TEACH THEREFORE AM: THE �APPY HOUR� FOR TEACHING & LEARNING Presented by: SUNY Orange County Community College Heather Perfetti, Vice President of Academic Affairs Edward Leonard, PT, DPT, MPS, ACCE Dena Whipple, Director, Center for Teaching & Learning TEACH THEREFORE AM: THE �APPY HOUR� FOR TEACHING & LEARNING Presented by: SUNY Orange County Community College � Sign in! -We can email you the presentation and resources! � Business Cards -SUNY Orange�s Center for Teaching and Learning website on the back: www.sunyorange.edu/ctl -Find the presentation and resources online! � Time Reserved for Q & A � Join us for �Appy Hour� -Check out our iPads and Pre-loaded �Apps� Building the Center for Teaching & Learning with a Lean Budget � Funding � Getting Creative -Grants -Repurpose Funds � Impacting the Culture -Programming -College-Wide Presence and Initiatives Vision, Mission & Goals Statement Vision, Mission & Goals Statement Innovation for the CTL � Cultural Shifts � State of the Art Facility � One Minute Tips � Digital Newsletter � Magna Commons � Innovative and Catchy Programming �Flipping the Classroom� Innovation for the CTL � Cultural Shifts � State of the Art Facility � One Minute Tips � Digital Newsletter � Magna Commons � Innovative and Catchy Programming �Flipping the Classroom� http://youtu.be/RzSbdjZFiqo Faculty iPad Program � 3 Divisions, 12 Disciplines � Program Roll out � Training & Support � CTL Request Form � Faculty Champions � Buy-back Option � Agreement & Application Faculty iPad Program � 3 Divisions, 12 Disciplines � Program Roll out � Training & Support � CTL Request Form � Faculty Champions � Buy-back Option � Agreement & Application iPad ProposalTwo key factors driving the proposal: Enhance student experience in the clinical and classroom setting Improve communication with clinical educators and other faculty within the Division of Health Professions The �Appy Hour� � Monthly Sessions � Interdisciplinary � Sharing Session Format � Invite Presenters � Food, Food, Food! Apps, Apps & More Apps Apps, Apps & More Apps TESTIMONIAL �As a new faculty member, I am extremely grateful for the opportunities provided by the CTL for professional growth and development. Over the past year, I have attended as many workshops as possible to help me grow pedagogically and personally. The CTL staff train faculty in classroom technology like SmartBoards, iPads, Angel, podcasting and other multimedia, but they also provide more specific, content-based training through the Faculty Spotlights and Faculty Sharing Sessions. In addition to getting valuable information, the sessions give faculty from different departments opportunity to network with and get to know each other, which may not happen without this setting.� -Andrea Laurencell, English Faculty Student Learning Outcomes 1) To improve communication between instructor and student/clinical instructor allowing for effectiveness and appropriateness in the clinical setting and on campus - i.e. Wi-Fi access in the field. 2) To create a teaching and learning environment that would go beyond the confines of the traditional classroom to allow for an interactive teaching approachand improved student engagement. 3) To understand how the iPad technology is able to improve one�s learning style and fulfill the use of technology today. WHAT HAPPENED? � Communication between the ACCE and the clinical sites improved � real time communication with speedy transaction of required paperwork. � Student engagement improved via ease of email access and ability to access Banner & Angel (LMS) course shell off campus. � Improvement on the use and navigation of the iPad device occurred (this will be never-ending in a positive way). Teaching & Learning with the iPad�Arts & Communication http:// http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wgXvBn9X6QY�Dental Hygiene http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2_lHqwvMmHo&feature=youtu.be OVERALL THOUGHTS � Still trying to figure out all the Apps which would be appropriate for my instruction/clinical affiliation. �The iPad is versatile and eliminates the need for carrying paper and schedules. � Looking forward to years to come with the use of this device to improve my organization and, most importantly, meeting the students where they are at in regards to technology. Questions? Try the Apps! Please visit our website at: www.sunyorange.edu/ctlQuestions? Try the Apps! Please visit our website at: www.sunyorange.edu/ctl