REQUEST TO DECLINE AND WAIVE MEDICAL HEALTH INSURANCE COVERAGE (Medical Buy-Out) - 2009 Enrollment Form 1. I, , as an active benefits eligible employee, hereby request to decline and waive my Employer sponsored medical health insurance for the 2009 Plan Year (Jan. 1 � Dec. 31) I understand that, during Plan Year 2009, I must be continuously covered by another medical health insurance plan to be eligible for waiver of Employer sponsored medical health insurance coverage. Accordingly, I hereby certify that I will have coverage under the following medical health insurance plan for 2009: Name of Health Insurance Plan for 2009: This Coverage Belongs to: (Name of Enrollee) Source of Coverage: (Employer Name) Your S. S. # :________-_________-__________ Your spouse�s S. S. # : _________-________-_________ Your spouse�s Name: Will all of your dependents, if any, have coverage under the above Plan? Yes____ No____ Is your spouse employed by O.C.C.C. or O.C. Government: Yes____ No____ 2. In making this request for 2009, I understand and agree that I and/or my dependents will not be eligible for Employer provided medical health insurance coverage for which I and/or my dependents would otherwise be eligible. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this form, I understand and agree that if I suffer an involuntary loss of this alternate coverage, I may apply to re-establish Employer provided medical health insurance coverage, as described in Item. 4, explained below. I hereby acknowledge that I must complete and submit this waiver form to the Human Resource Office, during the annual open enrollment period, for each year I want to waive medical health insurance coverage. In the event that I do not submit a new form (for continuation of the medical health insurance buy-out) to the Office of Risk Management during the next open enrollment period, I shall automatically be enrolled in the Empire Plan, unless contractually prohibited, effective January 1st of the following calendar year. 3. I understand and agree that I will be compensated by the Employer for my waiver of medical health insurance coverage in accordance with the terms of the applicable collective bargaining agreement. 4. I understand and agree that my waiver of medical health insurance coverage shall remain in effect throughout the 2009 calendar year unless I suffer an involuntary loss of alternate coverage. In order to re-establish the medical health insurance coverage provided by the Employer, I understand that I must complete and submit to the Human Resource Office a �Request to Resume Medical Health Insurance Coverage� and provide proof of the involuntary loss of coverage. The effective date of re-establishment of my medical health insurance coverage shall be subject to and conditioned on the requirements of the Employer�s medical health insurance carrier(s) and the Human Resource Office. In addition, I understand that these requirements may be changed at any time. If I submit the form �Request to Resume Medical Health Insurance Coverage� to the Human Resource Office, and my request is granted, I agree to forfeit the buy-out payment due me for the quarter in which I resume medical health insurance coverage, and thereafter. Employee Signature Date: Print Name ======================================================================================= APPROVED BY Human Resources: Yes ______ No ______ Date: 9/08