Information Technology Services SUNY ORANGE CC COLLEGE SUNY Orange IT Assessment Survey Author: Lynne Lindh Creation Date: January 4, 2005 Last Updated: January 12, 2005 Document Ref: Fall 2004 IT Assessment Survey Results.doc Version: DRAFT 1A Approvals: Department Head Jim Dutcher Compiled by IT Assessment Committee Copy Number ____1_ Doc Ref: IT Assessment Survey Results.doc January 4, 2005 SUNY Orange CC College Document Control Change Record Date Author Version Change Reference 04-Jan-05 Draft 1a No Previous Document Name Position Committee IT Assessment Committee Dept Head Jim Dutcher Reviewers Distribution Copy No. Name Location 1 Library Master Project Library 2 Jim Dutcher Department Head 3 4 Note To Holders: If you receive an electronic copy of this document and print it out, please write your name on the equivalent of the cover page, for document control purposes. If you receive a hard copy of this document, please write your name on the front cover, for document control purposes. File Ref: IT assessment survey results original.DOC (v. DRAFT 1A ) For SUNY Orange CC College internal use only Doc Ref: IT Assessment Survey Results.doc January 4, 2005 SUNY Orange CC College Preface The purpose of this document is to publish the results of the Fall 2004 IT Assessment Survey conducted internally amoung the Faculty, Staff and Students at Orange County Community College. The Survey was administered using online and paper formats. Eight hundred paper surveys were distributed to the Student population with five hundred and eighteen returned. The Faculty and Staff survey was conducted online with two hundred and twenty-three filled out and submitted. This survey was conducted from October 7, 2004 through October 22, 2004. The Institutional Research Department performed a random selection to ensure an accurate cross-section of our campus population. Both Middletown and Newburgh campuses were surveyed. The survey questions were compiled by the IT Assessment Committee which consisted of the following members: Artur Charukhchyan, Art Ramos, Betsy Gray, Dan Olsen, Lynne Lindh, Maureen Larsen, and Nancy Lewis. File Ref: IT assessment survey results original.DOC (v. DRAFT 1A ) For SUNY Orange CC College internal use only Doc Ref: IT Assessment Survey Results.doc January 4, 2005 SUNY Orange CC College Audience This document is intended for SUNY Orange County Community College Your Comments are Welcome SUNY Orange County Community College Information Technology Services values and appreciates your comments as a user and reader of this manual. As we write, revise, and evaluate our documentation, your comments are the most valuable input we receive. If you would like to contact us regarding comments and suggestions on future releases of this product/service please use the following address or telephone numbers: SUNY Orange County Community College ITS - Helpdesk Phone: x4749 Email: File Ref: IT assessment survey results original.DOC (v. DRAFT 1A ) For SUNY Orange CC College internal use only Doc Ref: IT Assessment Survey Results.doc January 4, 2005 SUNY Orange CC College Contents Document Control...................................................................................................................ii Preface ....................................................................................................................................3 Audience ...........................................................................................................................4 Your Comments are Welcome.......................................................................................4 Student Survey - Questions and Results ............................................................................6 Faculty Staff