Ensemble Video uses a tabbed interface so you can easily navigate to different areas of the application. As you can see, all Ensemble video interface tabs are visible in the center of the page when you login, just above the listing of the items in the department media library. They are also visible at the top of each page. Here is a quick summary of each of the tabs in the Ensemble Video interface: Media Library The media library is a searchable department media library with functions for adding, editing, searching, copying, deleting, and publishing video content. Shared Library The shared library is a library of videos shared to your department from other departments that are using your implementation of Ensemble Video. You can view and publish these videos. Web Publishing Tab In the web publishing tab, you define and manage the web publishing destinations where you make your video content available to external viewers. You can use our quick publish site, or install the plugin. Administration Tab In the administration tab, you gain control of the customization settings, media sources, users, and set sharing permissions.