SUNY ORANGE CAREER SERVICES JOB ORDER:#7-0752 [ x] PART-time [ ] FULL-time IMPORTANT NOTICE: SUNY ORANGE Career Services Office DOES NOT screen Jobs and/or Employers. Any arrangements that you (the student) make are solely the responsibility between you and the employer. JOB TITLE TODDLER TEACHER Opening Date 11/27/07 Duration Permanent Firm name Very Best PreSchool Mailing address 15 Harrison Street, Middletown, NY 10940 Type of Company Pre-School Telephone # (845) 775-2513 Fax # (845) 692-2649 Contact Shauna Best E-Mail Job location (town/city) Middletown Hours of work (includes Days & Times) Monday through Friday � 7:00 a.m. � 11:30 a.m. w/occasional overtime Education required High school diploma and some college preferred Major required None specified # of openings 1 Salary $7.50 to $8.50/hour � no benefits HIRING REQUIREMENTS: Drivers License [ ] [ x ] Yes No Employment Test [ ] [ x ] Yes No Physical Exam [x ] [ ] Yes No Needs Own Tools [ ] [ x ] Yes No References [ x ] [ ] Yes No Computer Skills [ ] [ x ] Yes No Other: JOB SUMMARY: Responsible adult needed to read, sing songs, feed, play and be a role model to children 6 months to 24 months of age. Resume required YES [ ] NO [x ] Category Child Care To apply CALL [ ] FAX [ x] E-Mail [x ]