SUNY Orange Early Childhood Program Thematic Week Plan including Lead Day Specifics Name _______________________ Date ________________________ Field Site ____________________ Cooperating Teacher ___________ Plans for Week-long Classrooms Centers THEME ___________________________________________________ Depending upon your classroom�s typical routine, you may not have to provide all of these OR there may be additional areas you need to add. Discuss with your Lead Teacher which would be most appropriate. Curricular Area Objectives Materials Procedure Literacy Math Science Dramatic Play Sensory Table Daily Plans Depending upon your classroom�s typical routine, you may not have to provide all of these OR there may be additional areas you need to add. Discuss with your Lead Teacher which would be most appropriate. MON TUES WED THURS FRI Read Aloud Activity/Game Gross Motor Activity Music/ Movement Art Environmental Changes Daily Schedule Specifics for Lead Day * reflect the day you will be Lead Teacher; * be flexible enough to accommodate the needs of all children; * include snacks, meals, nap and rest times, indoor and outdoor playtime, learning activities, other activities as needed. Time Program Activities Person(s) in Charge AM ___ :___ PM AM ___ :___ PM AM ___ :___ PM AM ___ :___ PM AM ___ :___ PM AM ___ :___ PM AM ___ :___ PM AM ___ :___ PM AM ___ :___ PM AM ___ :___ PM CHANGES TO THE ENVIRONMENT For each area listed, and for any others you care to add, explain how you changed each to integrate with the theme. DISPLAYS (Bulletin Boards or other) BLOCKS HOUSEKEEPING/DRAMATIC PLAY SENSORY TABLE MATERIALS - List below any materials necessary for your Lead Teacher Day�s activities. Materials you prepared Materials/Resources produced by others: LEAD DAY SMALL GROUP ACTIVITY SPECIFICS - Activity __________________________________________ Objectives: Introductory Statement(s) or Action(s): (Attention-getter � must include a visual) Step by step process of activity/experience: LEAD DAY WHOLE GROUP ACTIVITY SPECIFICS - this might include calendar time or circle time (include this sheet for each of the whole group times during your session). Activity __________________________________________ Objectives: Introductory Statement(s) or Action(s): (�Attention-getter� � must include a visual) Step by step process of activity/experience: SELF EVALUATION - Reflect on the following questions/statements: 1. What is your overall reaction to your total Lead Teaching day? 1. What do you feel were the strongest parts? 2. Where is there room for improvement? 3. What response(s) did the children have that indicated they: a) understood or misunderstood the concepts you presented? b) understood or misunderstood the directions you gave? c) were or were not actively involved? 4. What learning standards were accomplished? Give specifics according to The NYS Learning Standards guidelines. 5. How effectively did you set limits? Why? Give examples. 6. How effectively did you follow through? Why? Give examples. 7. Rate yourself using the scale below on the following. Add any written comments to clarify. LOW HIGH 1 2 3 4 5 _____a) I enjoyed my Lead Teaching Day _____b) I was adequately prepared _____c) I saw evidence that children understood _____d) I felt comfortable most of the time _____e) I managed transitions well Please give your Cooperating Teacher this entire packet after you have done the self-evaluation. She or he should add any other comments on this page. COOPERATING TEACHER�S EVALUATION Please comment on the student teacher�s Lead Teaching Day. You may also respond to the self-evaluation, and add any pertinent observations for our information. Student Signature _____________________________________Date ________________ Cooperating Teacher Signature __________________________Date ________________ 4