SUNY ORANGE CAREER SERVICES JOB ORDER:#8-0019 [ ] PART-time [x ] FULL-time IMPORTANT NOTICE: SUNY ORANGE Career Services Office DOES NOT screen Jobs and/or Employers. Any arrangements that you (the student) make are solely the responsibility between you and the employer. JOB TITLE SUMMER EMPLOYMENT Opening Date 01/09/08 Duration SUMMER SEASON � May 08-August 08 Firm name Hobart West Solutions Mailing address Newburgh, NY Type of Company Staffing Agency Telephone # (845) 566-4390 Fax # Contact Kristine or Dani E-Mail Job location (town/city) Orange County, New York Hours of work (includes Days & Times) Monday through Thursday � 6:00 a.m. up to 5:30 p.m. depending on how much work needs to be done Education required Must be a college student! Major required None specified # of openings Multiple Salary $10.00/hour. HIRING REQUIREMENTS: MUST BE A COLLEGE STUDENT!. Must have steel toed boots. Women welcome! Drivers License [ ] [ x ] Yes No Employment Test [ ] [ x ] Yes No Physical Exam [ ] [ x ] Yes No Needs Own Tools [ ] [x ] Yes No References [ x ] [ ] Yes No Computer Skills [ ] [ x ] Yes No Other: JOB SUMMARY: Large distributor of hardware supplies is looking for student to join their team for their busy summer season starting in May 08 and staying on until August 08. Daily work involves putting orders together & getting them ready for shipment. Clean warehouse environment. Must have steel toed boots. Women welcome. Salary is $10.00/hour with an end of the season incentive bonus. Hours start at 6:00 a.m. and could go up to 5:30 p.m. depending on how much work needs to be done. Monday through Thursday. As long as work Is completed by Thursday, you will be off on Fridays. Resume required YES [ ] NO [x ] Category Miscellaneous To apply Call [x ] Kristine or Dani at (845) 566-4390