Results of the Faculty & Staff Professional Development Needs-Assessment Survey Jennifer C. Merriam The Center for Teaching and Learning March 13, 2006 Outline � Why a Center for Teaching and Learning? � What is the Center for Teaching and Learning? � Results of The Survey � Next Steps Why a Center for Teaching and Learning? � Student-learning is more central than ever to our view of success as educators � We must prepare diverse students, for a wide-range of opportunities, all in a short time period � Despite our tremendous talents, our dedicated efforts as individuals often fall short of meeting the needs of our students-we need time to reflect, refine & renew � We need a campus-wide, systematic approach to professional development! Why a Center for Teaching and Learning? � The Strategic Plan 2005-2010 supports a more effective approach to professional development � Based on recommendations from � Middle States Accreditation Review � SUNY Mission Review I � SUNY Faculty Development Initiative recommends each campus establish a CTL Mission of the Center for Teaching and Learning To foster excellence in teaching and learning for the SUNY Orange community through programs, services, and resources in order to: � Enrich student learning and success � Enhance effective teaching methods and practices � Promote collegiality and collaboration � Encourage community connections � Develop technological competence and creativity � Support curriculum development The Center for Teaching and Learning To foster excellence in teaching and learning for the SUNY Orange community through programs, services, and resources in order to: � Enrich student learning and success � Enhance effective teaching methods and practices � Promote collegiality and collaboration � Encourage community connections � Develop technological competence and creativity � Support curriculum development The Survey � Background Questions � Asked to rate interest for: � Teaching and Learning Topics � General Topics � Technology Topics � Types of Activities � Time Preferences (n/a, none, some, great, would like to know more) Results-Background Questions Results-Background Questions Top 5 Teaching and Learning Topics � Developing students� critical thinking skills � Motivating the community college student � Increasing student engagement � Using technology to enhance learning � Teaching strategies for adult learners General Topics � Health & wellness � Managing conflict � Stress management � Time management � Marketing your program Technology Topics � PowerPoint � Operating a digital camera � Excel � Publisher � Operating a scanner Activities � Structured discussions with colleagues � Informal discussions with colleagues � Interactive workshops � Demonstrations � Individual consultation with the CTL Great Interest and Widely Applicable Time Preferences � Tuesdays & Thursdays were preferred � Events will be offered at multiple times Next Steps � Review with CTL Taskforce � Focus-groups � Planning of events Thank you! � Other ideas? � Email me at, � call 341-4178 More data� � The following slides have more information about the results of the survey Ranked Teaching and Learning Topics � Developing students� critical thinking skills � Motivating the community college student � Increasing student engagement � Using technology to enhance learning � Teaching strategies for adult learners � Developing students� creativity � Collaborative / cooperative learning � Developing students� confidence � Using Blackboard for web-enhanced courses � Addressing diverse learning needs � Student Advising � Student learning styles/multiple intelligences � Active learning strategies � Self-assessing teaching skills � Handling unproductive students � Questioning techniques � Creating effective group assignments for students � Mentoring new faculty � Using assessment to enhance learning � Writing across the curriculum (paired courses) � Brain-based learning: research and instructional strategies Ranked Teaching and Learning Topics Ranked General Topics � Health & wellness � Managing conflict � Stress management � Time management � Marketing your program � Leadership skills � How to recruit students � Running an effective meeting � Campus�s environmental responsibility (ex. EPA information for proper disposal) Ranked Technology Topics � PowerPoint � Operating a digital camera � Excel � Publisher � Operating a scanner � Word � Access � Internet Explorer � HTML � Outlook Ranked Activities � Structured discussions with colleagues � Informal discussions with colleagues � Interactive workshops � Demonstrations � Individual consultation with the CTL � Web-based course � Teaching/reading circles/clubs � Learning communities � College-wide forums � Classroom observations with feedback � Retreats (1-3 days) � List-serve discussion groups