Survey - Questions and Results..................................................................20 Open and Closed Issues for this Project...........................................................................37 Open Issues....................................................................................................................37 Closed Issues.................................................................................................................37 File Ref: IT assessment survey results original.DOC (v. DRAFT 1A ) For SUNY Orange CC College internal use only Doc Ref: IT Assessment Survey Results.doc January 4, 2005 SUNY Orange CC College Student Survey - Questions and Results Credit & Non-Credit 3% Credit 97% What type of student are you? Credit Credit & Non-Credit What is your current course load? Full-Time 70% Part-Time 30% Full-Time Part-Time File Ref: IT assessment survey results original.DOC (v. DRAFT 1A ) For SUNY Orange CC College internal use only Doc Ref: IT Assessment Survey Results.doc January 4, 2005 SUNY Orange CC College When do you take classes? Weekends 1% Evenings 39% Days 60% Days Evenings Weekends Student Survey- Doyou have a home computer withinternet access? No 9% Yes Yes No 91% File Ref: IT assessment survey results original.DOC (v. DRAFT 1A ) For SUNY Orange CC College internal use only Doc Ref: IT Assessment Survey Results.doc January 4, 2005 SUNY Orange CC College Student Survey - What type of Internet Connection do you have at home? 40.00% 35.00% 30.00% 25.00% 20.00% 15.00% 10.00% 5.00% 0.00% None Dialup Cable Satellite DSL Unsure None Dialup Cable Satellite DSL Unsure Student Survey - Please rate your current technology skills 100.00% 90.00% 80.00% 70.00% 60.00% 50.00% 40.00% 30.00% 20.00% 10.00% 0.00% Unfamiliar Familiar Proficient General Computer Blackboard/DL Searching a Using LRC Using the AS400 Using a Scanner Use Database Database File Ref: IT assessment survey results original.DOC (v. DRAFT 1A ) For SUNY Orange CC College internal use only Doc Ref: IT Assessment Survey Results.doc January 4, 2005 SUNY Orange CC College Student Survey -Please rate your current Technology Skills 100.00% 90.00% 80.00% 70.00% 60.00% 50.00% 40.00% 30.00% 20.00% 10.00% 0.00% Unfamiliar Familiar Proficient Desktop Accessing E-mail Attaching Files to Finding Specific Uploading to the Downloading Publishing E-mail Information on Web from the Web the Web Student Survey -Please rate your current technology skills 0.00% 10.00% 20.00% 30.00% 40.00% 50.00% 60.00% 70.00% 80.00% 90.00% 100.00% Unfamiliar Familiar Proficient File Ref: IT assessment survey results original.DOC (v. DRAFT 1A ) For SUNY Orange CC College internal use only Doc Ref: IT Assessment Survey Results.doc January 4, 2005 SUNY Orange CC College Student Survey - Please rate your current technology skills 100.00% 90.00% 80.00% 70.00% 60.00% 50.00% 40.00% 30.00% 20.00% 10.00% 0.00% Unfamiliar Familiar Proficient Video Editing Audio Software Music Software 3-D Graphics Database Graphics Photo Editing Quick Time Student Survey - How often do you use the following 100.00% 90.00% 80.00% 70.00% 60.00% 50.00% 40.00% 30.00% 20.00% 10.00% 0.00% Never Rarely Often Daily Computer On-Computer At Laptop Wireless E-mail Computer Labs Campus Home Technology File Ref: IT assessment survey results original.DOC (v. DRAFT 1A ) For SUNY Orange CC College internal use only Doc Ref: IT Assessment Survey Results.doc January 4, 2005 SUNY Orange CC College Student Survey - How often do you use the following 100.00% 90.00% 80.00% 70.00% 60.00% 50.00% 40.00% 30.00% 20.00% 10.00% 0.00% Never Rarely Often Daily Blackboard/DL PowerPoint Calendar Programs Infor from the Internet PDA MP3 Player Digital Camera Student Survey -How often do you use the