OFFICE OF FINANCIAL AID 2008-2009 FINANCIAL AID WORKSHOPS NEWBURGH EXTENSION CENTER WORKSHOPS BEGIN AT 6:00 P.M. Sept. 30, 2008 Tuesday Room 214 Nov.11, 2008 Tuesday Room 214 Oct. 14, 2008 Tuesday Room 214 Dec. 2, 2008 Tuesday Room 214 Oct. 28, 2008 Tuesday Room 214 Dec. 9, 2008 Tuesday Room 214 In order to assist you in completing the financial aid forms, you will need to bring photocopies of your and/or your parents 2007 Federal Income Tax Returns, W-2s and any other taxed or untaxed income information. TO COMPLETE THE FAFSA PROCESS WE HIGHLY SUGGEST THAT BOTH THE STUDENT AND PARENT BE PRESENT. (PARENT SHOULD ATTEND FOR DEPENDENT STUDENTS UNDER 24 YEARS OF AGE) PLEASE BE PROMPT! Our workshops begin promptly at 6:00 pm and depending upon the number attending may last up to 2 hours. No guarantee of admittance if late. Newburgh Extension Center Workshops contact the information desk at 1888OCCCEXT EXT. 4518 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION AND FORMS CONTACT THE NEC FINANCIAL AID OFFICE AT: 1-888-OCCCEXT 08WKSHSCH.WPD