SUNY ORANGE Education Department COURSE SYLLABUS COURSE #: EDU 107 1HO NAME: Mandated Training (First Half-Semester) INSTRUCTOR: Elizabeth Tarvin SEMESTER: Fall 2008 OFFICE: Sarah Wells 101 OFFICE HOURS: As posted OFFICE PHONE: 845 341-4482 E-MAIL: COURSE DESCRIPTION This course provides training in both the identification and reporting of child abuse and maltreatment, and in school violence prevention and intervention. Intended primarily for school administrators, teachers, instructional aides, and child care professionals, other mandated reporter categories for whom this course may apply include: all health practitioners, EMTs, foster parents, social workers, law enforcement personnel, probation and parole officers, film and photographic print processors, clergy, firefighters, animal control and humane society officers, child visitation monitors, and others. Upon successful completion of the course, students will receive State Education Department Certificate forms for use in documenting their satisfactory course work. A grade of C or better is required to continue and graduate in the AAS/Certificate program. 1 lecture hour 1 credit RELATIONSHIP TO PROGRAMS Although primarily intended for school administrators, teachers, instructional aides, and child care professionals, other mandated reporter categories for whom this course may apply include: all health practitioners, EMTs, foster parents, social workers, law enforcement personnel, probation and parole officers, film and photographic print processors, clergy, firefighters, animal control and humane society officers, child visitation monitors, and others. STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES Upon successful completion of this course students will be able to: 1. Receive a certificate from New York State certifying that they have completed the statutory requirements for the Identification and Reporting of Child Abuse and Maltreatment. 2. Receive a certificate from New York State certifying that they have completed the statutory requirements for School Violence Prevention and Intervention. 3. Define physical, sexual, and psychological abuse and their identifying characteristics. 4. Define neglect and describe its characteristics in its various forms: physical, medical and educational. 5. Describe the short and long-term effects of abuse on children and list the psychological factors that can lead to abusive behavior. 6. Describe characteristics of adults and children who are at the highest risk for being involved in abusive relationships. 7. Describe the responsibilities of a Mandated Reporter in NYS and identify the professions and careers included in the mandated reported category. 8. Formulate an appropriate plan of action for a Mandated Reporter who has suspicions of child abuse. 9. Name the key indicators in Shaken Baby and Fetal Alcohol Syndromes and identify ways to prevent or respond to them. 10. Identify the appropriate prevention and intervention techniques relative to school violence. 11. Locate, summarize, and analyze a journal article on the subject of child abuse or violence. 12. Be familiar with prevention curricula and strategies to help children avoid becoming victims of abuse or violence. MAJOR ASSIGNMENTS/ACTIVITIES 1. Class attendance with active, informed, positive participation. 2. Case study relative to child abuse, neglect, and maltreatment. 3. Case study relative to school violence, its intervention, prevention, and prescription. 4. Relevant Journal Article Review 5. Reflective Report 6. Quiz 7. Required readings EVALUATION Students successfully completing this course will have been trained using materials and curriculum approved from several sources: New York State Society To Prevent Cruelty to Children (NYSPCC); New York State Child Abuse Prevention; Reporting Child Abuse: A Personal Responsibility; Bureau for At Risk Children; and Education Law Report 3004 required components for School Violence Prevention and Intervention. 10% Successful completion of training in the statutory requirements for the Identification and Reporting of Child Abuse and Maltreatment 10% Successful completion of training in the statutory requirements for the Training in School Violence Prevention and Intervention 80% Successful completion of related assignments such as, but not limited to: Case Studies, Journal Article Review, Reflective Report, Quizzes. REQUIRED TEXT A Child Called �It�: One Child�s Courage to Survive by Dave Pelzer The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls REQUIRED ARTICLE READINGS All of the readings can be accessed in your choice of four places: A. The Library using the ProQuest database (See Steps B 6 & 7 below) B. Online from any computer by: 1. website 2. Click �For Students� 3. Click Learning Resource Center/Library (LRC) 4. Under �Find Articles and More�, click �Remote Access Database� 5. Go to �Click here� to sign in (you will need to set up a password the first time you use it) 6. Scroll down to the ProQuest link and input the title of the article and the last name of the author in the search box 7. Verify that you have the correct article and read on the screen or print it out. (Printing articles is free at the library) C. Go to the Library where the articles will be held there for reading in the library only. D. Go to the Education Resource Room in Sarah Wells 107 where the articles will be held there for reading in the room only. GENERAL COURSE INFORMATION 1. All work must be typed or computer text, preferred use of Times New Roman, Font Size 12 or 14, unless otherwise specified. 2. Proper grammar and correct spelling are mandatory for each written assignment. Please do not rely solely on your spell/grammar check. Points will be deducted if work is not at �college level.� 3. Due dates are serious. Grade point reductions will be given for late work according to specific course/assignment guidelines. 4. Attendance is critical. Each unexcused absence beyond ONE will reduce your final average by six (6) points per week. 5. You must be present for the entire class to be counted as attending that day. If absence is unavoidable, you MUST contact me prior to class. This is CRUCIAL. Unusual circumstances MUST be communicated to me. 6. Make-up work, notes, and exams are YOUR responsibility to obtain/schedule. 