Budget Instructions 1. Forms are available via the College�s website at: http://www.sunyorange.edu/businessoffice Please note: On the Capital equipment request form: Be sure items valued under $500 are included in supply lines, not capital equipment. Also, computer software should be budgeted in line #7303, not a capital line. Non- capital computer equipment is line #7306. Please include your justification and priority for each item on this form. 2. Contractual Services � budget non-contractual maintenance, office supplies, instructional supplies, etcetera, including inflationary increases, where appropriate. Any unusual fluctuations should reference strategic initiatives when possible. The Business Office will budget any lease agreements or existing maintenance agreements. Please include new maintenance agreements on equipment recently purchased. 3. Please make the line item descriptions on the forms as brief as possible. If you feel a more detailed explanation is necessary, attach on a separate page.