redefined load per semester AY 2005-06 Rhoda Collins Pro-rated, full-time faculty Physical Therapist Assistant and Massage Therapy Department AY 2005-06 D. Approved Staff and Chair Appointments: Name Title Effective Jean Chang Technical Assistant, Office of Information Technology, Staff and Chair, Grade I 9/19/05 Donald Green Coordinator, Business Training, Professional Development Sales for CAPE 9/23/05 E. Approved Faculty and Staff and Chair Retirements: FACULTY Years of Name Discipline Service Effective Harvey A. Berg Associate Professor 20 12/31/05 At the same time, the status of Professor Emeritus was awarded to Associate Professor Harvey A. Berg for his 20 years of dedicated service to the College. STAFF AND CHAIR Years of Name Discipline Service Effective Steven Grossman Technical Assistant 32 � 1/20/06 He requested and was granted the Early Retirement Incentive. F. Approved Faculty Resignation: Years of Name Title Service Effective Maureen McCaffrey Admissions Counselor 2 9/30/05 G. Approved the Fall 2005 Adjunct Payroll III. PRESIDENT�S REPORT M- 10/17/05 - Page 2 President William Richards reported on the following topics: � Good news about enrollment, the College-wide enrollment is up 2.7%. At Newburgh, it is up 7.1% and the Community College in the High School increased by 11%. Full-time credit headcount is 6,441 and full-time student FTE is 2,065. � President Richards commended the Financial Aid staff and the lenders since SUNY Orange has a 4.4% default, the lowest in New York State and the nation. � The United Way campaign kick off will take place at the 10/24 College Assembly meeting. John Checklick, the United Way CEO and an alumnus, will make a presentation at Assembly. This year�s campaign will last for two weeks, and the College�s goal is $10,000. President Richards will visit the Student Senate to ask the students to join in this effort. Funds from the United Way support our Kindercollege Program. An update will be provided in November. � President Richards acknowledged the Healy Brothers for their generous gift to the College. The Healy Ford Dealership will pay the lease for the President�s new Ford 500 to their corporate headquarters. Appreciation was given to Vice President Cazzetta for finalizing the deal. � The Spring NYCCT Annual Conference is scheduled for 3/31 � 4/1/06 at Saratoga Springs, NY. � Congratulations were extended to Trustee Arthur Anthonisen, who was recently elected as the Secretary-Treasurer for the Association of Community College Trustees (ACCT). . Trustee Joan Wolfe questioned the President about plans for parking. President Richards pointed out that this issue will be included in the Facilities Master Plan. One solution would be to consider a multilevel parking lot. As a comparison, he reported that a single-level parking space costs about $6,000, while a multi-level parking space increases to $18,000 per space. . Trustees Arthur Anthonisen inquired about carpooling. Student Trustee Katie Golden indicated that the Student Senate is exploring the endorsement of a website for carpooling. At Thursday�s Student Senate meeting, this topic will be addressed. Trustee Anthonisen suggested that the College shuttle pick up students in Montgomery. Trustee Wolfe inquired about shuttling students from a county parking lot to the campus. IV. REPORT OF THE COLLEGE GOVERNANCE SYSTEM Professor Diane Bliss, President of the College Governance System presented the following items: Professor Diane Bliss, President of the College Governance System presented the following issues: 1. Executive Committee will be meeting 10/19 to begin the business of this AY in earnest. Agenda items for the year include: finalizing committee structures and charges to address institutional effectiveness along with the planning and budgeting process and follow-ups on the Student Development Review report, the Integrity Committee report, and the Student Course Survey pilot that Assembly approved for this Fall semester. The ad hoc Student Course Evaluation Committee will also continue work on the guidelines and procedures for the college-wide use of Student Course Surveys. 2. Executive Committee will also be developing materials for inclusion in new Trustee orientation packets, outlining the philosophy behind governance, shared decision-making and standing committee organization. 3. To promote open communications, Governance now has a directory on the College�s on-campus webshare, with a folder for each standing committee. This will allow standing committees to post their committee minutes directly on the webshare for all College community members to access. Posting to webshare should eliminate delays in disseminating minutes and information about committee activities and actions. Committee charges, memberships, meeting times and locations will also be posted there. 4. Finally, Professor Bliss reported that this semester has begun with a general feeling of optimism and enthusiasm among faculty and staff. Many have expressed a sense of excitement at the new possibilities that change has brought to the College and a renewed sense of energy. In particular, the open communications, shared decision-making, and collaborative atmosphere have contributed to this positive direction. She looks forward to seeing the College continue in that direction. M- 10/17/05 - Page 3 V. REPORT OF THE STUDENT TRUSTEE Student Trustee Kathleen Golden reported on the following topics: � Classes are busy on campus with most professors giving midterms this week. � She will attend the SUNY Student Assembly Conference in Binghamton this weekend. Due to the continually increasing student enrollment at the College, SUNY Orange will now have two votes in the body. A delegation of four student senators and Student Trustee Golden will attend to vote on issues, attend workshops and network with other student government representatives. � At this conference, a new initiative to create a support system for all of the State�s student trustees will be presented. Trustee Golden and the student trustee from Finger Lakes Community College initiated the process at this year�s NYCCT Trustee Institute. They are planning to build a communication network between new and old student trustees to assist new student trustees. VI. OLD BUSINESS VII. NEW BUSINESS VIII. A motion was made to approve a Capital Campaign Feasibility Study at SUNY Orange. COMMITTEE REPORTS AND/OR RECOMMENDATIONS Gareiss/Hodge Unanimous Administrative Services Committee - None Personnel and Finance Committee - None Educational Policies and Student Affairs Committee - None IX. COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC Professor Kathleen Malia, President of the Faculty Association, returned from the NYSUT Conference. � Two main concerns were discussed: 1. The loss of full-time faculty positions versus the increase in adjunct positions. Professor Malia will work with the administration to create a current report demonstrating the difference between full-time faculty and adjunct faculty on campus. 2. With regard to Community College in the High School Program throughout the State, there is no continuity. In spite of this flaw, courses transfer very well to the colleges. The greater concern is that the high school students taking college courses may not be receiving the most from these classes. The high school teachers become the adjuncts for these courses. Interim VP Paul Broadie noted that here at the College the courses are monitored. The appropriate College Department Chair approves the adjunct positions at the high schools. Vice President Catherine Chew reported that the College�s English Department is hosting a mentoring program for the adjuncts from the high schools. Tuition for college courses offered at high schools is $30 per credit, and the College receives FTE credit for these students. � Trustee Roberto Calderin questioned whether the growth in population in Orange County impacts the enrollment figures. This question will be responded to at the November Board meeting when the Academic Master Plan is presented. X. BOARD DISCUSSION - None XI. BOARD ADJOURNMENT At 7:45 pm, a motion was made (Anthonisen/Hunter) to adjourn the meeting. Respectfully submitted, Maryann Raab Assistant to the President