All Aboard: Our Learning Journey Continues !!! Stop & Shop Our Fall 08 Courses Vol. XI, No. 1 Members� Newsletter August 2008 Ready to pack your intellectual bags, members! Where to? May we suggest shopping among Encore�s enticing array of Fall �08 offerings. These will include, Curriculum Committee Cochairs Shirley Gordon & Bob Foglia note, opportunities to expand what we know and can do in the areas below: � Physical Therapy For Seniors � How To Invest During Retirement � Friday Matinees At The Movies � Jazz & Big Bands � Beginners� Bridge � Beginners� Chess � The Eclectic Collector � Election 2008 & Economic Policy � Preservation of Farmlands NYU�s Richard Hull Offers Bonus Look At Orange County History, Sept. 26 out Lighthouse. Encore will take the first 50 members who register for a museum tour, including a fullscale reproduction of Henry Hudson�s aft cabin on the Half Moon, exhibits of early travel, shipping & industry, and a tour of the famed lighthouse. A buffet lunch is included in trip costs. See complete details on the Maritime Museum flyer and registration form or call 3414896 for more information. Travel To Hudson Rr. Maritime Museum & Rondout Lighthouse Want to know more about the Hudson, now that the 400 th birthday of its discovery is almost here? Consider applying for the October 3 Members� Only trip to the Hudson River Maritime Museum & RondNYU history professor & longtime OC resident, Dr. Richard Hull shares his research on Orange County from Henry Hudson�s arrival to the 1683 county�s founding. This is a great intro to the 2009 400 th birthday celebrations. So save Friday afternoon, 9/26, at 2 pm in Harriman 111. Expect to learn with veteran Encore faculty, like Chris Farlekas, Buzz Solomon, Rosemary Werkman, Bob Foglia and Helen Sherman. Welcome, too, Seymour Gordon, Marty Schwartz, Ed Durbin, Irma Scherz, Rochelle Marshall, Cynthia Boccia & Kara Huntoon. See p. 3 of this newsletter & your members� Course Schedule for more program details. Dr. Hull New Members: Join us at the New Member Orientation, 1 pm, Friday, August 22, in the Music Room, Morrison Hall. Chris Farlekas Ted Sly Adds Orange Co. Picture In a followup Bonus event, Orange County historian Ted Sly will continue our look at our county�s development. The Bonus presentation is October 7. Time and place will be announced. Marty Schwartz SUNY Orange�s President says: Congratulations, Gertrude Mokotoff, SUNY Orange Trustee Welcome Two New Encore Office Staff Linda Smith Kathy Hamilton Encore welcomes two new Office staff members to the organization. Linda Smith joins us as the new Office Manager; Kathy Hamilton, as Office Assistant. They know us and SUNY Orange very well. Both Linda and Kathy are accomplished SUNY Orange Senior Secretaries, now retired. Linda spent most of her professional years in our Business Division. Kathy worked in SUNY Orange�s Registration Office, handling scheduling and room assignments. They will be in the Encore office regularly and can be reached at 3414896 or . Our good wishes go to Grace Blondell, former Encore Office Manager, who has accepted a fulltime, supervisory position in the commercial sector. Steering Committee Members Reelected At June �08 Meeting Encore�s president and cofounder, Gert Mokotoff has been appointed to SUNY Orange�s Board of Trustees, and we are proud! In her earlier years as Professor of Laboratory Technology (SUNY Orange),as a Trustee in the 1990s, as Middletown mayor and alderwoman, as Family Court arbiter, as wife & mother of 4, Gert has made service to others and a �neverstop, neversayI can�t� attitude a model for us all. She is the quintessential lifelong learner�and doeras well, participating in Encore classes and Thrall Library book discussions, attending arts & music events all over the area and now accepting the critically important role of community college trustee to her tireless activities that benefit others. Celebrating her 90 th birthday this month, she continues to vitalize Encore, the college and the community she loves. Five Steering Committee members were reelected at the June meeting. Along with Gert Mokotoff, they are (left, top to bottom) Michael Schwartz, Chris Godwin, Murray Rosen and Jane Rabinowitz. All members serve two year terms. Right: Gert Mokotoff� at work for others, as always! Let�s Conserve Together! Introduce yourself to other Encore members. Consider carpooling for day courses and bonus events. That could save on gas, parking spaces& congestion on campus. �It�s a great pleasure to have Gert Mokotoff back on the Board of Trustees of the College. Her knowledge of local affairs and her dedication to our mission will greatly strengthen the Board and enhance its role of guiding the future development of the College.