Annotating with iPad Digital Grading, Going Green + Add class I use the Turn It In drop box in Angel to easily access papers. Go to �Add Content� to find the drop box. Tap on �View� When students submit, you�ll see this screen. To download the desired PDF, tap on the small �paper� under �FILE� Tap on �View� When students submit, you�ll see this screen. To download the desired PDF, tap on the small �paper� under �FILE� Tap �PDF format� Tap �PDF format� This window will appear in a Tap �PDF format� Make sure that when your students submit their papers, they do so via �single file upload� and NOT �copy & new tab. paste.� Tap �Open in Note Taker HD� Any PDF-friendly apps that you have will pop up as options Choose �Open in Note Taker HD� After you�ve done this enough, the �button� to the left will appear and you won�t have to do these extra steps. Create some Folders Create some folders to keep your files organized You can make folders within folders Choose the folder into which your file will go Name & Color Name your student paper I usually choose �Last Name Assignment� E.g. �Whipple Essay 2� Choose your �ink� color Tap �Done� Start Grading! Your papers will appear to the left. When you are done annotating, tap the �Output� button and send back to the student via your SUNY Orange email. I do not send back through an Angel drop box. This has never been my style, though I�m sure there�s a way.