following 100.00% 90.00% 80.00% 70.00% 60.00% 50.00% 40.00% 30.00% 20.00% 10.00% 0.00% Never Rarely Often Daily Reviewing Grades Reviewing Course Reviewing Class Reviewing Course Taking Quizzes or CD/DVD Creation Materials Announcements Syllabi Surveys or Duplication File Ref: IT assessment survey results original.DOC (v. DRAFT 1A ) For SUNY Orange CC College internal use only Doc Ref: IT Assessment Survey Results.doc January 4, 2005 SUNY Orange CC College Student Survey - How often do you use the following 100.00% 90.00% 80.00% 70.00% 60.00% 50.00% 40.00% 30.00% 20.00% 10.00% 0.00% Never Rarely Often Daily Participating in Using Mailing Lists Conducting Instant Messaging Accessing the Collaborating w ith Discussion Research Internet other students Boards How often do your instructors use the following to supplement learning 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Never Rarely Often Daily Videoconferencing Streaming Video Multimedia Audio/Video Clips, VCR/Video Overhead Projector Transparency Presentations Animation Disc/DVD player Projector File Ref: IT assessment survey results original.DOC (v. DRAFT 1A ) For SUNY Orange CC College internal use only Doc Ref: IT Assessment Survey Results.doc January 4, 2005 SUNY Orange CC College How often do your instructors use the following to supplement your learning 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Smart White Television Film/Slide Tape Laptop PDA Digital Board Projector Player/CD Camera Player Student Survey - Indicate your level of satisfaction with the following services 100.00% 90.00% 80.00% 70.00% 60.00% 50.00% 40.00% 30.00% 20.00% 10.00% 0.00% SUNY Orange Open Lab PC's Internet Access Smart Classroom Adequacy of With On-Campus Website Equipment Technology Support Training Sessions On-Campus Never Rarely Often Daily Not applicable Very Unsatisfied Unsatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied File Ref: IT assessment survey results original.DOC (v. DRAFT 1A ) For SUNY Orange CC College internal use only Doc Ref: IT Assessment Survey Results.doc January 4, 2005 SUNY Orange CC College Student Survey - Do you feel the Computer Hardware you use on campus is adequate Yes 79% No 21% Yes No Student Survey - Do you feel the computer software you use on campus is adequate No Yes 21% Yes No 79% File Ref: IT assessment survey results original.DOC (v. DRAFT 1A ) For SUNY Orange CC College internal use only Doc Ref: IT Assessment Survey Results.doc January 4, 2005 SUNY Orange CC College Student Survey - Do you feel the college provides adequate IT support for students No 33% Yes 67% Yes No Student Survey - Should the IT department expand its hours of operation to include evenings and weekends No 20% Yes Yes No 80% File Ref: IT assessment survey results original.DOC (v. DRAFT 1A ) For SUNY Orange CC College internal use only Doc Ref: IT Assessment Survey Results.doc January 4, 2005 SUNY Orange CC College Student Survey -Not currently using but would like to use in the future 0. 00% 5. 00% 10. 00% 15. 00% 20. 00% 25. 00% 30. 00% Student Survey -Not currently using but would like to use in the future 0. 00% 1. 00% 2. 00% 3. 00% 4. 00% 5. 00% 6. 00% 7. 00% 8. 00% 9. 00% 10. 00% File Ref: IT assessment survey results original.DOC (v. DRAFT 1A ) For SUNY Orange CC College internal use only Doc Ref: IT Assessment Survey Results.doc January 4, 2005 SUNY Orange CC College STUDENT SURVEY RESULTS Section I - About You 1. What type of student are you? Credit 95.75% Credit & Non-Credit 3.28% 2. What is your current Course Load? Full-Time 70.08% Part-Time 29.54% 3. When do you take classes? Days 77.03% Evenings 51.54% Weekends 1.93% 4. Do you have a home computer with Internet access? Yes 90.73% No 9.07% 5. What type of Internet connection do you