Center for Teaching and Learning Session Survey Please complete the following survey about the session you attended today so that we can continue to improve the session content, presentation and future calendar of events. Please feel free to add any comments at the bottom or on the back of this sheet. We appreciate your honest feedback! 1. What workshop did you attend today? Please list title and date attended. 2. How would you rate the overall quality of the workshop you attended? (circle one) 1 -Poor 2 -Below Average 3 -Average 4 -Above Average 5 -Excellent Please explain your rating choice: 3. Was the material presented in an engaging and appropriate manner? Please share your thoughts. 4. Was the session content informative and relevant to your teaching and learning? 5. What was the most informative or useful part of the workshop you attended? 6. What other workshops/topics would you like to see presented in the future? 7. Other Comments: ___________________________________________________________________ 8. Name and Department (Optional) _______________________________________________________ Thank you for your feedback!