MINUTES OF THE ORANGE COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING HELD ON MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 2005, AT 7:00 PM, MUSIC ROOM, MORRISON HALL Present: R. Glinton, Chair, J. Wolfe, B. Hodge, A. Anthonisen, H. Gareiss, S. Hunter, D. Mirro, K. Golden I. CALL TO ORDER At 7:00 pm Chair Roberta Glinton called the meeting to order. President Richards administered the Oath of Office to Student Trustee Kathleen M. Golden. II. CONSENT AGENDA A motion was made to approve Consent Agenda Items A � G as presented. Anthonisen/Hunter Unanimous A. Approved the Minutes from the regular meeting held on June 13, 2005 as presented. B. Approved the petty cash reports for June, July and August 2005 in the amounts of $54.56, $42.86, and $37.23, respectively. C. Approved Faculty Appointments: Name Title Effective Marcia Clark Instructor, Nursing Department full-time, temporary AY 2005-2006 Marie DeFazio Technical Assistant, Biology and Laboratory Technology Departments AY 2005-2006 Bouchaib Falah Mathematics Instructor, Mathematics and Computer Sciences Department full-time, tenure track AY 2005-2006 Linda Fedrizzi Communications Instructor, Arts and Communication Department, full-time, temporary AY 2005-2006 Don Furman Instructor, Business Management Fall 2005 Department, full-time, temporary Semester Kirsten Gabrielsen Technical Assistant, Biology and Laboratory Technology Departments AY 2005-2006 Thomas Giorgianni Assistant Professor, Applied Technology Department, returned to full-time, Tenured faculty AY 2005-2006 Sandra Graff Reading Instructor, English and Foreign Languages Department, Fall 2005 full-time, temporary Semester Cynthia MacMahon Chemistry Instructor, Science and Engineering Department, full-time, tenure track AY 2005-2006 Anita McGlynn Nursing Instructor, Nursing Department, full-time, temporary AY 2005-2006 Dennis O�Loughlin Instructor, Criminal Justice Department, full-time, tenure track AY 2005-2006 Barbara Pinkall Mathematics Instructor, Mathematics and Computer Sciences Department full-time, temporary AY 2005-2006 M-9/12/05 2 Amy Rickard Instructor, Mathematics and Computer Sciences Department, full-time, temporary AY 2005-2006 Geoffrey Saari Instructor, English and Foreign Languages Department, full-time, temporary AY 2005-2006 Susan Slater-Tanner Art Instructor, Arts and Communication Department, full-time, tenure track AY 2005-2006 Christopher Slichta Instructor, English and Foreign Languages Department, full-time, temporary AY 2005-2006 Janet Stonick Mathematics Instructor, Mathematics and Computer Sciences Department, full-time, tenure track AY 2005-2006 Elizabeth Tarvin Instructor/Coordinator, Education Department, full-time, temporary AY 2005-2006 R. Nicholas Zingaro Instructor, Mathematics and Computer Sciences Department, full-time, temporary AY 2005-2006 D. Approved Staff and Chair Appointments: Name Title Effective Louis DeFeo Workforce Development Education Coordinator, Grade II 9/6/05 Abdel Aziz M. Farah Interim Assistant Department Chair, Social Sciences Department AY 2005-2006 Fern Steane Chair, Applied Technology Department AY 2005-2006 Mark Strunsky Interim Assistant Department Chair Arts & Communication Department AY 2005-2006 E. Approved Management Confidential Appointment: Name Title Effective Paul Broadie II Interim Vice President for 8/1/05 - Student Development 12/31/05 F. Approved Faculty, Management Confidential and Staff and Chair Resignations: Years of Name Title Service Effective Faculty Joyce H. Davis Assistant Professor Nursing Department 6 7/1/05 Management Confidential Kirk A. Manning Vice President for Student Development 7 7/31/05 Staff and Chair Lori Schneider Chair, Massage Therapy and Physical Therapist Assistant Departments 8 9/9/05 G. Approved Staff and Chair Title Change Name Former title New Title Effective Christine Work Coordinator of Academic Assessment Assessment Coordinator 9/12/05 M-9/12/05 3 III. PRESIDENT�S REPORT President William Richards reported on the following topics: .. The annual SUNY Tuition Survey included in the Board packet reveals that the College remains below the mean for tuition charged among SUNY community colleges. .. Also included in the Board packet was the list of Board Discussion