MINUTES OF THE ORANGE COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING HELD ON MONDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 2005, AT 7:00 PM IN THE MUSIC ROOM, MORRISION HALL, FIRST FLOOR Present: R. Glinton, J. Wolfe, H. Gareiss, S. Hunter, J. McMahon, K. Sincerbox Absent: A. Anthonisen, D. Mirro, B. Hodge I. CALL TO ORDER At 7:00 pm Chairwoman Roberta Glinton called the meeting to order and noted a quorum was present. II. CONSENT AGENDA A motion was made to approve Consent Agenda Items A and H. Wolfe/McMahon Unanimous A. Approved the Minutes from the regular meeting held on Monday, 1/10/05 as presented. B. Approved the petty cash report for January 2005 in the amount of $56.66. C. Approved Staff and Chair appointment: Name Discipline Effective Christine Work Coordinator of Academic Assessment 2/7/05 - Grade II 8/31/05 D. Approved Faculty Appointments: Name Title Effective Geoff Saari Instructor, English and Foreign Languages Spring 2005 Department, full-time, temporary Semester Susan Slater-Tanner Instructor, Arts and Communications Spring 2005 Department, full-time, temporary Semester E. Approved the faculty retirement for Assistant Professor John H. Pleasants, Mathematics and Computer Science Department effective July 1, 2005. Appreciation was extended to him for 12 years dedicated service to the College. F. Approved the resignation of Dr. David L. Rule, Vice President for Academic Affairs, effective 1/20/05. Best wishes were extended to him on his acceptance of the position as President of Muskegon Community College, Muskegon, Michigan. G. Approved Leave of Absence for Robert Misiak as Chair, Diagnostic Imaging Department during 2005-06 effective September 1, 2005. H. Approved Title Change for Sue Sheehan from Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs to Associate Vice President for Student Development. This title change is in keeping with similar titles in Academic Affairs and Information Technology and reflects Sue Sheehan�s responsibilities more accurately. M-2/14/05 2 III. PRESIDENT�S REPORT E President Richards introduced Diane Bliss, the new President of the College Governance System. E During the past several months, President Richards met with Congressman Gilman and his staff to discuss the Gilman Archives and Center for International Studies. With the assistance of an archivist, the College will secure and digitize the important records, which will be accessible through the Internet. Two grants totaling $1.4 million were secured from H.U.D. The College plans to add a 2,000 sq. ft. addition on the north side of the LRC as the Gilman Center for International Studies. It would house a general-purpose classroom and some three-dimensional artifacts. The College is working on a third grant proposal for the digitization of the archives. E Governor Pataki reinstated $15 million for the Newburgh campus in his capital budget. This funding needs a match from Orange County. The County Executive is establishing a steering committee for the proposed Newburgh campus. The College will put out a bid for space planning and architecture. Once this lengthy process is completed, the College will take this information to the County Executive and the Legislature. E For the Title IV Audit Appeal, Administrative Law Judge Richard I. Slippen has been assigned to the appeal process. The deadline for the College�s response is 3/1. Judge Slippen has one month to make a final determination. E The Institute for Nonprofit Leadership and Management Conference is scheduled for 3/21/05. A great deal of interest has been expressed from non-profit organizations. Seed money was received from the county. Within eighteen months, the Institute should be self-supporting. E A two-year College catalog is being created. Once the College is fully automated, the catalog will be available on-line. A tremendous cost savings will be realized from this change. E The NYCCT conference will be held in Albany on 4/29 and 4/30. The Trustees should notify the President�s office if they plan to attend. E The 3/14 Board meeting will be held in Newburgh. IV. REPORT OF THE COLLEGE GOVERNANCE SYSTEM Professor Diane Bliss, President of the College Governance System reported on the following items: E The memorial service for Dr. Jim Lynch, which was held on 2/8 in Orange Hall Theater, was very well attended. Speakers included Board Chair Glinton, President Richards, Governance President Diane Bliss, Chris Godwin, Chair, English Department, faculty, and former students of Dr. Lynch. The Executive Committee, on behalf of College Governance, presented the family with an engraved gavel for his service as Governance President. A brick in his memory will be placed along the Morrison Hall sidewalk. E According to provisions in the Governance Constitution and By-Laws, the process for replacing Dr. Lynch as Governance President follows: E Vice President Diane Bliss is now serving as president until an election is completed. The process for the elections begins with a call for nominations at the 2/21 Assembly. Voting will be completed by the end of April. The elected president will fill the remainder of Dr. Lynch�s term, to expire Spring 2007. E Pat Slesinski, Executive Committee member from the Health Professions division, will serve as acting Vice President until the election is completed. If Professor Bliss is elected president, an election for Vice President will take place in May. If Professor Bliss is not elected president, she will return to her duties as vice president to serve