Education Department Field Practicum Guidelines Students enrolled in Childcare Curriculum Development and Care; EDU 203/EDU 204 must demonstrate professional behavior at all times, especially when a student is in a field based classroom setting with children. The following guidelines must be demonstrated. * Confidentiality, dependability and accountability in the college classroom and at the field site. * Respect for property belonging to individuals, the college and practicum sites. * Evidence of appropriate personal health care, emotional health, stability and a professional demeanor at all times. * The ability to separate personal issues and habits from school work, performance in field, and interactions with children and staff. * Respect for cultural and individual differences. * Respect for the learning environment and avoid the use of cell phones, texting, use of I-pods, pagers or any electronic device during class sessions and at the field site. * Honesty in all paperwork including times and signatures. * Attend class regularly and field placement each week as agreed upon. * Courtesy in notifying both the field site and college instructor in the event that one is unable to attend the agreed upon day/time of practicum hours. * Adherence to SUNY Orange�s student code of conduct. I have read and understand the above Field Practicum Guidelines and I agree to adhere to the guidelines as stated. I recognize that failure to follow the guidelines, as stated above, will result in a meeting with the course instructor, and if necessary, the department chairperson to discuss the possibility of receiving a failing grade or withdrawing from the course which would postpone a potential graduation date by at least a year. Student Signature: ______________________________________________________________ Student Name (please print): ______________________________________________________ Course Instructor: _______________________________________________________________ Date: _________________________________________________________________________