Topics for 2005-2006. .. With regard to the Gilman Center, the College received $1.3 million in capital funding. During the summer, the administrators met with an engineering firm that will supply us with a design for the Center to be located on the north side of the LRC. The College is still awaiting word from Congress about an additional $2 million for the Center. A briefing meeting with Congressman Gilman will be arranged at the beginning of October. .. The Newburgh campus project made great progress during the summer. The Planning Committee let an RFP for space planning and a feasibility study for the site. From nine applications submitted, the contract was awarded to JMZ Architects. This firm has a great deal of experience working on projects in the SUNY system. They will receive $344,000 to complete the Newburgh and Facilities Master Plan for the College. The JMZ application was circulated to the Trustees. When their study is completed, the College will request funding from the County Legislature. Two Federal Senators and two local Congress members were approached for assistance. Congresswoman Kelly was asked to assist with funding that would bring the Middletown campus� technology up to the level proposed for Newburgh. During spring 2006, the College will reach out to the NYS legislators. A private donor, William Kaplan, offered to increase his gift by $2 to $3 million if necessary. President Richards will provide updates in December 2005 and March 2006. .. Enrollment is up 2 � 2 �% without including the count for high schools. The College�s facilities are filled to capacity. .. The $550,000 application to the Orange County IDA includes requests for technology and staffing for the Continuing and Professional Education area. This request would enrich economic development, business and corporate training and health professions courses. The IDA loan agenda item may convert into a grant. The Trustees were asked to approve the loan repayment schedule as a security measure if the grant does not materialize. .. President Richards circulated the ACCT certificate confirming that the College is operating in good standing and in line with the ACCT standards. The certificate will be framed and displayed. .. The new Trustees� Orientation Procedures Manual was discussed and reviewed. A vote will be taken to approve the new Trustees� Orientation Procedures Program at the 10/17 meeting IV. REPORT OF THE COLLEGE GOVERNANCE SYSTEM Professor Diane Bliss, President of the College Governance System presented the following issues: 1. Executive Committee will be meeting 9/14 to begin the business of this AY in earnest. Agenda items for this year include finalizing committee structures and charges to address institutional effectiveness along with the planning and budgeting process; follow-up on the Student Development Review report, the Integrity Committee report, and the Student Course Survey pilot that Assembly approved for this Fall semester. The ad hoc Student Course Evaluation Committee will also continue work on the guidelines and procedures for the college-wide use of Student Course Surveys. 2. Executive Committee will also be developing materials for inclusion in new Trustee orientation packets, outlining the philosophy behind governance and shared decision-making and standing committee organization. 3. As a means of promoting open communications, Governance now has a directory on the College�s on-campus webshare, with a folder for each standing committee. This will allow standing committees to post their committee minutes directly on the webshare for all College community members to access. Posting to the webshare should eliminate delays in disseminating minutes and information about committee activities and actions. Committee charges, memberships, and meeting times and locations will also be posted there. M-9/12/05 4 4. As a final note, I am pleased to report that this semester has begun with a general feeling of optimism and enthusiasm among faculty and staff. Many have expressed a sense of excitement at the new possibilities that change has brought to the College, and a renewed sense of energy. In particular, the open communications, shared decision-making, and collaborative atmosphere have