The Center for Teaching and Learning at SUNY Orange Learning Innovation Grants Fall 2006 Questions and Answers� 1. What is a Learning Innovation Grant? The Learning Innovation Grant provides funding for innovative projects designed to enrich, advance and improve student learning. These projects may take place in or out of the classroom. Innovation may take the form of the development, adaptation or application of a new or different approach, practice or procedure designed to produce improvements in student learning. Projects that are learning-centered, focused on collaborative and interdisciplinary initiatives, are responsive to technology, or are attentive to assessment and improvement are especially encouraged. 2. What kinds of projects will be funded? The following is a sample of the kinds of projects that will be funded. Proposals for projects other than those listed will be considered if they follow the criteria describe above. See the Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) website for other project ideas. * Developing new ways of presenting material in the classroom (i.e. using case studies, service learning, collaborative learning, active learning, new technology, etc.) * Implementing classroom research (i.e. effect of a classroom innovation on student learning) * Designing learning experiences for students outside of the classroom * Running a discussion/study group for faculty and staff that will improve student learning * Using collaborative or interdisciplinary approaches to student learning 3. Who is eligible to request funds? All full-time, permanent faculty and staff are eligible to apply for funding. Part-time faculty, staff and adjuncts may apply as part of a collaborative team of full-time faculty and staff. 4. How much funding can we apply for? Individuals may apply for up to $1,000. Teams of 2 or more people may apply for up to $4,000. 5. How may the funds be used? Funds may be used to develop projects, and for travel, equipment and supplies. Funds may be used in part to attend workshops or conferences to learn innovative ways to improve student learning. 6. How will the outcomes of my project be shared? The results of your Learning Innovation project will be shared with your colleagues within 6 months of completion. Summaries of completed projects will be posted on the CTL website. 7. What is the application process? Step 1: Complete the attached Cover Sheet. Please make certain you discuss the project with division or departmental personnel who will be involved with planning or implementation. Step 2: Describe the project using the categories described on the Proposal Form. See the CTL website for the rubric used to evaluate proposals. Step 3: Submit 6 copies of your application (Cover Sheet and Proposal Form) to Jennifer Merriam in the Center for Teaching and Learning by December 1, 2006. LEARNING INNOVATION GRANT PROPOSAL 2006/2007 STEP 1: COVER SHEET Title of project: __________________________________________________________________ Number of students impacted by this project: ________________________________________ Total amount of request $_____________________ Budget Request Equipment $_____________________ Supplies and Materials $_____________________ Travel and Mileage: $_____________________ Other (please specify): _______________ $_____________________ _______________ $_____________________ _______________ $_____________________ I have discussed the proposal and budget implications of this project with my area supervisor. Yes____________ No_____________ Primary Proposal Applicant: ____________________________________________________________________________ Partners in Project Development: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Primary Applicant Signature _____________________________________________ Date _____________________________________________ Area Supervisor or Department Chair Signature _____________________________________________ Date LEARNING INNOVATION GRANT 2006/2007 STEP 2: PROPOSAL FORM Limit your proposal to 3 typed pages, 12-pt font, double-spaced with 1 inch margins. Title of Project: ________________________________________________ Project Description: Please provide a brief summary of the project in approximately 50-75 words. Statement of Need: Provide a brief summary of why this project is important and/or necessary; why it should be funded. Description of Activities & Implementation: Please provide an outline/timeline of the process and activities that will lead to implementation. Outcomes of Project: Please highlight the primary outcomes of the project * ___________________________________________________________________________ * ___________________________________________________________________________ * ___________________________________________________________________________ Evaluation: Describe how the outcomes will be assessed. Dissemination: Describe how this project can be shared with colleagues or modified by others at the college for future use. STEP 3: Submit six copies of your application to Jennifer C. Merriam, Center for Teaching and Learning by December 1, 2006.