have at home? None 7.72% Dialup 21.81% Cable 35.33% Satellite 0.39% DSL 27.22% Unsure 4.63% Section II - Technology Skills 6. Please rate your current technology skills using the scale below Proficient Familiar Unfamiliar General Computer Use 61.78% 34.36% 2.32% Blackboard/DL 29.54% 38.80% 28.57% Searching a Database 40.93% 47.88% 9.65% Using LRC Database 17.76% 39.00% 40.73% Using the AS400 6.18% 16.99% 74.52% Using a Scanner 26.83% 29.15% 41.89% Desktop Publishing 21.24% 33.40% 43.63% Accessing E-mail 75.48% 18.53% 5.02% Attaching Files to E-mail 55.79% 25.10% 16.99% Finding Specific Information on the Web 67.18% 26.64% 4.63% Uploading to the Web 43.44% 30.89% 23.94% Downloading from the Web 60.81% 27.22% 10.23% Word Processing 69.11% 24.90% 4.83% Spreadsheets 28.96% 39.96% 29.92% File Ref: IT assessment survey results original.DOC (v. DRAFT 1A ) For SUNY Orange CC College internal use only Doc Ref: IT Assessment Survey Results.doc January 4, 2005 SUNY Orange CC College Presentation Software 27.99% 36.10% 34.17% Internet Browser 67.57% 23.36% 7.92% E-Mail 66.22% 21.04% 10.04% Web Page Authoring 11.58% 28.76% 58.30% Page Authoring(Xpress,Pagemaker) 11.00% 22.78% 64.09% Video Editing 11.58% 20.66% 66.60% Audio Software 15.25% 27.80% 55.60% Music Software 28.96% 37.07% 32.24% 3-D Graphics 8.88% 20.66% 69.31% Database 12.55% 29.73% 55.21% Graphics 13.32% 25.48% 59.07% Photo Editing 23.94% 30.89% 43.05% Quick Time 17.18% 32.43% 48.65% Section III - Technology Usage 8. How often do you use the following Daily Often Rarely Never Computer On-Campus 7.34% 20.08% 37.07% 21.43% Computer At Home 57.92% 23.75% 10.81% 2.12% Laptop 16.60% 13.13% 16.60% 25.68% Wireless Technology 32.63% 14.09% 18.73% 16.22% E-mail 44.79% 24.71% 16.99% 5.41% Computer Labs 8.49% 15.44% 32.05% 31.66% Blackboard/DL 10.04% 16.02% 24.13% 33.40% PowerPoint 3.09% 8.49% 35.14% 37.64% Calendar Programs 8.30% 8.88% 24.90% 45.95% Infor from the Internet 6.56% 22.78% 29.54% 28.96% PDA 5.02% 5.41% 14.29% 54.83% MP3 Player 12.93% 14.86% 17.76% 32.05% Digital Camera 10.04% 27.99% 27.03% 17.37% Reviewing Grades 7.72% 26.06% 34.17% 20.08% Reviewing Course Materials 11.78% 31.66% 22.59% 21.04% Reviewing Class Announcements 9.46% 23.94% 29.73% 24.71% Reviewing Course Syllabi 8.11% 26.45% 26.06% 26.45% Taking Quizzes or Surveys 6.18% 28.38% 30.31% 23.17% CD/DVD Creation or Duplication 15.06% 27.80% 20.46% 23.94% Participating in Discussion Boards 5.60% 11.97% 27.61% 42.47% Using Mailing Lists 7.14% 12.36% 24.52% 44.79% Conducting Research 11.39% 44.40% 23.17% 12.16% Instant Messaging 33.59% 23.55% 19.88% 16.41% Accessing the Internet 53.47% 27.80% 9.07% 3.47% Collaborating with other students 16.02% 23.36% 31.08% 19.50% 9. How often do instructors use the following to supplement your learning experience Daily Often Rarely Never File Ref: IT assessment survey results original.DOC (v. DRAFT 1A ) For SUNY Orange CC College internal use only Doc Ref: IT Assessment Survey Results.doc January 4, 2005 SUNY Orange CC College Videoconferencing 2.32% 3.28% 13.90% 78.57% Streaming Video 3.28% 7.14% 14.09% 72.97% Multimedia Presentations 4.05% 11.78% 23.55% 57.92% Audio/Video Clips, Animation 5.79% 16.60% 28.38% 45.75% VCR/Video Disc/DVD player 11.20% 23.55% 33.98% 27.41% Overhead Projector 15.64% 37.07% 25.48% 19.11% Transparency Projector 10.42% 23.75% 28.57% 34.36% Smart White Board 5.41% 10.42% 19.88% 60.04% Television 13.71% 15.83% 35.71% 32.24% Film/Slide Projector 3.09% 11.20% 29.73% 53.28% Tape Player/CD Player 10.04% 8.69% 22.39% 55.60% Laptop 9.27% 11.78% 17.37% 58.88% PDA 3.09% 1.93% 11.58% 80.89% Digital Camera 3.47% 6.37% 16.22% 72.01% Section IV - Satisfation 10. Please indicate your level of satisfaction with the following services UnSatisfie Very Not Very