out the remainder of her term. E The Assembly vote on the formation of the Technology Committee, a new standing committee, will take place on 2/21. The intent of the committee is to gain as much user input as possible related to technology matters and decision-making. E Governance has been working closely with the Academic Master Plan Committee to ensure integrity and to facilitate the input for and writing of the Academic Mission and Goals statement, the next step in the development of the Academic Master Plan. To date, two all-college workshops were held, providing feedback and suggestions for revisions to a draft statement. The next round of discussions will take place at the divisional and departmental levels. E A number of ad hoc committees are hard at work addressing some of the items mentioned in the Middle States report. These include the ad hoc Student Course Evaluation Committee, the ad hoc Student Development Review Committee, and the ad hoc Faculty Handbook Committee. Their reports and recommendations will be forthcoming at various times during this semester. M-2/14/05 3 V. REPORT OF THE STUDENT TRUSTEE Student Trustee Kenneth Sincerbox reported on the following student issues: E The Student Senate established a committee to determine the best manner for the students to remember Professor Jim Lynch. Trustee Sincerbox will report to the Board on the progress of the committee�s progress next month. E On SUNY Lobby Day, 2/15, four students will head to Albany to lobby for an increase in base aid, rental aid, and TAP. On campus, an aggressive letter writing campaign to lobby our State representatives will continue. The Student Senate will work with the 31 sister community colleges on the three lobby issues. On 3/1, student senators plan to attend the SUNY Board of Trustees public hearing. E The Senate will assist Dr. Richards in asking the County for a funding match for the new Newburgh campus. E During the last month, many students spoke with Trustee Sincerbox about the increase in tuition and technology fees. While the students understand the College�s need to initiate these increases, the students are concerned that the financial burden will fall on the students. VI. OLD BUSINESS - None VII. NEW BUSINESS 1. At the 1/10/05 Board of Trustees Committee of the Whole Meeting, a presentation was made highlighting the proposed five-year budget for the College. The five-year budget would be used as a planning device to assist the College in meeting the priorities of the Strategic Plan. A motion was made to approve the five-year budget for AY 2005-06, AY 2006-07, AY 2007-08, AY 2008-09 and AY 2009-10 as presented. Hunter/Gareiss Unanimous 2. A resolution was presented to the Board requesting the approval of a tuition increase for AY 2005-06 for full-time students from $2,700 to $2,900 and for part-time students from $110 per credit hour to $120 per credit hour. A motion was made to approve the tuition increases for full-time students from $2,700 to $2,900 and for part-time students from $110 per credit hour to $120 per credit hour as presented. Gareiss/McMahon Unanimous 3. A resolution was presented to the Board requesting the approval for a technology fee increase from $30 to $100 per semester for full-time students and from $10 to $60 for part-time students. A motion was made to approve the technology fee increase from $30 to $100 per semester for full-time students and from $10 to $60 for part-time students as presented. Wolfe/Gareiss Unanimous Trustees Hunter and McMahon voiced their concerns about the increase in both tuition and the technology fees. Trustee McMahon hoped that there would be a way to reduce the burden of the technology fee increase through grant opportunities. President Richards pointed out that tuition at SUNY Orange still remains below the median for New York State. M-2/14/05 4 Student Trustee Sincerbox indicated that although the increase to students is difficult, he has faith in President Richards and Jim Dutcher to bring the College�s technology up to date. Joseph Candela, a Student Senator, referred to the State law quoting the funding formula for public community colleges, which is 1/3 from the State, 1/3 from the County and 1/3 from the students. Chairwoman Glinton and Trustee Gareiss assured Mr. Candela that Orange County has been very generous to the College. Mr. Candela also addressed lack of technology offered at the College. He just transferred from a school in Vermont, which offered upgraded technology in all classrooms. Although the technology fee increase is high, he believes it is necessary. Chairwoman Glinton concurred that this fee will benefit all students at the College. VIII. COMMITTEE REPORTS/AND OR RECOMMENDATIONS Administrative Services Committee - None Personnel and Finance Committee - None Educational Policies and Student Affairs Committee � None IX. COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC E Professor Kathleen Malia, President of the Faculty Association, announced that on 3/1/05, she, Paul Basinski, and Professor Kathleen Wright would travel to Albany to lobby the State legislators with NYSUT. X. BOARD DISCUSSION E Trustee Jack McMahon questioned a section of Vice President Dan Bloomer�s report concerning non- credit tuition. VP Bloomer indicated that he would look into the matter and report to Trustee McMahon with the results of his review. XI. BOARD ADJOURNMENT At 7:50 pm, a motion was made (McMahon/Gareiss) to adjourn the meeting. Respectfully submitted, Maryann Raab Secretary to the President