�Growing Up Green� Resource List compiled by Elizabeth Tarvin Music used the during presentation came from: Tom Chapin�s �This Pretty Planet� cd Raffi�s �Evergreen, Everblue� cd Links: Funding for environmental projects: http://www.recycleok.org/pdf/ee-funding-list08.pdf (List of national grant opportunities for environmental education) Websites for teachers: http://www.amnh.org/ology/?channel=biodiversity&c#channel http://www.kidsfootprint.org/lessonplans.htm http://www.environmentaleducationohio.org/inquirylessons.html http://www.dallaszooed.com/weblessons/index.php http://www.atozteacherstuff.com/Themes/Recycling/ http://teacher.scholastic.com/lessonplans/recycling/ http://www.theteachersguide.com/Recyclinglessonplans.htm http://www.lessonplanet.com/search?keywords=Recycling http://www2.scholastic.com/browse/collection.jsp?id=390&ESP=/ib/20081125/awa/new%20lesson_smp_coal_main///lplp/img//// http://www.eartheasy.com/article_enviro_sites_kids.htm (provides a whole list of great websites for children) Websites for students: http://pbskids.org/eekoworld/ http://www.eere.energy.gov/kids/games.html (games related to energy) http://www.ecokids.ca/pub/kids_home.cfm (great games) http://airnow.gov/index.cfm?action=aqikids_new.main (games about air quality) http://urbanext.illinois.edu/woods/ (A virtual walk in the woods) http://www.kidsfootprint.org/index.html (Quiz to measure your eco. footprint) http://www.getenergysmart.com/EnergyEducation/Student.aspx http://kids.nationalgeographic.com/ http://lorax.conservation.org/ http://www.ecokidsonline.com/pub/games_activities/index.cfm http://www.seco.cpa.state.tx.us/seco_links-kids.htm http://www.epa.gov/recyclecity/mainmap.htm http:/www.redlist.org/search/search-basic.html (endangered species database) www.unep.org/Document/Default.asp?DocumentID=295 (UN Environment Program�s youth site) www.greenpeace.org/international_en www.cat.org.uk (Center for the Alternative Technology � to see demonstrations of all types of environment-friendly inventions) Interesting articles: http://training.fws.gov/history/carson/carsonwonder.pdf http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9E0CE2D7133BF933A0575BC0A964958260 Professional Development opportunities: http://www.environmentaleducationohio.org/gti.html http://www.celfoundation.org/summerinstitute08/ Site with lists of children�s literature: http://teachers.net/archive/envirobks.html http://www.dnr.state.wi.us/org/caer/ce/eek/teacher/pdf/Literaturelist.pdf http://www.childsake.com/ http://www.thegreenguide.com/doc/105/books http://www.bankstreetbooks.com/index.php/cPath/252 Children�s Literature: Taking Action A Child�s Introduction to the Environment: The air, earth, and sea around us � plus experiments, projects, and activities you can do to help out, Driscoll A Hot Planet Needs Cool Kids: Understanding Climate change and what you can do about it, Hall and Lane Clean up Litter (Help the Environment series), Guillain True Green Kids: 100 Things you can do to save the planet (National Geographic), McKay and Bonnin The Kid�s Guide to Service Projects, Lewis Every Kid�s Guide to Saving the Earth, Berry Fifty Simple Things Kids Can Do to Save the Earth, The Earthworks Group Fiction for older kids Deadly Waters: A mystery in Everglades National Park, (Series) Skurzynski and Ferguson Gaia Girls Enter the Earth, (Series) Welles Hoot, Hiassen Fiction (picture books) A Grand Old Tree, DePalma A Possible Tree, Aldridge A River Ran Wild, Cherry Aani and the Tree Huggers, Atkins Blackbird Singing, Bunting Brother Eagle, Sister Sky, Jeffers Common Ground, Bang Deadly Waters (A mystery in Everglades National Park), Skurzynski Fire Bug Connection, The, George Gaia Girls: Enter the Earth, Welles Just a Dream, Allsburg Letting Swift River Go, Yolen Michael Recycle, Bethel Planting the Trees of Kenya, Nivola Our Big Home: An Earth Poem, Glaser The Swan Song, Lewis and Wormell The Giving Tree, Silverstein The Great Kapok Tree, Cherry The Little House, Burton The Lorax, Seuss The Salamander Room, Mazer The Sea, the Storm, and the Magrove Tangle, Cherry The Tin Forest, Ward The Tree, Lyons Swan Song, Lewis The Tree Farmer, Leavell Weslandia, Fleischman Wump World, Peet Weslandia, Fleisman Nonfiction Come Back, Salmon, Cone Common Ground, Bang Earth Watch: Protecting our Planet, Dorling Kindersley Endangered Planet, Burnie Fernando�s Gift, Keister Geothermal Power (series), Sherman Hybrid Cars (Our Environment series), Povey I Wonder Why Ther�s a Hole in the Sky: and Other Questions About the Environment, Callery Jungle Rescue: Saving the New World Tropical Rain Forest, Miller and Berry Ocean Watch: Protecting our Planet, Dorling Kindersley People and the Environment (First Step Nonfiction Series) Rachel Carson, Latham Save our Prairies and Grasslands (Hirschi) Solar Power of the Future: New ways of turning sunlight into energy (series), Jones The Down-to Earth Guide to Global Warming, David and Gordon The Kid�s Guide to Service Projects, Lewis Tracking Trash, Burns Why Save the Rain Forest?, Silver Why should I bother about the planet?, Meredith Why should I protect nature? (series) Gordon Why should I recycle Garbage? Knight Why should I switch off the light? Knight