SUNY ORANGE/ORANGE COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE Education Department COURSE SYLLABUS COURSE #: EDU 204 FH NAME: Child Care Curriculum Dev/Field Experience 2 INSTRUCTOR: Elizabeth Tarvin SEMESTER: Spring 2010 PHONE: 341-4482 OFFICE: Sarah Wells Room 101 EMAIL: HOURS: As posted, or by appointment REQUIREMENTS Refer to Field Experience Handbook online at for specific requirements in this course. You are also required to have: * Completed physical exam on official DSS form * TB test results * State Central Registry Clearance Letter * Fingerprint Clearance Letter COURSE DESCRIPTION AND RELATIONSHIP TO PROGRAM A continuation of EDU 203 including Science, Math, Culturally Inclusive Classrooms, Special Needs Populations, Modern Issues, Transitions, Thematic Webs, Parent Interactions, Professional Preparation. Requires local site observations beyond college attendance of 90 hours. A grade of C is required to continue and graduate in the AAS program. Prerequisite: EDU 203 3 Lecture 6 labs 5 credits This course is part of the final stage in the education and training of early childhood practitioners at SUNY Orange. In this course, students will become familiar with planning specific elements of early childhood education programs and improve their skills working with young children. Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to begin work in an early childhood facility with little or no further training. REQUIRED TEXT Educating Young Children: Active Learning Practices for Preschool and Child Care Programs, Hohmann & Weikart, High Scope Press (2002), 2nd ed. GRADING SYSTEM Approximately 80% of the grade will be based on the quality of the reflective journal entries, successful participation in weekly seminars on campus, the results of any practical assessments and/or special projects, resume, portfolio, etc. Approximately 20% of the final grade will be based on the evaluation of the student�s competency as demonstrated in the field placement site by observation and assessment of the cooperating teacher in collaboration with college supervisor. MAJOR ASSIGNMENTS/ACTIVITIES * Resume * Philosophy * Portfolio * Science Presentation * Math Presentation * Thematic Unit Plan * Plan and Presentation of Lead Teaching Day * 90 Hours Field Participation STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES The student who successfully completes this course will be able to: * Plan short and long-term themes and creative activities in early childhood education. * Implement and supervise curriculum themes in a developmentally appropriate manner. * Plan, supervise, and evaluate activities in all developmental areas. * Guide children in appropriate behavioral methods, self-discipline, and creative problem-solving. * Assess individual development and plan or suggest appropriate intervention. * Communicate with other adults in a sensitive, respectful, and professional manner. * Participate in all mutually agreed-upon aspects of early childhood program at her/his site. * Exhibit responsibility in attendance, preparation, manner, self-evaluation, cooperation and communication. Successful completion of this course can only occur with at least a grade of C. A C- or lower would mean that you would have to repeat this class the following Spring semester, thereby postponing graduation from this program, by a full year. GENERAL COURSE INFORMATION 1. Seminar attendance is essential, and one unexcused absence may result in an Instructor withdrawal. If an emergency arises please call my office. 2. You must be present for the entire class to be counted as attending that day. If absence is unavoidable, you MUST contact me prior to class. This is CRUCIAL. Unusual circumstances MUST be communicated to me. 3. Students may withdraw themselves and receive a �W� during the first 10 weeks of the semester. During weeks 11 through 13 they may only withdraw and receive a �W� at the discretion of the instructor. All others receive a final mark which may be A, B, C, D, or F. 4. Changes in topics, due dates, assignments or presentations may occur due to unforeseen circumstances with or without prior notice. 5. Students are responsible for determining and proving the credibility and accuracy of the information they use in course assignments, and cannot reasonably assume the lack of errors or inaccuracies particularly in such online sources as Wikipedia. 6. Proper grammar and correct spelling are mandatory for each written assignment. Please do not rely solely on your spell/grammar check. Points will be deducted if work is not at �college level.� 7. Please remember to keep a copy of ALL of your assignments for your own personal files. SUPPORT SERVICES SUNY Orange is committed to assisting students to achieve their best. Resources for you include: Tutorial Center, Writing Lab, Math Lab, Student Success Center, Advising and Counseling, Library and Career Services. Computers and printers are available for your use in the Library, Shepard Student Center and Bio Tech Building. ADA DOCUMENTED DISABILITY If you have a documented disability, or believe you MAY have one, and you anticipate needing special accommodation, meet with me at the START of the semester. You must also request a letter from the Advocate for Students with Disabilities verifying your situation. To receive help you must contact that person at 341-4000. Office is Shepard Student Center, 3rd Floor. CELL PHONE USAGE POLICY The active use of any device classified as a telecommunications device, including but not limited to, pagers, cellular phones, PDAs and messaging devices, is prohibited in classrooms, as well as in other areas where a classroom atmosphere is assumed (e.g. libraries, labs, theaters, administrative offices), except by special permission of the instructor. Passive use, including silent and vibrate mode may be used, provided it does not compromise the education process or promote an unethical situation. Instructors reserve the right to regulate the monitoring of such devices as necessary. EMAIL ACCOUNTS As instructors and as a department, we will be communicating with you by email, so we are requiring that all students in Education classes do one of the following two things: 1. Check your emails regularly; OR 2. Go into your email account and set up automatic forwarding of your college email to a personal email account that you check regularly.� (You can look on our website for directions on how to do this or call the Help Desk 341-4749 for instructions.) *See college policy regarding religious observance. **Changes in topics, due dates, assignments or presentations may occur due to unforeseen circumstances with or without prior notice.** CHRONOLOGY OF STUDY Class Date Topic Assignments Due 1/25 Class Overview: syllabus, assignments, Developing a Portfolio and Philosophy 2/1 Preschool Math Quiz on Math Journal #1 2/8 Developing DAP centers Resume and Philosophy statement Due 2/15 Math lesson presentations Journal #2 2/22 Preschool Science Quiz on Science 3/1 Developing thematic plans (Lead Day plans) Trip to Middletown Teachers Center Journal #3 3/8 Science activities with Kindercollege students Science Lesson plans due 3/15 Tech Prep Day Journal #4 3/29 Behavior Feedback on Lead Day plans Behavior Management Paper due Mid-Semester Evaluations due 4/5 Daily Routine as a Framework for Active Learning Journal #5 4/12 Preschool Social Studies Multi-cultural education Jigsaw on S.S. 4/19/ Special Needs students Guest speaker Journal #6 Read assigned article 4/26 Trip to Special Needs preschool Portfolios Due 5/3 Different philosophies of teaching young children/Course Evaluation Journal #7 Thematic Plans 5/10 Fieldtrip to Montessori school Time Sheets, End-of-Semester Evaluations due