Satisfied Satisfied d Unsatisfied Applicable SUNY Orange Website Open Lab PC's Internet Access Smart Classroom Equipment Technology Support On-Campus Training Sessions 8.69% 12.93% 17.76% 5.98% 8.49% 6.18% 57.72% 42.66% 51.93% 35.52% 41.70% 32.63% 11.20% 8.69% 5.60% 14.67% 13.32% 11.97% 4.05% 4.44% 4.44% 10.04% 7.72% 6.18% 16.02% 28.57% 18.15% 30.12% 26.45% 40.35% 11. Do you feel the Computer Hardware you use on campus is adequate Yes No 75.87% 20.66% 12. Do you feel the Computer Software you use on campus is adequate Yes No 74.52% 20.27% 13. Do you feel the College provides adequate IT Support for Students Yes No 64.09% 31.27% 14. Should the IT Department expand its hours to include evenings and weekends Yes No 76.45% 18.53% File Ref: IT assessment survey results original.DOC (v. DRAFT 1A ) For SUNY Orange CC College internal use only Doc Ref: IT Assessment Survey Results.doc January 4, 2005 SUNY Orange CC College Faculty Staff Survey - Questions and Results Faculty / Staff - Position Administrative 17% Administrative Faculty Staff Staff 38% Faculty 45% Faculty / Staff - Do you have a home computer with Internet Access No 14% Yes 86% Yes No File Ref: IT assessment survey results original.DOC (v. DRAFT 1A ) For SUNY Orange CC College internal use only Doc Ref: IT Assessment Survey Results.doc January 4, 2005 SUNY Orange CC College Faculty / Staff - What type of Internet connection do you have at home 0.00% 5.00% 10.00% 15.00% 20.00% 25.00% 30.00% 35.00% 40.00% None Dialup Cable Satellite DSL Unsure Faculty / Staff - Rate your current technology skills 0.00% 10.00% 20.00% 30.00% 40.00% 50.00% 60.00% 70.00% 80.00% 90.00% 100.00% Unfamiliar Familiar Proficient File Ref: IT assessment survey results original.DOC (v. DRAFT 1A ) For SUNY Orange CC College internal use only Doc Ref: IT Assessment Survey Results.doc January 4, 2005 SUNY Orange CC College Faculty / Staff - Rate your current technology skills 100.00% 90.00% 80.00% 70.00% 60.00% 50.00% 40.00% 30.00% 20.00% 10.00% 0.00% Unfamiliar Familiar Proficient Desktop Using an Accessing E-Attaching Files Finding Uploading to Downloading Publishing Electronic mail to E-mail Information on the Web from the Web Gradebook the Web Faculty / Staff -Rate your current technology skills 0.00% 10.00% 20.00% 30.00% 40.00% 50.00% 60.00% 70.00% 80.00% 90.00% 100.00% Unfamiliar Familiar Proficient File Ref: IT assessment survey results original.DOC (v. DRAFT 1A ) For SUNY Orange CC College internal use only Doc Ref: IT Assessment Survey Results.doc January 4, 2005 SUNY Orange CC College Faculty / Staff -Rate your current technology skills 0.00% 10.00% 20.00% 30.00% 40.00% 50.00% 60.00% 70.00% 80.00% 90.00% 100.00% Unfamiliar Familiar Proficient Faculty / Staff -How often do you use the following 100.00% 90.00% 80.00% 70.00% 60.00% 50.00% 40.00% 30.00% 20.00% 10.00% 0.00% Never Rarely Often Daily Computer On-Computer At Laptop Wireless E-mail Help Desk RISC Campus Home Technology File Ref: IT assessment survey results original.DOC (v. DRAFT 1A ) For SUNY Orange CC College internal use only Doc Ref: IT Assessment Survey Results.doc January 4, 2005 SUNY Orange CC College Faculty / Staff - How often do you use the following 100.00% 90.00% 80.00% 70.00% 60.00% 50.00% 40.00% 30.00% 20.00% 10.00% 0.00% Never Rarely Often Daily Computer Labs Blackboard/DL Smart White PowerPoint Calendar Present Info PDA Board Programs from the Internet Faculty / Staff - How often do you use the following 0.00% 10.00% 20.00% 30.00% 40.00% 50.00% 60.00% 70.00% 80.00% 90.00% 100.00% Never Rarely Often Daily File Ref: IT assessment survey results original.DOC (v. DRAFT 1A ) For SUNY Orange CC College internal use only SUNY Orange CC College Doc Ref: IT Assessment Survey Results.doc January 4, 2005 Faculty / Staff - How often do you use the following 0.00% 10.00% 20.00% 30.00% 40.00% 50.00% 60.00% 70.00% 80.00% 90.00% 100.00% Never Rarely Often Daily Faculty / Staff - How often do you use the following 0.00% 10.00% 20.00% 30.00% 40.00% 50.00% 60.00% 70.00% 80.00% 90.00% 100.00% Never Rarely Often Daily ConductingResearch Posting Grades Posting ClassAnnouncements Posting CourseSyllabi Posting Multi- MediaPresentations InstantMessaging Accessing TheInternet FacilitatingCollaborationwith other Faculty/Staff File Ref: IT assessment survey results original.DOC (v. DRAFT 1A ) For SUNY Orange CC College internal use only Doc Ref: IT Assessment Survey Results.doc January 4, 2005 SUNY Orange CC College Faculty / Staff - Indicate your level of interest in the following methods of training 100.00% 90.00% 80.00% 70.00% 60.00% 50.00% 40.00% 30.00% 20.00% 10.00% 0.00% Not Interested Interested Very Interested Read books or Online tutorials/CBT's Attending On-Hands-On Self-Exploring or manuals Campus Courses Workshops or Experimentation Seminars Faculty / Staff -Indicate your level of satisfaction with the following services 100.00% 90.00% 80.00% 70.00% 60.00% 50.00% 40.00% 30.00% 20.00% 10.00% 0.00% Not Applicable Very Unsatisfied Unsatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied SUNY Open Lab Faculty/Staff Internet Smart Telephone Help Desk Computer Orange PC's PC's Access Classroom Equipment Center Website Equipment File Ref: IT assessment survey results original.DOC (v. DRAFT 1A ) For SUNY Orange CC College internal use only Doc Ref: IT Assessment Survey Results.doc January 4, 2005 SUNY Orange CC College Faculty / Staff - Indicate your level of satisfaction with the following services 0.00% 10.00% 20.00% 30.00% 40.00% 50.00% 60.00% 70.00% 80.00% 90.00% 100.00% Not Applicable Very Unsatisfied Unsatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Technical Academic IT Hours of Technology Technician On-campus Colleague Services Tech Services Operation, Support On-Came to Your Training RISC Staff, etc Campus Computer Faculty / Staff - Do you feel the Computer Hardware you use on campus is adequate No 39% Yes 61% Yes No File Ref: IT assessment survey results original.DOC (v. DRAFT 1A ) For SUNY Orange CC College internal use only Doc Ref: IT Assessment Survey Results.doc January 4, 2005 SUNY Orange CC College Faculty / Staff -Do you feel the Computer Software you use on campus is adequate No 40% Yes 60% Yes No Faculty / Staff -Do you feel the College should provide more IT Support Services for Faculty and Staff No 10% Yes Yes No 90% File Ref: IT assessment survey results original.DOC (v. DRAFT 1A ) For SUNY Orange CC College internal use only Doc Ref: IT Assessment Survey Results.doc January 4, 2005 SUNY Orange CC College Faculty / Staff - Do you feel the College provides adequate IT support for students Yes 38% No 62% Yes No Faculty / Staff - Are you able to use the SUNY Orange website as an aid in performing the functions of your job No 32% Yes 68% Yes No File Ref: IT assessment survey results original.DOC (v. DRAFT 1A ) For SUNY Orange CC College internal use only Doc Ref: IT Assessment Survey Results.doc January 4, 2005 SUNY Orange CC College Faculty /Staff- What is the status of your Faculty or Departmentalweb page 7% 20% 56% Exists Does Not Exist -Would like one Does Not Exist -Not Interested Unsure 17% Faculty / Staff -Do you feel the IT Department should expand its hours of operation to include evenings and weekends No 43% Yes 57% Yes No File Ref: IT assessment survey results original.DOC (v. DRAFT 1A ) For SUNY Orange CC College internal use only Doc Ref: IT Assessment Survey Results.doc January 4, 2005 SUNY Orange CC College Faculty / Staff - Would like training in the following areas 0. 00% 5. 00% 10. 00% 15. 