7. Make-up assessments will be given only for excused absences and must be scheduled and administered as close to the original date as possible. 8. Students may withdraw themselves and receive a �W� during the first 10 weeks of the semester. During weeks 11 through 13 they may only withdraw and receive a �W� with permission of the instructor. Students in first half-semester courses may withdraw themselves and receive a �W� during the first 5 weeks of the semester. During week 6 they may only withdraw and receive a �W� with permission of the instructor (check Dates to Remember on syllabus for specific dates). All others receive a final mark which may be A, B, C, D, or F. 9. Please remember to keep a copy of ALL of your assignments for your own personal files. 10. Changes in topics, due dates, assignments or presentations may occur due to unforeseen circumstances with or without prior notice. � SUPPORT SERVICES SUNY Orange is committed to assisting students to achieve their best. Resources for you include: Tutorial Center, Writing Lab, Math Lab, Student Success Center, Advising and Counseling, Library and Career Services. Computers and printers are available for your use in the Library, Shepard Student Center and Bio Tech Building. ADA DOCUMENTED DISABILITY If you have a documented disability and anticipate needing accommodations in this course, please make arrangements to meet with me soon. Please request that the Advocate for Services to Students with Disabilities send a letter verifying your disability. To receive help, call 341-4000. CELL PHONE USAGE POLICY The active use of any device classified as a �telecommunications device�, including but not limited to pagers, cellular phones, PDAs and messaging devices, is prohibited in classrooms, as well as in other areas where a classroom atmosphere is assumed (e.g. libraries, labs, theaters, administrative offices) except by special permission of the instructor. Passive use, including silent and vibrate mode, may be used, provided it does not compromise the educational process or promote an unethical situation. Instructors reserve the right to regulate the monitoring of such devices as necessary. WEATHER EMERGENCIES/CANCELLATIONS In the event that this class is cancelled, there will be a makeup class scheduled ONLY for evening classes, NOT day classes. Check the college website or local radio station for closings. PLAGIARISM Any student or organization found to have committed or to have attempted to commit any of the following acts of misconduct is subject to the disciplinary sanctions outlined in Article IV. Acts of dishonesty, including, but not limited to: a. Cheating, including cybercheating b. Fabrication c. Facilitating academic dishonesty d. Plagiarism, including internet plagiarism e. Forgery f. Bribery g. Multiple submission (submitting the same assignment to more than one instructor without the permission of the instructors). Please refer to the College Academic Policy for other means of resolution for academic dishonesty issues. EDUCATION DEPARTMENT RESOURCES The Education Department provides numerous resources for its students: * Education Curriculum Resource Area�Located on the second floor of the library, this area houses books and periodicals for use by students. * Education Department Hallway�The hallway in the Sarah Wells Building contains Education Department faculty and staff offices as well as Bulletin Boards with course listings, job postings, event times and dates, club meeting times and contact information. * Education Resource Room�Located in Sarah Wells Workroom, this area holds consumables for student use, as well as a TV/VCR and video tapes, CD-ROMs and DVDs, laminating machine, and binding machine (some restrictions on usage amounts may apply). Please call or email Education Department administrative assistant at 341-4054 or to check available times for ERR access. * Education Department Website�Log on to for the most current information. DATES TO REMEMBER (first half-semester courses) 9/1 Labor Day�No Classes 9/30 Rosh Hashanah�Classes in Session* 10/1 Last Day for Students to Withdraw from First Half Semester Courses with Grade of �W� 10/8 Last Day for Instructor Withdrawal from First Half Semester Courses 10/9 Yom Kippur�Classes in Session* 10/13 Columbus Day�No Classes 12/5 Deadline to Apply for December Graduation 12/16 Grades Distributed to Students Online 12/15 Winter Recess Begins *See college policy regarding religious observance. **Changes in topics, due dates, assignments or presentations may occur due to unforeseen circumstances with or without prior notice.** CHRONOLOGY OF STUDY EDU 107 1HO Fall 2008 DATE TOPIC ASSIGNMENT 8/27 Course Overview What are the main kinds of abuse? What is neglect? What are the psychological causes and effects of abuse? What are the indicators of abuse/neglect? Read A Child Called It Journal Article Review (due 1/31) 9/3 What is Fetal Alcohol Syndrome? What is Shaken Baby Syndrome? Discuss A Child Called It #Read �Shaken Baby Syndrome� Kristi Patrice Carter Pediatrics for Parents Bangor 2001 Read The Glass Castle 9/10 MANDATED REPORTER TRAINING * What does it mean to be a Mandated Reporter? Case Study #1 (Due 2/7) 5 questions for Child Protective Services guest speaker (Due 2/7) 9/17 GUEST SPEAKER: Child Welfare System Child Abuse Prevention Discuss The Glass Castle #Read �Cyberstalking the Innocent� Saeed Ahmed The Atlanta Journal Aug 4 2005 9/24 SAVE TRAINING * What guidelines for school districts are set forth in the SAVE legislation? Case Study #2 (Due 2/21) #Read �Bullying in School: An overview of Types, Effects, Family Characteristics and Intervention Strategies� Paul R. Smokowski Children and Schools April 2005 #Read �Teaching Kids to Control Anger�, Robert E. Glenn, The Education Digest, Nov 2002 10/1 What is bullying? What is the cycle of violence? What are some techniques/programs/ curriculum being used to prevent violence? How can we protect children from internet risks? 5 questions for Law Enforcement Speaker (Due 2/28) Reflective Report (Due 2/28) Study for quiz 10/8 GUEST SPEAKER: Law Enforcement Final Quiz *Students must be present for the full class to receive state certification. # Accessible on-line as explained earlier or on hold in Ed. Resource Room or in the Library **Changes in topics, due dates, assignments or presentations may occur due to unforeseen circumstances with or without prior notice.**