LEARNING EXPERIENCES PLANNING FORM EDU 203/EDU 204 CHILD CARE CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT FIELD EXPERIENCE 1 AND 2 Student�s Name: _________________________________________________________________ School�s Name: _____________________ Cooperating Teacher: _____________________________ Date Experience will be presented: _____________Name of Activity:__________________________ Field Supervisor�s Signature ___________________________________________________________ ***Plan, show and discuss this learning experience plan with your cooperating teacher well before you present it. Get his/her input and suggestions as you finalize this activity. Signature of cooperating teacher ____________________ Date you were shown completed plan ________ DESCRIPTION OF THE EXPERIENCE Curriculum Area Objectives: The children will learn: 1. 2. 3. Number of children preferred _____________________ Location_________________ Estimated length of time_____________ C. List all materials and or equipment/ books you will use Quantity needed (where applicable) Source (where you got it) for ex. handmade, library, placement classroom, home, store, etc. Procedure to be followed Introduction (what will you say and do to motivate the children). This must include a visual element: picture, puppet, prop... Step-by-step process of activity/experience Questions (List at least 3 for each section. Connect them to the cognitive and behavioral objectives.) Plan of possible questions (connect them to your objectives) Mark C for convergent and D for divergent ( must have at least 2 of each) How will you assess whether or not your students �got it�? Cognitive and behavioral objects met� or not? SELF EVALUATION (Be sure to complete before asking your cooperating teacher to complete his/her evaluation.) Did you meet your objectives? Why or why not? How/why did you change your plans as you implemented them? If you were doing it again, what would you do differently? How could/will you follow-up/extend the activity? Teacher�s Evaluation Comments/Signature Things that went well: Areas to think about: Cooperating Teacher�s Signature ___________________________________________ Date _________