MINUTES OF THE ORANGE COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING HELD ON MONDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 2005, AT 7:00 PM, MUSIC ROOM, MORRISON HALL Present: R. Glinton, Chair, J. Wolfe, B. Hodge, A. Anthonisen, R. Calderin, K. Golden, S. Hunter, D. Mirro Absent: H. Gareiss I. CALL TO ORDER At 7:00 pm Chair Roberta Glinton called the meeting to order. II. CONSENT AGENDA A motion was made to approve Consent Agenda Items A - D as presented. Calderin/Hunter Unanimous A. Approved the Minutes from the regular meeting held on October 17, 2005 as presented. B. Approved the petty cash report for October 2005 in the amount of $56.65. C. Approved Faculty Appointment: Name Title Effective Edmond Lugo Admissions Counselor, full-time 10/31/05 for temporary AY 2005-06 D. Approved Faculty and Staff and Chair Retirements: FACULTY Years of Name Discipline Service Effective Peter W. Staats Assistant Professor, Librarian, Learning Resource Center 31 7/1/06 Peter W. Statts was approved to participate in the Early Retirement Incentive offered under the Faculty Contract and was granted the status of Professor Emeritus. STAFF AND CHAIR Years of Name Discipline Service Effective Patricia Eisley Coordinator for Community 21 9/1/06 Services Patricia Eisley was approved to participate in the Early Retirement Incentive offered under the Staff and Chair Contract. III. PRESIDENT�S REPORT President William Richards reported on the following topics: . The first session of the Trustee Orientation Program was held this evening with Trustees Roberto Calderin and Katie Golden. During the next few months, additional sessions will take place prior to the Board meetings. . According to a report from Institutional Advancement, SUNY Orange�s Fall semester ratio of classes taught by full-time faculty is 63% versus 37% for part-time faculty. The College�s ratio is good compared with the national ratio of 53% full-time faculty versus 47 % part-time faculty and SUNY�s ratio of 59% full-time faculty versus 41% part-time faculty. The College hopes to maintain this balance. . Trustee Roberto Calderin questioned diversity among employees. President Richards assured him a diversification plan for all employees is in the process of being created. M- 11-14-05 - Page 2 . There is no update on the Hitchcock hearing. More details will follow once the decision is available. . The Newburgh campus project is moving along well. The Newburgh Planning Committee, which meets on Thursday, is developing criteria needed for the contract with JMZ. A report from JMZ should be completed in January 2006. . President Richards attended an AACC meeting last week. He is a member of the AACC Commission on Research, Technology and Emerging Trends, which is one of a half-dozen commissions that guides the national association on policy and lobby efforts in Washington. The Commission will define what the 21st century in America will look like with regard to globalization of economies, integration of sciences and technology and international issues. Community colleges will rival private colleges in the effort to secure resources other than those provided by state and local governments. The Commission will look at the ideology and mores from the 60�s and 70�s, which are no longer relevant, and try to re-define their roles in education and as community change agents for the 21st Century. The Commission�s goal is to define short and long-term trends. . At last week�s APPCC meeting a discussion took place about the changes and expansion at SUNY IT. . At this meeting, President Joseph Moore from Empire State College made a presentation about changes at his college, including a search for permanent centers around the State. President Richards and our College leadership were invited to visit Empire State College in Saratoga Springs in January. They will discuss the possibility of creating a 3 plus 1 bachelor�s degree for graduates from community colleges in the teacher education and nursing programs. A number of faculty members requested pursuing a degree in business. . The Presidents spent a good deal of time focusing on this year�s State lobby effort, which includes a $250 per FTE increase in reimbursement for base aid and an additional $200 per FTE for high-cost programs. A contingent from the College, including several student leaders, will visit the State officials in March 2006 to lobby for those increases. .. A student attending the College recently lost her family�s home in a fire. The Educational Foundation agreed to replace her textbooks. The College�s Adopt-A-Family program plans to adopt the family this year. . The College hosted a very successful recruitment fair for Hispanic juniors and seniors. More than 800 students from 15 school districts participated and had an opportunity to visit with representatives from public and private colleges in the region. . A new gas line was installed in the fireplace in Morrison Hall. The fireplace will be fully operational for the Holiday Open House and Legislative Reception on 12/15. In the future, a gas line will be installed in the Morrison Hall Library. IV. REPORT OF THE COLLEGE GOVERNANCE SYSTEM Professor Diane Bliss, President of the College Governance System presented the following items: 1. At the 10/21 Assembly meeting, the Assembly voted to approve a number of measures related to planning, budgeting, and assessment. These include: 1) dissolution of the College-Wide Assessment Committee, 2) dissolution of the General Education Committee after the completion of its charge this semester, 3) revisions to the Planning and Budgeting for Institutional Effectiveness committee charge to remove assessment from its charge and align its communication lines with a new Assessment Advisory Committee, and 4) the creation of an Assessment Advisory Committee that will encompass academic and institutional assessments under one committee. A major part of this new committee�s charge will be the communication of assessments to the Planning and Budgeting for Institutional Effectiveness Committee, as well as to decision-makers and personnel college-wide, in order to better inform their planning efforts, as per Middle States, SUNY and our own self-study recommendations. 