� Dr. Bill Richards Find Encore on the Internet Check out our webpage for even more information. Go to or, on the homepage, click on the dropdown menu �About Us.� Next click on �ENCORE.� New Encore Office Hours MondayThursday 811 am College Association House SUNY Orange Campus Middletown, New York Fall Courses & Instructors: Here.s A Closer Look Have we got your interest? Good! Now, before you analyze the course descriptions on the Members� Schedule of Classes you received in the mail, here are some brief news bits related to some of the offerings: Who is instructor Marty Schwartz? First, Marty is a dynamic, low key expert in matters financial. A long term professional in the investment field, he�s a believer in lifelong planning as well as learning; an Orange County citizen, he knows SUNY Orange well. Wife Judy is Professor of Math and Chair, Department of Math & Computer Sciences (SUNY Orange). What.s really going to be discussed in Cindy Greer.s Feng Shui courses? Instructor Cindy Greer promises three separate courses where we�ll learn Feng Shui applications for positive living, landscaping, and easier living in home and office. Overall, Feng Shui is �the practice of arranging objects (such as furniture) to help people achieve their goals, including living in harmony and peace.� What films will we see at the �Friday Matinees at the Movies� course? Quite a lot, given the list of screenings Chris Farlekas has submitted. These include �Kings Row�, �That�s Entertainment�, �The Circus�, �How Green Was My Valley�, �Seabiscuit�, �From Here to Eternity� and �The Bucket List.� Are You Sure I CAN Learn To Play Chess? Beginners� Chess instructor Ed Dubin is sure you can give it the ole lifelong learner�s try. You�ll learn necessary background about this intellectually challenging and brain vitalizergame. You�ll be with other senior learners tackling a new skill set. What�s to worry about? What Will We Learn About Saving The Farmlands? In his new Fall �08 course, Seymour Gordon is concerned that we learn about our country�s unsung treasure: our farmlands and their preservation. Specifically, he wants to stress why and how they need to be preserved. There will even be an optional field trip. How about being an Encore instructor YOURSELF? Do you have a special interest in a subject? Background or experience in a field you.d like to share with others? Then consider contacting Encore about creating & teaching a future course for us. Just Who Are Those �Ladies of Mystery�? Instructor Chris Godwin promises you�ll meet old favorites (Agatha Christie�s Miss Marple & �Murder She Wrote�s� Jessica Fletcher, and three newer ladies of detection: Helen Mirren�s Inspector Jane Tennison from PBS�s �Prime Suspect�, the No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency�s� Precious Ramotswe, and Kyra Sedgewick�s Brenda Lee Johnson in TNT�s hit summer series, �The Closer.� What A Summer For Encore Members!!! Encore�s Summer Scrapbook highlights three great member events. At top left, there�s lots of activity at the annual June Members� Meeting. Counterclockwise, keynoter Ron DeFesi compares �notes� w/ Gert Mokotoff; members examine their quilt class projects; make ice cream sundaes, enjoy kibitzing together. Encore�s Office Manager Linda Smith and Steering Committee member Shirley Gordon check on meeting paperwork! Still in June, Encore takes the bus to New York Botanical Gardens and the �Moore in America� sculpture exhibit. At left: After the bus ride, Encore members examine exotic flora and fauna; Greg Faller poses in front of sculptor Henry Moore�s �Oval with Points�; Betsy Reape experiences Moore�s �Reclining Mother with Child�. And, in August, members delighted to the music and political satire of the Gershwins� �Of Thee I Sing� at Bard College. Bottom: Bard�s world renowned theater, the Duffys wait in the lobby, and the �crew� anticipates our private buffet in the delightful Spiegeltent where we lunched!