Novell Drive Documentation 2/4/2009 Introduction: This document will explain what Novell (network) drives are, and how you can access them. By storing your files on the network rather then on your computer, you protect yourself from losing files in the event that your computer dies. Also by storing your files on the network you can more easily share your files with other college employees, and also access your files from other computers on Campus. Prerequisites: Before you can take advantage of the network drives you must verify that you are correctly logged into the colleges Novell servers. If you are not sure please call the helpdesk at x4749. Overview: We have separated the colleges network drives into several drive letters based on use. Please see the table below for drive letters. Do not be concerned if you do not have all of these drives. Not all of these drives apply to everyone. If there is a drive that you see that you feel you should have but do not, please contact the helpdesk at x4749. Drive Letter: Label Description H: Yourname on Login/Home Personal File Storage Space. Only you can access this. P: Pub on Login Public Drive. All file accessible to entire college community. The old webshare also resides here. R: Apps on Login Network Installed Applications. Not Applicable to most people. S: Shared on Login This is the most important drive to most people. Here you will find your Departments share as well as any special shares for groups that you are a part of. T: Data on Login Used by several departments for Department Specific Data Files. U: Dataload on Btran Special Share for Banner. Not applicable to most people. X: Tools on acad Tools drive for ITS. Not applicable to most people. Y: Apps on Login Mirror of R: Not applicable to most people Z: Public on Login\sys Not Applicable Summary: These drives can be accessed by clicking on the �My Computer� icon on your desktop or by accessing �My Computer� from your start menu. If you have any questions concerning one of these drives please contact the helpdesk at x4749.