Encore Vol. XI, No. 3 Members� Newsletter May 2009 Beth Quinn Keynotes At June 4 Members� Meeting Gives Us Her Special View Of �Reinventing Myself as Granny� Mark your calendars, members! June 4 is the date of our popular Annual Members� Meeting, 1-3 pm, George Shepard Student Center. And, true to form, we�ll laugh and learn with a very special keynote speaker, Beth Quinn. We�ve known Beth for years as the youthful, humorous, provocative columnist in our area newspaper. She�s also the author of numerous books of her columns which highlight her particular slant on politics, culture, the idiosyncrasies of human beings�and those one-of-kind canines of hers. Now Beth Quinn has entered our stage of lifelong learning; her subject, being a grandmother, several times over. And she has stories and perceptions to share with us, as only she can, about �Reinventing Myself as �Granny��. Why has she done this? Because, Beth says, "Life is so bright with little kids around that I have to keep my sunglasses on." So join all of Encore at this afternoon meeting. Enjoy ice cream sundaes, courtesy of Blue Mountain Ice Creams; participate in a short business meeting; then sit back, listen, learn and laugh with one of our newest senior learners, Beth Quinn. Attention: Members� Re-Registration Due Want to continue your membership for �09-10 while you still have priority for the fixed number (350) of member slots? Then pay attention and follow these steps NOW: 1. Watch for the Member Re-Registration form in the current mailing. 2. When you receive it, complete and return it with your membership check by June 5. That is a firm, �no exceptions� date. 3. If you do not do this, you will be placed in the pool of applications from prospective new members who may join from June 6 on. 4. The pool of applications will be used, by postmark date, to fill the remaining membership slots. Let�s Travel-Learn Encore�s Off To Learn At The Museum At Bethel May 8th is the date; the learning topic is the 1960s with all their levels and interactions: political, cultural, social, artistic, musical. The place is the new nationally acclaimed Museum at Bethel. The people are US! Encore lifelong learners will travel-learn to this site for a special lecture and self-guided tour of the interactive exhibits. We�ll see and listen again to the major news stories with actual network films; we�ll re-examine artifacts and memorabilia from daily life in this tumultuous decade. Then, say trip organizers Rhoda Pollock, Jane Rabinowitz and Chris Godwin, we�ll lunch at the delightful area restaurant, The Fat Lady, Registration is limited to members only. Image captions: Above: Memorabilia from museum, interior museum exhibit, outside view. Encore Steering Committee Candidates Run For Office Six Steering Committee members have indicated they would like to run for re-election at the June 4 members� meeting. They are Harriett Clark, Dominick and Helen Elia, Bob Foglia, Rhoda Pollock and Michael Schwartz. Together the six have contributed over 60 years of service to Encore. Thanks to our Spring �09 Bonus Presenters Invaluable: That�s what our volunteer Bonus instructors have been this Spring. Together they offered lifelong�and �in the moment� instruction about �1969� (R. Heppner), baseball (S. Greenwald), cooking (J. Botti), conductorcize (D. Dworkin), energy saving (S. Hubert) and landscape/gardening (C. DeWilde). These unpaid educators broaden and deepen Encore offerings. They also model the �giving back to the community� ethic that is so vital to all of us. Thanks again. Thanks, too, to Faculty & Supporters All of our volunteer instructors and numerous college staffers who support Encore will be feted at a special luncheon at John�s Harvest Inn, May 12. �It�s the very least we can do,� says Gert Mokotoff, Steering Committee president, �for their contributions to lifelong learning.� Got an idea for a Fall 09 or Spring �10 course? Want to teach one yourself? Contact Encore�s Curriculum Committee, Bob Foglia and Shirley Gordon, via our office, 341-4986 or encore@sunyorange.edu .