2. As another measure to increase communications across the college community, especially within academic divisions, the Academic AVPs have agreed to encourage standing committee reports at division meetings so that issues can be raised and input sought related to ongoing standing committee work. In addition, now that academic division listservs have been created, standing committee representatives may communicate more readily with the division personnel they represent. M- 11-14-05 - Page 3 3. Executive Committee has decided to attempt regularly placing a discussion topic of wide interest on each Assembly agenda. This results from long-standing requests that more timely and meaningful discussions should take place in this forum, aside from the meeting�s regular business. This month�s topic will be online programs and courses; January�s topic will be the academic impact of full-time to part-time faculty ratios. 4. Governance forwarded the name of Dr. Elizabeth White as a faculty representative to the Board of Publications. She will serve as a Board member, not as one of the two faculty advisors. Governance appreciates the willingness of Dr. White to serve students in this capacity; she also previously served on the Governance Executive Committee. V. REPORT OF THE STUDENT TRUSTEE Student Trustee Kathleen Golden reported on the following topics: . Students are hitting a stressful crunch time before Thanksgiving break, and most of the talk on campus is about grades, GPAs and graduation requirements. . Following the lead of the annually successful faculty and staff Orange County United Way Campaign, the Student Senate is working with the United Way to organize a fundraiser for students. . A few weeks ago at the SUNY Student Assembly Conference, the group passed a resolution opposing the proposed Academic Bill of Rights, which is now before the SUNY Board of Trustees for consideration. . At that conference, Student Trustee Golden was elected to the Executive Committee of the Student Assembly as a community college representative. VI. OLD BUSINESS 1. President Richards encouraged the Trustees to review the materials included in the Trustees Orientation Program binder. Several orientation meetings will be scheduled during the next few months at 4 p.m. prior to the Board of Trustees Committee of the Whole meeting. All trustees are welcome to attend. A motion was made to approve the Trustees Orientation Program as presented. Anthonisen/Wolfe Unanimous 2. At the previous meeting of the Trustees, Vice President for Administration Dan Bloomer made a presentation concerning the composition and charge for a Board of Trustees� Audit Committee. At the 12/12 Board meeting, the Trustees will decide who will be appointed to the Committee. A motion was made to approve the creation of an Audit Committee. Anthonisen/Hunter Unanimous VII. NEW BUSINESS 1. A motion was made to appoint J. Daniel Bloomer Vice President for Administration as the Executive Director of the Orange County Community College Association, effective immediately. Wolfe/Golden Unanimous M- 11-14-05 - Page 4 2. A short discussion took place regarding a waiver of a $20 readmission fee for deployed military personnel who had been students at SUNY Orange when they were deployed. A motion was made to approve a waiver for a $20 readmission fee for deployed military personnel who had been students at SUNY Orange when they were deployed, effective immediately. Wolfe/Anthonisen Unanimous 3. A brief discussion took place pertaining to a request from the College Association�s Board of Directors for a replacement representative from the College�s Board of Trustees to serve as a College Association Board member. The Trustees have two choices: 1.) appoint a Trustee to the College Association Board or 2.) amend the Association�s By-laws. This item was tabled and the Trustees will reconsider this topic at the next Board meeting. VIII. COMMITTEE REPORTS AND/OR RECOMMENDATIONS Administrative Services Committee - None Personnel and Finance Committee - None Educational Policies and Student Affairs Committee - None IX. COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC Professor Kathleen Malia, President of the Faculty Association, will report on faculty positions at the 12/12 Board meeting. She is still gathering information. X. BOARD DISCUSSION � Trustee Arthur Anthonisen announced that former Student Trustee Donald Boyce was elected to the Student Council at SUNY Albany. � The Board was invited to attend a luncheon featuring Acting SUNY Chancellor John Ryan as the guest speaker on Friday, 12/9, at the Newburgh Extension Center, sponsored by SUNY Orange, the OC Citizens Foundation and the OC Chamber of Commerce. XI. BOARD ADJOURNMENT At 7:45 pm, the Board meeting was adjourned by unanimous consent. Respectfully submitted, Maryann Raab Assistant to the President