MINUTES OF THE ORANGE COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING HELD ON MONDAY, APRIL 18, 2005, AT 7:00 PM, MUSIC ROOM, MORRISON HALL Present: R. Glinton, S. Hunter, J. McMahon, K. Sincerbox Absent: A. Anthonisen, H. Gareiss, B. Hodge, D. Mirro, J. Wolfe I. CALL TO ORDER At 7:00 pm Chairwoman Roberta Glinton called the meeting to order. II. CONSENT AGENDA Chairwoman Glinton noted that the Board does not have a quorum; therefore, a vote on the Consent Agenda items will be postponed to the 5/9/05 Board meeting. III. PRESIDENT�S REPORT President William Richards reported on the following topics: E This is an exciting time for the College, which is involved in a collaboration agreement with Rockland and Ulster County Community Colleges on safety programs and homeland security. This collaboration will be extended to the other four colleges in the Mid-Hudson Valley. The College is working with Rockland County Community College in offering a Fire Science program. Likewise, SUNY Orange will offer EMS/EMT training to students from Rockland Community College, who will attend classes on our campus for clinical training while taking their general education courses at Rockland Community College. E Recent conversations were held with Tom Wade Associates about initiating a capital campaign for the Middletown campus and the proposed branch campus in Newburgh. Mr. Wade indicated that the College could raise $1 to $2 million for a Newburgh branch campus and approximately $8 million toward capital needs in Middletown. E A reception will be held on 4/22 at 4 pm in the Assembly Room at the Newburgh Extension Center to honor key donors to the College: the Kaplan Foundation, the Dyson Foundation, Senator William J. Larkin and VTEA. We will showcase the new biology labs and new technology by providing a tour of the new facilities. E The Board Retreat will take place on 6/16/05 from 8:30 am � 2 pm. President Richards will send out an agenda for the meeting, which will concentrate on 1. Strategic Initiatives; 2. Progress on the Middle States Accreditation recommendations and higher education issues; and 3. Providing a professional development workshop offered by the College�s Institute for Nonprofit Leadership at the Board Retreat and planning for two workshops during the 5 pm Board sessions during the next year. E The Cabinet Retreat is scheduled for 6/09/05 at the Orange County Arboretum. E Elections for a new Student Trustee and new Senators will take place this month. Student Trustee Sincerbox will report on the results of the election at the next meeting. E VPAA search is drawing to a close. The last finalist will visit campus tomorrow. The search committee will meet to discuss comments from the College Community, and President Richards will make a decision over the weekend. E Thanks were extended to Professor Kathleen Malia, the faculty and students for a successful year of lobbying the NYS legislators. Community colleges received $2,350 per FTE, the full restoration of T.A.P. and a 50 per cent reimbursement for rental aid. In addition, our College received $15 million for the Newburgh Branch Campus and $800,000 for planning of the new branch campus. Thank you letters were sent and phone calls made to the state officials. E Five students were honored at the 5 pm Board meeting as recipients of the following awards: Phi Theta Kappa All-USA Team � Tina LaMontanaro � First Team and Mia Ramos � Second Team Chancellor�s Awards for Excellence � Michael Bossolina, Tina LaMontanaro, and Kenneth Sincerbox. Jasmin Lynch was recognized for her hard and work and dedication as the campus PTK President. Although we will be losing four students to transfers, Mia Ramos, who was just elected as the PTK International Vice President for the East Coast Region, will remain at SUNY Orange for another year. M-4/18/05 2 E An update on student housing for the Middletown campus will be presented at the September Board meeting. The presentation will focus on the effects to the College as well as the cost, staffing and operating needs. E Trustee Jack McMahon will receive the NYCCT Marvin A. Rapp Award for Distinguished Service at the NYCCT Awards Dinner on 4/29. E SUNY Central notified us today that SUNY Trustee Edward Cox would announce his candidacy for a Senate seat on 4/28 in Newburgh. He will be invited to visit the Newburgh Extension Center. IV. REPORT OF THE COLLEGE GOVERNANCE SYSTEM Acting Vice President Pat Slesinski reported on the following issues in the absence of President Diane Bliss, who accompanied the PBIE Committee chair and select members on a visit to Ocean County Community College to view their planning and budgeting process at work. 1. At the March Assembly meeting, the College Assembly elected Diane Bliss as Governance President, fulfilling the remainder of the late Dr. Jim Lynch�s term, expiring 2007. Nominations th for Vice President have been sought, with the election to occur after the April 25 Assembly meeting. 2. Executive Committee has reviewed the report of the ad hoc Committee for Student Development th Review and accepted it for presentation to the Cabinet and to the April 25 meeting of the College Assembly. Once the Assembly accepts the report, it will be forwarded formally to President Richards for action on its recommendations. The recommendations and actions will also be included in the College�s response to Middle States recommendations in this area. 3. The ad hoc Student Course Evaluation Committee has developed a Student Satisfaction Survey, with its accompanying statement of philosophy and guidelines for use, to be presented at the April Assembly meeting. The committee proposes acceptance of the instrument and process for pilot in Fall 2005. This also comes out of Middle States recommendations that the College should seek and utilize student input for the improvement of courses, teaching and learning. V. REPORT OF THE STUDENT TRUSTEE Student Trustee Kenneth Sincerbox reported on the following student issues: 1. The students recently launched a newspaper called The Word, which is circulating around the campus 2. The Alumni Association spring phonathon is in progress. An update will be provided at the next Board meeting. 3. This weekend the Student Senators and I attended the Spring Student Assembly Conference. Each school has a voting delegate, and they come together to discuss issues that concern students. Two issues discussed at the conference were the Academic Bill of Rights and the General Education assessment requirements. 4. At this conference, students elected a new president, who will also sit on the SUNY Board of Trustees. Former Student Trustee, Donald Boyce, ran against three other candidates. The field was narrowed to two candidates, which forced a run-off between Donald Boyce and Joshua Hyman. Josh Hyman was elected President of the Student Assembly and SUNY Board member. 5. At the same conference, Resolution #9 was passed unanimously, which calls on the Governor and the Legislators to uphold Education Law 6304, which we know to be nicknamed the 1/3 agreement. This resolution was introduced by the SUNY Orange Student Senate and co- sponsored by Trustee Gross. M-4/18/05 3 VI. OLD BUSINESS th Due to the lack of a quorum, the vote on the 2004 College Audit will be moved to the May 9 Board meeting. VII. NEW BUSINESS Chairwoman Glinton requested that the absent board members be contacted about attendance at the proposed Board Retreat on 6/16. VIII. COMMITTEE REPORTS AND/OR RECOMMENDATIONS Administrative Services Committee - None Personnel and Finance Committee - None Educational Policies and Student Affairs Committee � None IX. COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC E Professor Kathleen Malia, President of the Faculty Association, thanked the Board for their favorable vote on the faculty contract. The contract was approved by the membership and they are awaiting affirmation from Orange County. E Maryann Raab, Assistant to the President, thanked the Board for supporting her title change. E Professor Diane Bliss, President of the College Governance System, just returned from the College�s team visit to Ocean County Community College with relation to Middle States. Professor Bliss briefly reported that on the surface Ocean County Community College looks good, but they have a top-down administration. Their college community does not have the trust or participation that is evident on our campus. Although our team can use some strategies learned from Ocean County visit, SUNY Orange is on the right track. X. BOARD DISCUSSION - None XI. BOARD ADJOURNMENT At 7:30 pm, Chairman Glinton adjourned the meeting. Respectfully submitted, Maryann Raab Assistant to the President