Orange County Community College Central Scheduling Office 115 South Street Middletown, New York 10940 Phone: (845) 341-4720 Fax: (845) 341-4721 REQUEST FOR PERMISSION TO SERVE ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES ON CAMPUS Requestor Name: Today�s Date: Group/Organization to be served: Event Name: Event Purpose/Description: Event Date: (text) tart Time: End Time:_______ Event Location: Building: Room: Person(s) directly in charge of dispensing alcoholic beverages: Will non-alcoholic beverages be available for those preferring same? (Y/N) Will non-OCCC affiliated persons be among guests? (Y/N) If yes, please provide a general description of this group: (text) I understand that no alcoholic beverage can be sold at the above event and that no person under 21 years of age can be supplied with an alcoholic drink. _______________________________________ (text) Date (Signature of person making request) : PLEASE SUBMIT TO THE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT ORANGE COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE 115 SOUTH STREET MIDDLETOWN, NY 10940 SUNY Orange Alcohol Service Request Decision ____ Approved Disapproved Comment: (text) _______ ____________________________________ Date (text) WILLIAM RICHARDS, PRESIDENT Do Not Write In Shaded Area Below SUNY Orange Alcohol Service Permission Form (text) Event Date: The President�s decision will be returned on this form. Approval is not to be assumed unless this form is returned. Requestor Name: (text) Event Date: (text) (Today�s Date) (Requestor Name) (Today�s Date) (Group/Organization to be served) (Group/Organization to be served) (Event Purpose/Description) (Today�s Date) (Start Time) (End Time) (Building) (Room) (Person(s) directly in charge of dispensing alcoholic beverages [2]) (Will non-alcoholic beverages be available for those preferring same) (Will non-OCCC affiliated persons be among guests) (If yes, please provide a general description of this group [1]) (Today�s Date) (Approved) (Disapproved) (Requestor Name: Event Date:) (Today�s Date) (Comment [1]) (Today�s Date) (Print ) Print