MID-SEMESTER STUDENT EVALUATION EDU 203/EDU 204 Child Care Curriculum Development/Field Experience 1 and 2 Name of Student: ____________________________________________________________ Name of School (Agency): ______________________________________________________ Semester/Year: ____________________________________________________________ Cooperating Teacher: ____________________________________________________________ Early assessment and identification of problems are crucial to this process. We ask that you assist us by assessing the above student�s adjustment and work midway in the semester. Please give your HONEST opinion of the student. For each of the following areas indicated, please choose a number from the continuum below which best represents the student�s performance in your classroom. We would be very pleased to see a student at a level three (3), meeting most or all of your expectations, and in the same way we would think it exceptionally rare if the student exceeds most expectations (level 5) and hopefully rare if the student fails to meet most expectations (level 1). The idea here is for the student to receive honest feedback, so please relay accurately and honestly your perceptions. (Feel free to add comments underneath each section as well.) -1- -2- -3- -4- -5- Fails to meet most Fails to meet many Meets most Meets all Exceeds most or all expectations expectations expectations expectations, expectations exceeding some _______1. How well does the student interact with children? _______2. To what extent does the student seek out your advice and guidance? _______3. Is the student�s general behavior consistent with your classroom practices and procedures? _______4. To what extent does the student display a professional attitude in the classroom? _______ 5. To what extent is the student punctual and maintaining a good attendance record? _______ 6. How well has the student become involved in and/or organized classroom activities? _______ 7. How well has the student integrated theory and method into the classroom? Please also answer the following: 8. In what performance areas are the student�s strengths? 9. In what performance areas does the student need to focus on improving? 10. In what way (if any) can the college advise this student to improve performance in your classroom? Teacher�s Signature ________________________________ Date: _______________________________ Student�s Signature ________________________________ Date: _______________________________