Encore Vol. XII, No. 1 Members� Newsletter August 2009 Let�s Go-o-o-o: Fall �09 Lineup Beckons Summer is waning; September calls. So study the tantalizing Fall course offerings ... and REGISTER NOW! Exciting groups of courses are scheduled; they have been assigned to SUNY Orange�s limited available instructional space. They�ve also been scheduled, say Shirley Gordon & Bob Foglia, Curriculum Co-Chairs, in relation to the college�s calendar. So class dates cannot be changed. Consider all of the above plus your own Fall 2009 schedule when youchoosecourses. Important For Members Please remember: -Return course registration forms ASAP. Class size is set; seats are filled by postal date. -Include your "winter address", snow birds. Spring course info will be mailed before you return. - Call Encore (341-4896) if you will NOT be taking a course you registered Travel To NY Aquarium Sept. 10 How long has it been since we delighted in the sounds and sights of a world-class aquarium? It�s time then! Register now! Encore�s Fall Travel-Learn opp takes us to Coney Island and the New York Aquarium on September 10. The trip includes the bus, aquarium ticket and both group events and individually selected exhibits. Lunch is extra; choose from the lovely Sea Caf� or any of the other "haunts" inside the Aquarium grounds or along the famed Coney island strip, report Encore�s Travel Committee, Chris Godwin, Rhoda Pollock and Jane Rabinowitz. Learn About Writing & Publishing You�ve been asking for this for some time, and area children�s writer/retired educator Alan Lewis (bottom left) will oblige with the October 16th, "I Got My Children�s Book Published; You Can, Too." He�ll use his own experiences leading up to the recent publication of his picture book, I Grew Up On A Farm. Alan drew on his own childhood on his family farm near Middletown in the 1950s. These include memories of flashlight tag and catching fireflies, Nutsy, his pet squirrel, and other boyhood antics. He also learned the publishing ropes first hand! So we�ll benefit from his valuable tips. Try Technology; You Can Do It! You can step into the worlds of EBay, the computer and digital photography in 3 new courses. Peg Abt teaches us "How To Buy On EBay "; SUNY Orange AVP Michael Gawronski offers "An Introduction to Microsoft Accessibility Features " and Barry Kass leads us in the "Fundamentals of Digital Photography. " "On Stage Live ", Music and Chris�s Friday Movies Return The arts offer us enrichment this fall. A popular venue returns to Encore this fall when Bob Reader offers "On Stage Live. " Using the Orange Hall stage, area actors will read aloud from 4 specially chosen dramas. And if visualzed stories entice you, add Chris Farlekas�s popular Friday at the Movies. Once again in Harriman 111, the series features more of Chris�s special favorites. The sound of music is tempting, too, in 4 lively offerings.Howard Garrett brings us "The Romantic Lieder " which explores the special venue of art songs from Hayden to Richard Strauss. Tom Stenson returns with "Music of the Big Bands ", and Mary Ellen Harrington brings us the new "Sing Along. " Combining music, dance and exercise, Rochelle Marshall returns with "Ballet Limbering For Seniors. " Learn About "Then & Now " Senior learners are always ALIVE, always concerned with the here and now AND the "back then. " That�s why five Fall course offerings are especially relevant as we analyze today�s issues and their historical connections. So consider taking: - New York State EPIC & Medicare Part D with new instructor Laura Mulvihill. - The US Health Care Disaster w/ SUNY Prof Lee Hunter You can also study historically our leaders and their times by attending: - The American Presidency w/ SUNY Orange�s Paul Basinski - The Face on the Dime:Songs About FDR & The Last Great Depression, also w/Lee Hunter Then come closer to home with - Orange County History with veteran instructor Ted Sly All of the instructors are experts in their fields and accomplished at reaching Encore�s challenging audiences. And we all gain by understanding our worlds even more. Mother-Daughter Moment at Encore Beth Quinn and mom Rosemary Werkman share happy grins at Encore�s June Members Meeting. Beth was keynote speaker; Rosemary, Encore faculty & past-keynoter, was just proud mom! Thanks to both for their contributions. New Members meeting set for August 21 Encore will welcome new members in August. We�ll meet and mingle at 1 pm in Morrison Hall where Gert Mokotoff, Steering Committee president, will introduce Encore activities and chair a brief meeting. A special "This is Encore" slide show and refreshments will also be included. Encore�s Members� Newsletter is published 3 times a year. It highlights Encore programs, faculty and members. It is mailed to members & is posted on our webpage, http://sunyorange.edu/encore/index/shtml