00% 20. 00% 25. 00% 30. 00% 35. 00% Faculty / Staff - Would like training in the following areas 0. 00% 5. 00% 10. 00% 15. 00% 20. 00% 25. 00% 30. 00% 35. 00% File Ref: IT assessment survey results original.DOC (v. DRAFT 1A ) For SUNY Orange CC College internal use only Doc Ref: IT Assessment Survey Results.doc January 4, 2005 SUNY Orange CC College Faculty / Staff -Not currently using the following but would like to in the future 0. 00% 5. 00% 10. 00% 15. 00% 20. 00% 25. 00% File Ref: IT assessment survey results original.DOC (v. DRAFT 1A ) For SUNY Orange CC College internal use only SUNY Orange CC College Doc Ref: IT Assessment Survey Results.doc January 4, 2005 Faculty / Staff - Not currently using the following but would like to in the future 0.00% 5.00% 10.00% 15.00% 20.00% 25.00% SUNY ORANGE FACULTY AND STAFF TECHNOLOGY SURVEY Section I - About You 1. Position Administrative 16.07% Faculty 44.64% Staff 36.61% 2. Do you have a home computer with Internet access Yes 84.38% No 13.39% 3. What type of Internet connection do you have at home None 10.27% Dialup 35.71% Cable 30.36% Satellite 0.45% DSL 17.41% Unsure 0.89% Section II - Technology Skills Please rate your current skills using the scale below. Proficient Familiar Unfamiliar File Ref: IT assessment survey results original.DOC (v. DRAFT 1A ) For SUNY Orange CC College internal use only Doc Ref: IT Assessment Survey Results.doc January 4, 2005 SUNY Orange CC College General Computer Use 66.52% 29.46% 0.89% Using Blackboard/DL Materials 12.50% 16.52% 62.95% Searching a Database for Specific Information 39.29% 43.75% 12.95% Using the LRC Database 17.41% 29.91% 47.32% Using Datatel/Colleague (RISC) 32.59% 41.52% 20.09% Using the AS400 6.25% 11.61% 70.54% Using a Scanner 24.55% 29.91% 37.05% Desktop Publishing 16.96% 33.93% 41.07% Using an Electronic Gradebook 13.39% 14.29% 65.62% Accessing E-mail 83.48% 13.39% 1.79% Attaching Files to E-mail 70.98% 20.09% 6.25% Finding Information on the Web 75.45% 22.77% 0.00% Uploading to the Web 22.77% 22.77% 41.07% Downloading from the Web 46.43% 38.39% 10.27% Word Processing 74.55% 22.32% 0.89% Spreadsheets 33.93% 37.95% 20.54% Presentation Software 28.12% 37.05% 28.57% Internet Browser 70.98% 25.89% 0.89% E-Mail 73.21% 20.98% 1.34% Web Page Authoring 6.70% 19.64% 66.07% Page Authoring/Desktop Publishing 5.80% 17.41% 72.32% Video Editing 4.02% 10.71% 79.46% Audio Software 2.68% 8.48% 82.59% Music Software 5.36% 12.05% 76.79% 3-D Graphics 3.12% 7.59% 82.14% Database /Access 15.18% 29.02% 49.11% Graphics/Illustrator 4.91% 17.41% 71.43% Photo Editing 10.27% 28.12% 53.12% Quick Time 4.46% 17.86% 70.98% Section III - Technology Usage 6. How often do you use the following Daily Often Rarely Never Computer On-Campus 83.48% 10.27% 0.45% 4.46% Computer At Home 54.02% 29.91% 8.04% 4.46% Laptop 15.18% 14.29% 15.62% 35.27% Wireless Technology 12.95% 11.16% 14.29% 37.05% E-mail 83.48% 12.05% 0.45% 1.34% Help Desk 2.23% 23.21% 58.48% 11.16% RISC 29.02% 29.91% 21.88% 14.29% Computer Labs 7.14% 8.93% 28.57% 48.66% Blackboard/DL 8.04% 6.70% 9.82% 58.48% Smart White Board 0.00% 2.23% 7.14% 67.41% PowerPoint 7.14% 15.62% 21.88% 32.59% File Ref: IT assessment survey results original.DOC (v. DRAFT 1A ) For SUNY Orange CC College internal use only Doc Ref: IT Assessment Survey Results.doc January 4, 2005 SUNY Orange CC College Calendar Programs 19.64% 10.71% 8.48% 37.95% Present Info from the Internet 10.27% 14.73% 27.68% 31.25% PDA 7.59% 6.70% 4.91% 62.05% MP3 Player 4.02% 5.36% 8.93% 66.52% TV 33.04% 16.96% 16.96% 26.34% Digital Camera 6.25% 33.04% 19.20% 28.57% Videoconferencing 0.45% 3.57% 19.64% 58.48% Streaming Video 2.23% 6.25% 14.29% 60.71% Multimedia Presentations 4.02% 8.04% 13.39% 54.91% Audio/Video Clips , Animation 2.68% 8.48% 