contributed to this positive direction. I look forward to seeing the College continue in that direction. V. REPORT OF THE STUDENT TRUSTEE Student Trustee Kathleen Golden reported on the topics below: .. Fall semester classes began two weeks ago. .. Wednesday, 9/14, is Student Life Day, where students gather on the Alumni Green for food and games while they learn about the clubs on campus. .. Elections for Student Senate are scheduled for 9/14 � 9/16. .. The most frequently discussed issues on campus include high gas prices and the lack of parking, both of which prompted the Student Senate to begin researching an effective carpooling plan. VI. OLD BUSINESS 1. A motion was made to approve the Staff and Chair Contract for three academic years 2004/2005 (Year 1), 2005/2006 (Year 2) and 2006/2007 (Year 3) as presented. Gareiss/Wolfe Unanimous 2. A motion was made to accept the two-year schedule of pay increases for evening adjuncts that will bring the Day and Evening Adjunct salaries to equity. Anthonisen/Hunter Unanimous 3. Trustee Herbert Gareiss, the Chair of the Presidential Review Committee, shared the terms of the Committee�s review. Trustee Gareiss reported that President Richards accomplished the goals he set for 2004-2005. A motion was made to approve President William Richards� three-year contract, as presented. Hunter/Anthonisen Unanimous .. Trustee Gareiss will arrange a meeting with President Richards to review the President�s goals for 2005-2006. .. Chairwoman Glinton thanked Wendy Holmes for all the work she has done concerning the Diversity Initiative. VII. NEW BUSINESS 1. A motion was made to approve the Management Confidential Benefits Package as presented. Hunter/Wolfe Unanimous 2. A motion was made to approve a two-year contract and 3.5% salary increase for Management Confidential employees. Gareiss/Hodge Unanimous M-9/12/05 5 3. A motion was made to approve the IDA Loan Repayment Schedule, to be used only if the grant status is not awarded by the Orange County IDA, as presented. Anthonisen/Gareiss Unanimous 4. A motion was made to adopt the �New York State Senate/ Walk with Me Resolution� to raise the awareness for the Statewide initiative to curb domestic violence as presented. Wolfe/Mirro Unanimous President Richards noted that Phi Theta Kappa has adopted the domestic violence cause this year and will participate in fundraising events to eliminate domestic violence. 5. A motion was made to approve the election of officers to for 2005-2006 as follows: Trustee Roberta Glinton - Chair Trustee Joan H. Wolfe - Vice Chair Trustee Brutus W. Hodge - Secretary Anthonisen/Gareiss Unanimous VIII. COMMITTEE REPORTS AND/OR RECOMMENDATIONS Administrative Services Committee - None Personnel and Finance Committee - None Educational Policies and Student Affairs Committee - None Chairwoman Glinton announced the following Board Committee appointments for 2005-2006 as follows: Trustees Administration ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Joan Wolfe, Chair William Richards, President Arthur Anthonisen PERSONNEL AND FINANCE Herbert Gareiss, Jr. Chair J. Daniel Bloomer Brutus Hodge VP for Administration EDUCATIONAL POLICIES AND STUDENT AFFAIRS Roberta Glinton, Chair Dr. Catherine Chew, VP Don Mirro for Academic Affairs Kathleen M. Golden Paul Broadie, Interim VP for Student Development The creation of an Audit Committee will be discussed at the October 17, 2005 Committee of the Whole Meeting. Vice President Daniel Bloomer will make a presentation on the proposed Audit Committee M-9/12/05 6 IX. COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC .. Professor Kathleen Malia, President of the Faculty Association, thanked the Human Resources Department for offering the Faculty Association a benefits� workshop. The workshop was extensive and very helpful. .. Eric Brosius, the Acting President of the Staff and Chair Association, expressed gratitude to Vice President Dan Bloomer and Wendy Holmes, the Human Resources Officer, for negotiating the contract and he also thanked the Board for approving the contract. X. BOARD DISCUSSION - None XI. BOARD ADJOURNMENT At 7:45 pm, the Board unanimously consented to adjourn the meeting. Respectfully submitted, Maryann Raab Assistant to the President