ESSENTIAL INFORMATION FOR COOPERATING TEACHERS Over their final two semesters in our Early Childhood and Development A.A.S. program, students have field placements in two different sites. In each placement students are required to spend a minimum of six (6) hours per week, 90 hours at their Field Site. Any absences must be made up, with your approval. NEVER leave a student alone in a supervisory role. Also never use the student as a substitute during field placement. If appropriate, a student may be hired as a substitute AFTER completing both Field Experiences. Please contact the student�s College Supervisor if you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions. Jennifer Mirecki can be reached at 341-4367 or and Elizabeth Tarvin can be reached at 341-4482 or The College Supervisor will visit the classroom 3 times during the semester to observe the Field Student �in action�. These visits will be set up in advance upon your approval. Over the course of the semester students MUST: * Plan and present a �Getting to Know You Activity� * Plan and present an �Art Activity� * Plan and present a �Flannel Board Story and Activity� * Plan and present a �Language Activity� * Plan and present a �Music and Movement Activity� * Plan the centers in the room for a week * Act as a �substitute/lead teacher� following your plans at least one day. * Plan and present two additional activities/transitions agreed upon by both student and cooperating teacher. *You will be asked to sign off on the Lesson Plan sheet when each one has been completed. FALL SEMESTER EXPERIENCE Following is an outline week-by-week, of your responsibilities as the cooperating teacher. In the very few spare moments you have during the day, please share your expertise with the student. Help the student to understand your thinking in the many decisions you make in creating your physical layout, curriculum, and management technique. Please also provide regular verbal feedback. Reinforcement of appropriate practice, as well as constructive criticism, will help students get the most from their Field Placement experience. Each day At the start of each session please discuss the day�s plan and assign specific work or areas. At the end of their session, recommend possibilities for improvement, and review upcoming activities. Weeks 1-2 Help the student understand your: ___ goals ___expectations ___management techniques ___classroom schedule Give opportunities for the student to get to know the children. Student will plan and present a �Getting to Know You� activity Weeks 1-4 Assign participation in as many routine tasks as possible. Students can assist with: ___ snack ___centers ___transitions ___other classroom activities which involve student interaction College Supervisor �s 1st visit. Week 5 ___Complete September Monthly Report Please return it to the college in the envelope provided. If time allows, please conference with the student to discuss the evaluation. Weeks 5-10 Allow supervision of small group activities such as: ___ facilitating a particular center ___ transition times Students will also be responsible for: ___creating and presenting an art activity. ___ first planned choice activity (due 10/18) College Supervisor will make a second visit Week 10 ___Complete October Monthly Please return it to the college in the envelope provided. If time allows, please conference with the student to discuss the evaluation. Weeks 11-16 Student participation should increase. Please allow the student opportunities in large group settings to: ___ read stories ___lead songs ___organize games Students will also be responsible for: ___ planning and presenting a flannel board story ___ planning and presenting a language activity ___ planning and presenting a �Music and Movement� activity to the total class. ___ second planned choice activity (due 11/29) ___ acting as a substitute/lead teacher, following your plans (with you present) College Supervisor will make a third and final visit. Week 15 ___Complete November Monthly Report Please return it to the college in the envelope provided. If time allows, please conference with the student to discuss the evaluation. THANK YOU!