18.30% 52.23% Overhead Projector 7.59% 21.88% 21.88% 41.52% Transparency Projector 5.80% 15.62% 21.88% 46.43% VCR/Video Disc/DVD player 10.27% 44.64% 22.32% 15.62% Film/Slide Projector 0.89% 4.91% 22.32% 64.29% Audio Tape Player/CD Player 10.71% 29.91% 25.00% 29.02% CD/DVD Creation or Duplication 2.23% 19.64% 20.54% 39.73% Posting Course Materials 4.91% 8.93% 6.25% 62.50% Participating in Discussion Boards 4.02% 10.27% 16.96% 54.46% Using Mailing Lists 4.91% 22.77% 26.79% 29.46% Posting Quizzes or Surveys 2.23% 5.36% 9.82% 62.05% Conducting Research 6.70% 34.38% 17.41% 29.46% Posting Grades 1.34% 7.14% 4.02% 70.98% Posting Class Announcements 2.68% 8.93% 6.25% 62.50% Posting Course Syllabi 1.79% 10.71% 4.02% 62.95% Posting Multi-Media Presentations 0.45% 4.46% 7.14% 68.30% Instant Messaging 7.14% 9.38% 23.21% 45.98% Accessing The Internet 64.73% 27.23% 3.12% 1.34% Facilitating Collaboration with other Faculty/Staff 13.39% 27.68% 21.43% 22.77% Section IV - Training 7. Please indicate your interest in the following methods of training Very Interested Interested Not Interested Read books or manuals 26.34% 50.89% 20.98% Online tutorials/CBT's 33.48% 46.88% 15.62% Attending On-Campus Courses 49.11% 45.98% 3.57% Hands-On Workshops or Seminars 64.73% 32.14% 1.34% Self-Exploring or Experimentation 41.96% 43.75% 12.50% Section V - Satisfaction 8. Please indicate your level of satisfaction with the following services Very Not Unsatisfie Very Satisfied Satisfied d Unsatisfied Applicable SUNY Orange Website 15.18% 63.84% 16.07% 1.34% 3.12% Open Lab PC's 4.02% 24.11% 12.05% 4.91% 53.57% File Ref: IT assessment survey results original.DOC (v. DRAFT 1A ) For SUNY Orange CC College internal use only Doc Ref: IT Assessment Survey Results.doc January 4, 2005 SUNY Orange CC College Faculty/Staff PC's 8.04% 39.73% 26.34% 13.84% 12.05% Internet Access 28.57% 60.71% 5.80% 1.34% 2.68% Smart Classroom Equipment 0.45% 10.71% 15.18% 14.73% 55.36% Telephone Equipment 12.05% 57.14% 17.86% 5.80% 5.80% Help Desk 18.30% 51.34% 8.48% 3.12% 17.41% Computer Center 8.93% 44.20% 8.04% 0.89% 35.71% Technical Services 14.73% 53.57% 18.30% 1.79% 8.93% Academic Technical Services 8.48% 31.70% 11.61% 1.79% 41.07% IT services 8.93% 52.23% 9.82% 3.57% 19.64% Technology Support 7.59% 36.16% 33.93% 8.04% 10.27% Technician Came to Solve a Problem 32.14% 46.43% 5.36% 0.89% 11.61% On-campus Training Sessions 12.95% 39.29% 15.62% 1.34% 26.79% Datatel / RISC 1.34% 22.32% 20.98% 28.12% 23.66% 9. Do you feel the Hardware you use is adequate for the tasks you perform Yes 58.93% No 37.50% 10. Do you feel the Software you use is adequate for the tasks you perform Yes 56.70% No 38.39% 11. Do you feel that the College should provide more IT Support Services for Faculty and Staff Yes 84.82% No 8.93% 12. Do you feel the College provides adequate IT Support for Students Yes 29.02% No 48.21% 13. Are you able to use the SUNY Orange Web Site as an aid in performing the functions of your job Yes 64.29% No 30.36% 14. What is the status of your Faculty or Departmental Web Page Exists 53.57% Does Not Exist - Would like one 16.07% Does Not Exist - Not Interested 7.14% Unsure 18.75% 15. Do you feel the IT Department should expand its hours to include evenings and weekends Yes 53.57% No 39.73% File Ref: IT assessment survey results original.DOC (v. DRAFT 1A ) For SUNY Orange CC College internal use only Doc Ref: IT Assessment Survey Results.doc January 4, 2005 SUNY Orange CC College Open and Closed Issues for this Project Open Issues ID Issue Resolution Responsibility Target Date Impact Date 1 2 3 Closed Issues ID Issue Resolution Responsibility Target Date Impact Date File Ref: IT assessment survey results original.DOC (v. DRAFT 1A ) For SUNY Orange CC College internal use only